extension ExtPose

uBlock Origin

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Description from extension meta

અંતે, એક કાર્યક્ષમ અવરોધક. સીપીયુ અને મેમરી પર સરળ.

Image from store uBlock Origin
Description from store IMPORTANT: uBlock Origin is completely unrelated to the site "ublock.org". uBlock Origin is not an "ad blocker", it's a wide-spectrum content blocker with CPU and memory efficiency as a primary feature. *** Out of the box, these lists of filters are loaded and enforced: - uBlock Origin filter lists - EasyList (ads) - EasyPrivacy (tracking) - Peter Lowe’s Ad server list (ads and tracking) - Online Malicious URL Blocklist More lists are available for you to select if you wish: - EasyList Cookie List - Fanboy's Annoyance List - AdGuard Annoyances - Dan Pollock’s hosts file - And many others Additionally, you can point-and-click to block JavaScript locally or globally, create your own global or local rules to override entries from filter lists, and many more advanced features. *** Free. Open source with public license (GPLv3) For users by users. If ever you really do want to contribute something, think about the people working hard to maintain the filter lists you are using, which were made available to use by all for free. *** Documentation: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock#ublock-origin Project change log: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases Contributors @ Github: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/graphs/contributors Contributors @ Crowdin: https://crowdin.net/project/ublock

Latest reviews

  • (2025-03-06) This extension is so good that if Google gets rid of it, i'll throw away my Chromebook and pixel phone
  • (2025-03-05) Iván Reyes Rodríguez: Buena extension, recomiendo descargar Firefox para usarla
  • (2025-03-05) Cri Deus: расширение-легенда, низкий поклон. странно что 04.03.25 перестал работать вк мессенджер при включенном юблок
  • (2025-03-03) بع بع لای: Still the best ad blocker. to Google: if you want us to see your ads, try harder to make them friendlier, shutting down ad blockers is just treating mere symptons.
  • (2025-03-03) Damauryy: This doesn't it needs to be updated
  • (2025-02-28) Professional TANIM Official: This review originally posted on Sep 5, 2020 when I was 13. On 24th feb, 2025 & I can post reviews again (Couldn't after 2023 maybe, due to new policies.) Ahh, the G.O.A.T.
  • (2025-02-24) Mehmet Özırmak: artık youtube da çalışmıyor olsa da hala en iyisi
  • (2025-02-24) _: googleのアドブロック拡張機能締め出し方針に対して星1評価です 推奨移行先 Edge アドオン版 firefox向け拡張機能版 chromeでも他のストアからの拡張機能を許可すればedgeアドオンなどを入れられるので、Manifest V3対応予定のない拡張機能は他ストアから仕入れるようにしましょう 2024/10/15現在、uBlock Originがいずれ使えなくなることが確定したので、uBlock Origin liteかEdge アドオンのuBlock Originに移行推奨します。 gliastudioの目障りでうっとおしい動画広告が要素ブロックでも遮断できない ↑ページのソース表示からgliastudio広告と思われるソースを虱潰しに特定してマイフィルターにぶち込んだら、消すことが出来ました。(その場合、音声の消し忘れにご注意を)
  • (2025-02-18) Melora Carabas: Best ad remover that I know of. Not as resource hungry as most adblockers, yet still blocks most annoyances and easy and simple interface. Removing uBlock Origin from Chrome is yet another clear sign that Google has become a fully corrupted company pandering to the dark side.
  • (2025-02-18) Jared Walsh: r.i.p. Google kick you out in the new update.
  • (2025-02-02) xavier: Impeccable ! Les pages s'ouvrent sans soucis ou lenteur sur mes pc , encore en Janvier 2025 👌 . 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏. Chrome n'est pas le seul navigateur disponible ................................. . D'une efficacité redoutable , aucun soucis sur mes pc , anciens pourtant . Encore bravo 👌
  • (2025-01-25) Aiden Ho: YouTube is no match for uBlock Origin.
  • (2025-01-22) Мастхэвище!!!
  • (2025-01-16) U mnie działa super na chrome i lisku :)
  • (2025-01-11) Marcel: 完美!génial 更新:谷歌不做人,计划禁封整个应用商店中最优秀的这个插件!准备考虑火狐浏览器,抵制谷歌。
  • (2024-12-21) A y: 長い間お世話になりました。評価を最高に更新していなかったことに後悔。
  • (2024-12-20) Grégory Fleury: Is Mostly unable to block ads from GAFA, especially facebook and youtube (black screen of death). I suspect they let those filter like did adblock several years ago.
  • (2024-12-06) Saint Esprit & Co: Just today in France, Youtube found a way to block Ublock by not allowing video for more than one 59 seconds, after that, loading endlessly... Hoping for a quick solution with an update ^^
  • (2024-12-02) Laurence Gough: Best Chrome extension around. When this stops working, hello Firefox!
  • (2024-10-20) uBlock Origin is simply the best. A must have for human kind.
  • (2024-10-16) Filip: Does its job. I obstructed over 1.5 million advertisements by now since installation. I read the news moments ago, and it saddens me to see one of my favorite extensions go into the dustbin of history. Google sucks!
  • (2024-10-16) Pedro A. López-Valencia: Usen uBlock Origin Lite o migren a Firefox, donde ¡uBlock Origin funciona perfecto! Es una lástima que ManifestV3 la ha hecho inútil en todos los navegadores basados en Chromium.
  • (2024-10-03) Seungguk Ahn (KOR_APUcard): 이게 광고 뿐만 아니라 내가 차단을 원하는 요소도 선택해서 차단해버릴 수 있어서 좋았는데, 이제 지원 중단이라니... 이제 누가 이 기능 대신 해주냐...
  • (2024-09-30) SetupEditor: On some sites, when we delete an element on a page It may be that element is needed on another page and we are not aware If the plugin has the ability to display the previously deleted element when it is in element selection mode We can solve the problem of displaying the contents of the text ContentBlockHelper plugin that uses this feature let's use
  • (2024-09-20) Shadonic: Hasn't been blocking ads on multiple sites lately, but it completely stopped working for Twitch altogether. I have the custom filters added and everything, but ads always play regardless of what I change. This extension had a good run, but it's kind of garbage now.
  • (2024-09-14) Eric Ketzer: Edit Sept 6th 2024. It works perfectly. Absolutely the best one. (Original evaluation) So far so good. It blocks some annoying ads I had for months on streaming sites and on yahoo that Adblock Plus failed to block.
  • (2024-09-02) 5 stars for the developers who worked on this. Do to Google forcing Manifest V3 Framework, those new compatibility requirements will eventually force us to switch to uBlock Origin Lite. Thank you for continuing to make a compatible version of this extension. I'm happy it exist for those moments when forced to use Chrome. When I can avoid using Chrome, I will do so. For everyone else who has a choice, consider switching to browsers that treat you better. Such as Brave Browser with its own native AdBlock and Privacy features, and keep Chromium compatibility (Desktop & Mobile). Firefox is also notable, since as of now retained Manifest V2 framework. Meaning you can use the original uBlock Origin extension.
  • (2024-08-19) Arjen San Miguel: EDIT (8/19/24): still works for me, but in the event it stops... google chrome can suck my cawk n ballz. i'm moving browsers if this happens.
  • (2024-08-14) Hamza Zaman: Google,a data company, whihc steals it's suer data, truly sucks, and this extension helps them stop that greedy habit. Kudos to the creators. Love uBlock Origin.
  • (2024-08-09) Joann: Still the best ad blocker. Literally blocks all kinds of ads on every website. Edit (2024/08/09): UBLOCK ORIGIN IS STILL THE 🐐 AD BLOCKER AND GOOGLE KNOWS THEY CAN'T BEAT THEM THAT'S WHY THEY DECIDED TO GET RID OF THEM INSTEAD
  • (2024-08-08) Amazing Ameya: I'm here till Death! Full Support to uBlock Origin
  • (2024-08-07) Edit 8/7/2024: It was known for about a year Chrome was going to effectively kill this essential, must-have extension, so I knew I had to leave Chrome behind. I've moved to Firefox a few months ago, was able to bring all my bookmarks and most of my extensions with me, including uBlock Origin. Even found a few extensions that are not available in Chrome. Changing your workflow can be hard, but it actually turned out to be pretty easy. Zero regrets! So long Chrome and thanks for all the fish.
  • (2024-08-04) I've been very happy with this utility for a very long time, but I'm mostly now just disappointed that Google is apparently full-bore evil now. There are other browsers, and other video services and utilities, something I think they've forgotten somewhere along their way to whatever greedy corporate hellhole they now live in.
  • (2024-08-01) If Google ends support for uBlock Origin, it's goodbye Chrome and hello Firefox.
  • (2024-08-01) Kenan Yusuf Temel: It's been so good until lately but it needs to be updated. Youtube opens so slow it can't get rid of the ads that fast.
  • (2024-07-27) J J: Google is killing off UBO. Will dump Chrome for Firefox.
  • (2024-07-25) ixshads: really good besides the need for adblock as i can personally block things now too! good work on constantly releasing fixes for the youtube ad problem too, this crew is amazing ! edit jul 25 24: still super good but unfortunately isnt optimizing well anymore, causing various sites to sigtrap. unfortunate but still works on most sites fine.
  • (2024-06-18) Tim Colbeck: You fix YouTube, I'll donate $20. AND I'll change my rating. FIX IT.
  • (2024-06-16) 下条朝人: 自分は対象になってないからわからないけど、YouTubeのサーバーサイド広告に対応したみたいです。昔の情報のままになってて外部フィルター入れてしまう人多いけど、今はデフォルトのフィルターが一番いいです。豆腐フィルタや餅フィルタはYouTubeで誤動作起こしたことがある。なんJAdGuard部にすごくよくまとめられてるので読む価値ありです。自分は広告ブロックに興味持ってGithubとか見るようになったけど、新しい広告とか不具合とかはデフォルトのフィルターが断然対応早い。足すなら補足フィルターのAdGuard Japanese filter Plus。あとAdGuard JapaneseはEasyListの補足フィルターだからEasyListをオフにしちゃいけない。
  • (2024-06-08) TheWolfSharp: Update june 8th 2024: Google now limits your internet speed if you're using this addon... It's becoming increasingly more and more common for ads to pop-up despite the use of this adblocker, I'm getting increasingly concerned that it might stop working sometime soon. I really don't wanna get beer commercials while trying to see a scene of a movie I like.
  • (2024-06-07) Dwight Schrute: Very good plugin - blocks harmful popup ads (that are still common on certain mainstream media sites still in 2021....) However only reason why I give it 4 and not 5 is because its now blocking me from opening any mail in gmail. This is really annoying so I have to disable it. Update 2024-06-07 no longer works on blocking ads.
  • (2024-06-06) Abyss Guardian: No ad-blocker is better than uBlock Origin! Ever since I started using this extension, I've never looked back to other ad-blockers. Kudos for the developers to combat YouTube's ad-block detection! Could never stand YouTube's ads.
  • (2024-06-02) David Esteban: when tienes una extension que borra los anuncios :V xDXDXDXDXXDXD
  • (2024-05-26) AND: Слетают настройки. Точнее настройка остается, но перестает работать. Пока ту же строку в фильтре не продублируешь/удалишь-не важно. Главное, что-то поменять и снова заработает. Но это как-то не радует каждый раз ручками лазить( UPD Навязчивый банер говнояндекса никак не заблокировать
  • (2024-05-22) 異常に重くなりページ表示されなくなったけども再インストールで元に戻る。やはりこの広告ブロッカーは優秀。
  • (2024-05-06) uBlock Origin is an absolute must-have Chrome extension for anyone looking to enhance their browsing experience. This powerful ad blocker efficiently filters out intrusive ads and trackers, significantly speeding up page load times and offering a cleaner, more streamlined web browsing experience. Beyond just blocking ads, uBlock Origin gives users fine-grained control over what content to block, making it customizable to suit individual preferences. It’s lightweight, easy to use, and remarkably effective. If you're concerned about privacy and want a clutter-free Internet, uBlock Origin is the perfect tool for you.
  • (2024-04-22) Bart Simpson: Нормально работает, спасибо. -- Добавлено спустя два года: -Ребята-разработчики, вы лучшие! Этот ваш продукт- он шедеврален, серьезно, чесслово!)) Очень доволен. Все бы так делали. -- Шел 2024 год... Все отлично! Спасибо!!! Версия 1.57.2 https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases/tag/1.57.2 Фильтры: https://filters.adtidy.org/extension/ublock/filters/118_optimized.txt
  • (2024-04-17) Юрий Коневский: Пропускает рекламу на "одноклассниках" Пропускает рекламу, в музыке и в видео
  • (2024-03-29) tianxin: literally amazing, helps to block youtube ads too (edited 2024 29 march)


35,000,000+ history
4.6876 (33,856 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-02 / 1.62.0
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