Description from extension meta
Stylus でウェブのデザインを変更しましょう。これは、ユーザースタイルを管理するツールです。Stylus を利用すると、多くの人気サイト向けのテーマやスキンを簡単にインストールできます。
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Stylus 拡張 安定版:
* テーマのインストール方法の多様性。Stylusは、有名なオンラインリポジトリからのインストールをサポートしています。加えて、.user.css や .user.styl のURLから、スタイルをインストールすることも可能です(詳細については、我々のgithubのウィキにあるUsercssフォーマットの文書を参照ください)。
* インストール済みスタイルのデータベース全体をバックアップする機能。これは、他のユーザースタイル管理ツールと互換性があります。
* 直観的で設定可能なインストール済みスタイルの自動更新機能。
* 高度にカスタマイズ可能なUI。それは、テーマ、オプションのレイアウト、アイコンおよびバッジの色の選択、その他多くの項目を含みます。
* ユーザーがルールを設定可能な2種類のコード検証ツール。
* ソースコード:
* ビデオチュートリアル:
* チャットルーム:
* よくある質問:
* 技術的な不具合報告:
* 一般的な議論と不具合報告:
* 多言語対応:
Stylusは、それぞれの権限のごく一部だけを使用しています。WebExtensions API の文書もしくは簡単なチュートリアルから分かるように、ページへの完全なアクセス権を取得せずにWebページを変更する方法はありません。Stylus は、主にグローバルテーマを使用するため、グローバルな権限を必要とします。将来的には、より細分化された方法を実装できるかもしれませんが、それは簡単なことではありません。
* 訪問したウェブサイトのすべてのデータの読み取りと変更 - データにアクセスするためではなく、ページにスタイル要素を追加するために必要です。
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-02) Nika Nakaidze: Which is better this or just stylus?
- (2022-10-11) Sid: Have been using it for years but we as a community need something better than That website is a cancer.
- (2022-08-07) Rerdv: Отличное расширение !)) Good extension !!!)
- (2022-05-04) SuperDino Peeps: Used to be great but no longer works, at least not in Google Chrome on Windows 10. A shame as it was a useful plugin
- (2022-04-04) Zion B.Y: very bad extension, ui looks like something out of the 70s also its not working well
- (2022-03-23) Nick2Buns: It used to work, now it's broken. Also, now it reads your browser history, just like their rival extension did. They became the very thing they swore to destroy.
- (2021-11-14) Spark: It did the deed and i love it
- (2021-10-09) Google用户_5Re17y: 好用
- (2021-07-24) I've been using this for years. It's very hard for me now to use a browser without this extension.
- (2021-06-30) lola martinez: I love it! it's easy to use
- (2021-06-21) •*3mílyAftøn*•シ: LOVE IT IT'S AMAZING!!!!💃🏻✋🏻✨✨✨✨🌼
- (2021-06-19) ARYAAAYAYYA: Amazing it was confusing because i was using chrome and they dont supprot it on crhome but when i went on roblox it was 100/10 loved it.
- (2021-04-19) 古海沉舟(Eazou): stable 的有个脑残一样的问题,用了之后,任何Discuz!的论坛点击登录都没法自动跳转,只能刷新才会变成登录状态,用stylish 和Stylus (beta)就没这个问题。
- (2021-04-15) Amelia: i use this for roblox backgrounds for over a year. its great and i havent had any virus experiences.
- (2021-03-31) Sheev Palpatine: i love it it helps and it have the best thing on discord if you have discord add me its WinterGames#8461
- (2021-03-29) Alaska Faulle: It's so great it distracts me from my work (at least I have amazing Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, Netflix [...] Tumblr, Reddit and Gmail now)
- (2021-03-28) Anthony Alcock: what a game changer, greater then anything else. if your one of the people who are struggling to use this then you can look on youtube. this is actually amazing!
- (2021-03-19) Vero Lavigne: I'll say ok for now.. I haven't know if its safer than stylish tbh
- (2021-02-25) callmehluna -: I loved it! My BFF showed me this, I was so happy! I even try it on Roblox, changed the background, and it was amazing! I recommend you getting this! I know it does not work for some of you, that's because the type of Computer your using!
- (2020-11-25) *. ʚ pink knifes ɞ .*: It installs {VIRUSES} if you click the wrong one it can give you a virus I used it for roblox and I loved it but if you click the wrong one virus! be careful or dont use it
- (2020-10-14) belle CampingCar: Klasse - GENAU was wir gesucht haben! DANKE!
- (2020-09-27) eden: Hello, I'm trying to get a Roblox background so i went on Roblox then i downloaded a style thing, but how do i actually use it? like how do I turn it on? I rated this a 3 because its not working at the moment but if it ends up working/someone tells me how to use it ill rate it a 5!
- (2020-09-16) georgia: love this! tysm!
- (2020-08-23) visa su: SO GOOD! i use this to customize my pages. my friend even has it. Safer then stylish because stylish gives u a virus. A must have if you like ur pages nice! :D
- (2020-08-15) shadowzstuff: SHUT UP
- (2020-08-03) yua: it worked once but when i went out from roblox the page was gone.
- (2020-08-01) lee donghyuck_____: is way better than any app i used but it takes a while to load but its worth it
- (2020-07-27) Mariano GM: pouco intuitivo
- (2020-07-17) Jeremy Tillman: it is not working for me ;-;
- (2020-07-13) This extension is very useful...Letting it customize our web pages without taking data or removing data....Just one problem here...While searching...It takes so long (20 mins or so) to load! if you guys will fix this, i'll appreciate it.....Anyways its a very good extension...Hope others like it too
- (2020-06-30) Timothy Lawyer: not working.
- (2020-04-07) 宜听: 为什么我获取样式打不开
- (2020-04-02) Jonathan Pecany: Jan 4, 2020 (5 Stars): This extension is great, just like stylus, you can change any websites theme, and hide distracting content that would possibly waste your time, such as youtube. April 2, 2020 (4 Stars): So I cam across this bug that if chrome shuts down unexpectedly than all the styles are deleted, except this bug is quite rare to happen but will be annoying and make people afraid. But I do have a simple fix idea if the developers hear out, my idea is for the extension to backup all styles, I don't know how the styles are stored but making it have a backup might just work.
- (2020-03-24) Samantha Heh: loved it and i got this app for changing my wallpaper on roblox and i love the design
- (2020-03-10) Abbygail Caloni: I love this its amazing!
- (2020-03-08) Simon Wu: stable的被下架了,只能来这里避难了
- (2020-03-07) Alex Adam: AWESOME FOR ROBLOX
- (2020-03-07) Shana Sheepskin: this was good
- (2020-03-03) Glitched Afton Named Vincent: it works perfectly!
- (2020-02-28) 润明: 喜欢
- (2020-02-27) QZMTCH: стили стали пропадать хорошо что я делаю экспорт, но это странно раз в 2 дня пропадают все стили, как будто я только что скачал и установил расширение, может потому, что это бета, я вот не могу найти стабильное расширение по ссылке, гугл говорит, что нет этого расширения
- (2020-02-27) Maria ̣ى ع٥٧ا Quᴇeɴ: 10/10 госпаде, перешла со стайлиш на стайлюс и перстало всё зависать при создании стиля, там походу было дело в проверке на ошибки, которая в стайлюсе работает корректно, ура, можно жить
- (2020-02-24) jessica escarra: Its great you can always change your styles plus you can get moving ones that work!!
- (2020-02-22) Ho Huu Thuan (FPLHCM_K13.3): Stylus is better than Stylish
- (2020-02-22) pan: Love it
- (2020-02-16) g r: Love it! Like many others, moved from Stylish to Stylus because of privacy reasons. Tsk tsk tsk. Internet came through (for the wary).
- (2019-09-11) I really love this better than Stylish because i heard Stylish changes your data so i swithched to this one instead. Plus this app was very helpful now i can have a cool theme like everyone else!
- (2018-08-09) Sentry: Love it! better than stylish just takes your history, that's why it was banned from chrome.