Description from extension meta
Makes every page to have light text on dark background (exact colors are customizable)
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Description from store
Dark Background and Light Text enables dark mode on every webpage. The exact colors are configurable and it can be disabled per domain e.g. on pages which have their own dark mode e.g. Youtube or Reddit.
Latest reviews
- (2021-12-14) Clément Smagghe: Works on every pages, and highly customizable.
- (2021-10-09) Marlo Octubre: Super underrated. I've tried every extension and kept ignoring this one until I got desperate. I regret not trying this sooner.
- (2021-09-22) FlyWindy: 我也試過許多暗黑模式的APP,Dark Reader應該是搜尋下,最常看見的推薦,很奇怪的是該APP對我的視窗完全沒用。其他試過的也不少,優缺點都有,最常見的情況都是,過黑,什麼都看不見!對於圖片支援很差,是那些APP的缺點。直到我找到 Illumify,情況開始有好轉。但是該APP還是有對比上的問題。 由於可以調整文字大小,我還是把 Illumify留下來。本來以為找不到更好的,但是碰上了Dark Background and Light Text 後,我才真正確定,這是最優秀的 Dark Web 軟件。我很少會上網寫評論。然而前幾樓也有人提到,為了找一款適合的暗黑模式 APP,有需要這麼辛苦,反覆測試嗎? 實在不需要走那些冤枉路!單獨這一款就足以滿足絕大多數時候的需求了!其他的,都刪除也無妨!
- (2021-04-10) eric zephyr: 找暗黑模式的插件, 相当费时费力, 简单说, 截止到2021.4.10, 我尝试了基本所有现存的插件. 目前, 我保留下来的, 有这么几个, dark theme for chrome, lunar reader, night eye(特别需要自己调节), chrome黑暗模式,以及这个dark background & light text. 不得不说, D&L是我目前最认可的. 有这么几点理由. 有些插件, 把字体颜色弄成灰色系, 不是问题, 但是弄的很暗淡, 不得不说, 极大影响了阅读速度, 护眼未必, 会更吃力更费眼. 再有些插件, 在搜索链接上, 点击过和未点击过的链接颜色, 弄得非常狗血, 或者就是没有区别. 还有些插件对图片极其不友好, 说黑就看不见了! 再有就是, 有的插件大体看着还行, 想微调, 比如调文字的颜色亮度, 就是调不出省眼得看的感觉来. 种种问题不一而足. 每个人的时间都很宝贵, 这是我目前尝试的结论, 留给有缘看到的人. 希望可以帮到你.
- (2021-04-10) 4:3: Долго пришлось ковыряться, прежде чем найти данное расширение, но все было не зря. Удобные настройки. Незатрагивает те элементы, которые ненужно изменять. Отличное расширение. Но все же есть недочет, неработает с svg, но эту мелоч можно в ручную доработать. Еще ПЛЮС, ненужен включеный JS на странице.
- (2021-03-06) Better in some ways than the all-black types and should be more known/popular - why not call it Colour Background and Text?! The issues I know of are that it blocks video on many sites (and this can't be disabled for that site - it has to be turned off completely), site settings seem to be forgotten occasionally or temporarily, and I prefer the standard-style colour-picker on the Firefox version. I don't know if it is or isn't heavy on CPU or whatever.
- (2021-02-16) Milgo Godman: The extension has helped me become a freelancer without having to suffer from light.Many thanks to the developers
- (2020-12-25) Edward Shumate: Needs an Update in Chrome. Firefox version still seems to be alright but Chrome version needs to be Updated.
- (2020-12-11) Lan VU HOANG: best extension, simple use
- (2020-11-08) Anderson Krause: Fixed my issues of not being able to view text using all black extensions. Works perfectly, great job!
- (2020-10-12) Josef H.: This is a BRILLIANT, very reliable extension, I've been using it on Firefox for years. The only shortcoming is that you can't export and import the list of your exceptions.
- (2020-10-07) Sirius12: minimalist, functional, essential, perfect.
- (2020-10-03) Stefan Evers: Works even on the pages that Chrome dark force mode doesn't support! Great!
- (2020-09-25) Gogo Mih: Still the best one! Thanкs.
- (2020-06-27) Elena Astapova: The best one i have found, simple and effective.
- (2020-06-26) Mustafa Abdulwahid: I have been looking for the perfect background dimmer for a while now. it is the perfect one.
- (2020-04-10) Surf Cat: The Dark Background Light Text extension causes high cpu usage and slowing or freezing of scroll functions on some webpages UNLESS Stylesheet procesor is changed from Default to "Simple CSS." Unfortunately this change has to be made for each individual webpage. Suggest developer change the default to "Simple CSS" unless there are good reasons not to.
- (2020-04-10) Yurif M: Good!
- (2020-03-23) Juno Junostro: best one out there thus far! ive tried many and this one is the best! possible improvement could be more customization options, however i dont know how much that entails on the developers end of it as far as work goes. so other than that i have no complaints! thank you for the free product im very grateful!
- (2020-02-25) Слесарь Интеллигент 6 разряда: круто спасибо.
- (2020-01-30) ВАСЯ пупкин: Отлично! Легкое, быстрое, грамотное расширение. Спасибо создателю!
- (2019-12-16) mark ashe: 私はAndroidで、Chrome用の拡張機能を使える「①kiwibrowser」で、「②Dark Background and Light Text」を入れています。 ①には専用Nightモードがあるのですが、検索先によっては「①のNightモードでは相性が悪い場合」があり、それで「別のダークモード」に出来る②などを使っています。 ②はChrome用として以外に「Firefox用のアドオン」にも存在していて、現在、Firefox用は0.7.2まで出ていますが、なぜか、Chrome用は0.6.10で止まっています。 「Firefox用②の0.7.2」は、画面が切り替わる瞬間も、しっかり「黒」になってくれるので、目にかかる負担が減らせますが、「Chrome用②の0.6.10」は、画面が切り替わる瞬間が「白」で目に負担がかかるので、ちょっと残念です。 ぜひ、Chrome用②も、0.7.2を出してもらいたいです。
- (2019-12-15) mark ashe: I use this extension in android's “①kiwibrowser” that can use the extension for Chrome. ●① has “② Dedicated Night Mode”, but depending on the search destination, there are cases in which “② is not compatible”, and this extension function that can be set to “Another Night Mode” is used. ●This extension exists in "Add-on for Firefox" as well as for Chrome. Currently, it is up to 0.7.2 for Firefox, but for Chrome it stops at 0.6.10. ●“0.6.10 for Chrome” is “white” at the moment when the screen is switched, and it is burdensome to the eyes, but “0.7.2 for Firefox” is also “black” when the screen is switched. It will reduce the burden on the eyes. ●I'd like you to get 0.7.2 for Chrome.
- (2019-10-31) giskard lucy: Very useful for me. Working very well.
- (2019-10-03) Night Hawk: This is the best webpage-darkner. Thank you !!!
- (2019-08-17) Jānis Ķengurs: Seem ok legit. Works nice. Faster then that slow Dark Reader. Uses a bit cpu while loading not like that slow Dark Reader using all the time. Im testing this and super fast Dark Mode extension one . I like both good working witout using CPU, so only theese 2 testing, but others OMG how and using cpu. Other not usable.
- (2019-06-06) How Si Yu: Probably the best extension of this type. Only problem is diagrams in mathjax are not visible as they remain black on black background. Possible fix: invert all svg?
- (2019-05-09) George Kovat: BEWARE! This extension screws up certain sites in both Brave and Chrome browsers, but not Firefox. As an example, the web site "Watts Up With That?" URL: , instead of coming up with the usual graphics, text etc, displays as a bare text menu. This is unfortunate coz I like both the Brave browser and this extension very much, it's my favourite and I can't find another to match it. I've contacted Brave Software about this coz I think it might just be a Brave vulnerability due to the fact that Firefox is not affected. Hoping this can be resolved soon ...
- (2019-05-08) sikret persen: finally there're someone that developed add on from mozilla, and it's very light as from Mozilla, thanks Baum Hoto & other developer that make this works, very greatful
- (2019-04-11) Edivaldo Calabrezi 02: Uso no Firefox e no Chrome. Não vivo sem. Simplesmente indispensável para navegar.
- (2019-03-21) Jan Zeze: It's the best extension for this purpose, I just can't live without it <3
- (2019-03-13) Lazar Silviu: its the best extension for reading because you can modify the color of the text on every site Problems : it makes flashes on some sites
- (2019-02-26) lightweight and intuitive. Does exactly what it needs to do.