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Description from store
Scroll To Top Button is more than what its name suggests:
Available customizations
- Button mode
- Scroll to top only
- Flip between top & bottom
- Dual arrows (scroll to top & bottom)
- Keyboard only
- Scroll up/down speed
- Appearance distance
- Button size
- Button design
- Button location
- Not active button opacity
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Language
This extension does not read, change, store, or transmit any of your personal data (e.g., logins, passwords, messages, contacts) from any of the sites or your computer in absolutely any form.
Free open-source extension.
Does not require any permissions upon installation.
In Options, if you decide to try the highly customizable expert button modes – modes that work by adding the button(s) onto all pages unless you choose to disable it for certain pages or websites – the following permissions will be requested:
“Read and change all your data on the websites you visit” is used to add the button(s) itself, its logic, and its design properties onto all websites without extra actions from you.
“Read your browsing history” is used to check the URL of a tab:
1) There are some default websites where the button doesn't get added because it wouldn't work there (for example, Google Docs and Google Sheets).
2) You have the ability to disable the button(s) on any website ( or URL ( by clicking the extension icon next to the address bar and selecting the appropriate option.
Please DON'T report bugs/issues by leaving a review in the Reviews tab, use the Support tab instead.
If you prefer, you can submit those anonymously at
Thank you for understanding and your support!
Scroll To Top Button for Opera:
Scroll To Top Button for Firefox:
Scroll To Top Button for Microsoft Edge:
Scroll To Top Button for Microsoft Edge (legacy):
Latest reviews
- (2025-02-14) EDWARD: Ещё не так давно работало отлично. Но последнее время в Хроме последней версии стрелки появляются только после клика на иконку, не смотря на то, что дано разрешение "На всех сайтах". А теперь каждый раз после запуска Хрома приходится передёргивать тумблер расширения, чтобы оно заработало. Да ещё и сообщение появилось, что его из Хрома вообще скоро удалят.
- (2023-11-13) qiwi 20: Пашет норм
- (2023-10-05) Stephen Guise: This is saving my life. Thank you so much.
- (2023-08-07) Loony: Shows no effect in kiwi android :(
- (2023-06-30) Allison Griffin: PERFECT!!!!!!!!! I have used this extension for years on multiple browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera). It's one I can't live without!
- (2023-06-26) D: Please give an option to disable scroll to top from appearing in the chrome right click menu. Then I will change the review to 5 stars.
- (2023-05-04) Altan Özkan: It's buggy on some pages when scroll the page. (E.g. Steam Wishlist page.)
- (2023-04-08) minney yuk (yukminnie): 超叼的耶.
- (2023-01-14) Fire DX: Not active button opacity is set Invisible, but the buttons don't disappear anymore since I updated my Chrome.
- (2022-11-26) Space Cadet: Please add the click scroll wheel to stop scrolling. I set the down scroll to slowest or slow to examine info in a webpage (Amazon) and I need to stop the scroll at any certain point. Please implement this. Otherwise VERY Awesome and necessary add-on.
- (2022-10-18) MIIMIKO: 自由にカスタマイズできるので、自分のスタイルに合わせられる。 とても便利です。
- (2022-09-10) Nour MK.: Come on guys this needs to work on Notion!
- (2022-05-21) Michael Sellers: The arrow has disappeared. This was a great extension to use and today it is worthless.
- (2021-12-02) Anh Quí Lê: okr
- (2021-11-15) Dzomba: Just what I need for me it works flawlessly. Thanks for making it. Some one mentioned import/export save settings, I think it would be useful if you have multiple browsers (for example, Chrome, Edge, Brave, etc) on a multiple devices. So you could import your preferred settings with or without logged-in to browser. If that makes any sense? Because right now you have Restore defaults or Author's settings. It would be useful to have Save My Settings, Export My Settings, Import My Settings (something like that). One more thing. What about exclusion on some websites that have arrow up built in? I know you could choose Invisible in Not active button opacity, but it would add choice to be activate on some sites and on some not. Oh, I almost forgot, Button location; only have predefined settings. Another tiny little thing would be implementing manual margin to adjust position (if you select that your design is that button is always visible, no matter witch corner or side). I don't know… just a few ideas.
- (2021-10-31) Hosty: This extension used to support consistent scrolling to the very bottom (for lazy loading)... AND NOW IT DOESNT ANYMORE... I demand an explanation!
- (2021-08-28) Мой лучший друг: Не работает, либо с чем то конфликтует. Появляется только при нажатии на расширение и пропадает после перезагрузки страницы.
- (2021-07-15) Thomas 'Tom' Anthony McFadden II: The only site I could get it to work on was the site about this extension. It did not work on Google Docs or 4 other sites I tried it on. Worthless.
- (2021-05-07) Louw Coetzer: To whoever developed this beast - you're awesome!!! My mouse pointer spends about 80% of the time on the left hand center side of the screen when browsing and when dealing with infinity scroll sites like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest this extension is an absolute MUST HAVE!
- (2021-04-02) Владэк Джонсил: сначала работала нормально потом чтобы кнопка отображалась необходимо каждый раз нажимать ее на панели на каждом сайте..удаляю. После корректировки расширение работет замечательно..большое спсибо за ваш труд....
- (2021-03-31) Nycolai ACE: nice
- (2021-03-24) James Puliatte: As Tina Turner once said, "You're simply the best."
- (2021-03-06) Dominic Assiskko: Super appli, modifiable au maximum afin de s'adapter idéalement aux navigateurs. Bravo au développeur
- (2021-01-14) Hasantha Sajeewan: Great extension!. Simple and handy. ❤
- (2020-11-28) William Yan: 非常好用,两个箭头一个上一个下,还可以自定义大小,非常赞。
- (2020-10-04) Вадим Vadim: Для чего понадобилось столько разрешений в версии 10.0? До этого таких разрешений не требовалось. Закрадываются смутные сомнения...
- (2020-09-24) fr3dricks0n: please add the click scroll wheel feature thats in windows!!! the middle scroll wheel button
- (2020-07-01) TED T: I really like this extension. But it doesn't work good on my chrome os. When I scroll down the page I have to keep hitting the bottom because it doesn't go all the way down to the end of the page. I tried every mode it doesn't make a difference. And I set the scroll up to really slow & scrolling down to fast. But scrolling up goes the same speed as scrolling down. I tried setting my own speed settings & didn't make a difference.
- (2020-06-26) Rosemary Gallagher: Scrolls to top. Scrolls to bottom. What else do you need?
- (2020-04-05) Lucian Andries: Awesome tool!! And awesome settings!!! Good job! Though, it would be even cooler, if we could unlock its position, move it where we need it, then lock it again. Because the button locations are too generic... Next update maybe... :)
- (2020-03-30) SRope Art: 非常好的扩展,用了好多好多年了,这次恢复系统既然没了,原来是换新版本了
- (2020-02-10) Vương Trường Thành: good
- (2020-02-07) Gaby Zouein: Best thing ever built for PCs 👍
- (2020-02-03) Валерий Афанасьев: Очень плохо стало после обновления вами версии. Нет возможности поставить кнопку где удобно,по углам.,как было в предыдущей. Нельзя изменить размер кнопки. Общим,что не делается,то только хуже,чем было.
- (2020-02-03) The LEGENDS Official: Перестало отображать кнопки и не работает в целом.
- (2020-02-02) Евгений Кузнецов: ПРевосходно
- (2020-02-01) JosephTanyh: Is it me only or it's not working anymore?
- (2020-02-01) конь в пальто: *100500!!! наилучшее расширение из всех подобных! на несколько дней оно пропало ,перестало работать - попробовал другие - ну какая гадость ! и вот опять это вернулось ! ЭЭЭ!! А куда вы все настройки то дели ? расположение кнопок,цвет ? неудобно же ,когда кнопка только вверху ! у меня она была двойная справа посередине.Верните все взад! Пожалуйста !
- (2020-02-01) Ritchie Star: 便利で表示も小さく、邪魔にならない
- (2020-02-01) Timm: Been using this extension for a number of years on my Chromebook, and then week or so back stopped working, I also notice that the extension page was down on Chrome so I thought very strange, Oh well try some thing else. It seems that when you open the setup page theres a new setup of the extension now the way I got it to work is to scroll down to EXPERT SETTINGS and grant permission for what I dont know. But hey presto its working
- (2020-01-31) Ken: It was working well... and now it's not.... at all. Did what I could to trouble-shoot, but haven't been able to work it out. The 'scroll to top' button no longer appears unless I go up and click on the extension's icon to activate it.... for every visit to every page. Oh well, moving on now.
- (2020-01-31) com dent: せっかく便利な拡張機能であったのに最近いつの間にか消えてしまった。 Chromeの拡張機能の中には存在するものの、アイコンは画面に利用できず困っています。 一度削除を行い、再インストールも試みましたが、現在全く機能していない状況です。
- (2020-01-31) Deb L: I have relied on this button for years - suddenly it has stopped working and I have no idea why. I've tried reinstalling it, checking options, etc. Nothing has worked and I'm soooo disappointed.
- (2020-01-31) Homing Liu: Very handy!!!
- (2020-01-30) Alexandr Dzehtsiaronak: Опять стала глючить, настройки слетают. Жаль хорошего приложения.
- (2020-01-25) Andrey Makarov: В последнем обновлении не всегда проявляется клавиша настройки скорости прокрутки для кнопки "вверх". Изначально после обновления ее просто нет. После переключения режимов работы расширения, клавиша настройки кнопки "вверх" появляется. Потом может спонтанно опять пропадать.
- (2020-01-19) Terry Bennett: Works like a charm. Makes long pages much less hassle..
- (2020-01-17) x inovo: 最完美的滚屏插件,没有之一,我在所有Chrome的内核浏览器上都用它.
- (2020-01-10) kleuton pereira ricarte: The extension is causing an error on this page, making it all dark. please fix it.
- (2019-12-16) valeri vladimirov: the best