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Entfernt Werbung auf Youtube.
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Berechtigungen: Diese Extension benötigt zum blockieren von Werbung in eingebetteten Videos und auf Youtube Lesezugriff. Daten werden natürlich nur in der Extension verarbeitet und nicht mit Dritten geteilt.
Genervt von Youtube™ Video Werbung?
Dann mach Schluss damit und installier Dir Video AdRemover for Youtube™.
Adblock for Youtube™ überspringt die Youtube™ Pre-roll Video Ads vollautomatisch und so schnell als seien sie nie da gewesen.
✓ Über Extension Berechtigungen & Privatsphäre
wie alle Adblocker benötigen wir leider Extension Berechtigungen um Videowerbung z.B. auch auf fremden Webseiten zu blockieren. Die gesamte Erkennung passiert nur lokal auf deinem Computer und Adblock for Youtube™ sendet oder trackt keinerlei Daten. Der Quelltext von Video Adblock für Youtube™ ist offen und kann jederzeit von jedem überprüft werden.
und nun viel Spass mit Ad-block für Youtube™
Dein Adblock for Youtube™ Team
Latest reviews
- (2025-03-08) Karl: Aucune publicité ! C'est parfait !
- (2025-03-06) garry white: Doesnt work. Was excellent, but lost its abiloity to blocak ads aver the last wek. Dont bother withit till it fixes the current issues.
- (2025-03-05) de Bezemkast Productions: keeps crashing any browser and slowing down loading youtube website... and stops video's in the middle of playing... Deinstall - reinstall does not solve the problem... it's better to watch adds than to install this extension
- (2025-03-04) Nguyễn Trọng Tiến: khá ok đó
- (2025-03-04) Jinhong Jung: 광고 없어서 좋네요
- (2025-03-03) Elle: Pin Adblock to your bar. When the ad starts, click it off then on again. It works for that video. Sometimes I have to do it every video but that's OK!! Update: Every once in a while YouTube catches on and blocks the extension from working. Today it has caught up with you again. Logged on today to listen to my music folder and had ads after about 2 years ad free with AdBlock. Download AdBlock of YouTube and it works like a charm. Thank You so much!!
- (2025-02-28) vasile balaj: excelent!!!
- (2025-02-27) Ivo Marinov: nice!
- (2025-02-25) Anastasija: its good, sometimes ads glich but its ok
- (2025-02-24) Brian Bates: Only just installed it, works well at the moment. AdBlock does not work anymore. 2025
- (2025-02-24) M P Atherton: Working as it should so far (from October 2019 through to January 2020). EDIT: And still working extremely well in 2025 - long may it do so!
- (2025-02-22) Jeferson Alan: Está dando um errinho onde o vídeo fica tipo pausado mas ainda sim é top.
- (2025-02-22) Людмила Иванова: Надоела реклама невозможно от неё избавиться на странице ЮТУБ и в видео тоже. 21.02.2025г.
- (2025-02-22) Ngân Nguyễn: dạo gần đây bị qc lại nhg khi gỡ r cài lại thì hết bị nha mn (22/2/2025)
- (2025-02-22) สมชาย วิมล: ดีมากครับ ช่วยผู้มีรายได้น้อย
- (2025-02-20) Great Grace: Used to work in Nov 2020. Now it does not work and unable to block Ads in both YouTube and DailyMotion.
- (2025-02-19) Phuong Tung: Hoạt động tốt. Xin cảm ơn
- (2025-02-16) Gabriel nonato: parou de funcionar, não esta tirando mais os anuncios
- (2025-02-11) Deeksha Hota: Pretty effective. Works very well, sometimes the page needs to be reloaded for it to work. In other cases, uninstalling and reinstalling does the job. Overall, pretty good.
- (2025-02-05) David Humphreys: So far so good. Wondering why I have to use a special adblocker for YouTube. Never had to before. UPDATE: 6/2024 just learned that google will be attacking adblockers soon. UPDATE: 2/2025 still working on Brave.
- (2025-02-05) Good.
- (2025-02-03) Pablo Croppi: not working
- (2025-01-31) Đạo Chin: Good , Nhung Ma Tai Sao Khi An Khi Hien , Khi Can Thi O Thay Dau .
- (2025-01-29) 최원우: 2025.01.02 애드블록 안됨 고칠생각이 없는듯.
- (2025-01-23) Nick Matthews: Doesn't work anymore.
- (2025-01-21) גיורא מור רפואה סינית: מעולה
- (2025-01-19) Lester Goveas: Worked for a couple of months only. And its not an adblock site anymore. I don't recommend this at all.
- (2025-01-16) Serg Ska: Блокирует рекламу,но не всю и не всегда Октябрь 24-го. Часто перестал блокировать рекламу,приходиться смотреть по 3-4 ролика,перед видео,но,как не смешно,это всё ещё лучше,других блокировщиков,в которых смотришь рекламу,а потом тебе не дают посмотреть видео,так как "у вас стоит блокировщий,что противроечит".. Ютуб оборзел,а вы,дорогие,разработчики.надеюсь пофиксите январь 25-го - Пока опять всё отлично блакирует,рекспет!
- (2025-01-14) Jeudis Rosales: Sigue sin fucionar!!
- (2025-01-13) Tom J.: Januray 2025. It has been working less and less lately. It has its moments, but right now is not working at all.
- (2025-01-12) Izik Balas: שילמתי ולא נחסמתי על הפנים
- (2025-01-08) HoGeun Kim: 아직도 작동 안되는데요?
- (2025-01-06) Mr Charn: แรกๆเวิร์ค ตอนนี้ แย่ลงทุกวัน
- (2025-01-04) Bala Kumar: not working, ads are showing
- (2025-01-03) TunAn7401: 10đ, no but
- (2025-01-03) Allu M: App doesn't work
- (2025-01-01) O1 Dann: Stopped working.
- (2024-12-31) Anderson de Souza Gomes: Brave ta fazendo trabalho melhor sem Add-on
- (2024-12-30) Oggy Stoop: after clean reboot - so far its not working - but before it wasnt so bad - also im not a fan of being asked for a review when the thing just got installed seconds ago ... makes no sense and now im getting even more ads causing me to think they do it themselves
- (2024-12-30) S GAMETV TV.SaMp.: gooddayyyy
- (2024-12-29) kaye t: 29 Dec 24 down to 3 stars Apparently on my android tablet, it was working for a long time, the ad would speak and get directly to the video to play, now the black scene demanding that I turn off the ad blocker before it continues. Refreshing doesn't work anymore... any suggestions? Losing faith in the adblockers now because the same problem on my laptop plus android. Why should pay to watch a full length movie only to be chopped into pieces with unnecessary junk stuff I don't need to see? May 31, 2019 4 stars I just recently downloaded and installed, after refreshing the youtube page, the ads immediately went away. however, I have only used for an hour, will continue testing throughout the day, and make note if any of the "problems" listed with this month's review.
- (2024-12-28) Karen: 2024-12-28 광고 못 뚫음
- (2024-12-26) Firman Adriansyah: MADEPPP
- (2024-12-24) Gozaaar: YouTube would be terrible without it!
- (2024-12-24) Love n Heart: Not keeping away all the ads. I have paid for the whole year. Can't get in touch with them to install or reinstall it. I did this once before and it was the same. I gave them a second chance and nothing new. That is why they do everything on line so they can take your money and hide.
- (2024-12-24) Ernst Komtlater: Achterhaald door youtube .... werkt niet meer
- (2024-12-23) S Corey: It used to block ads and only pause for a second but now it doesn't work at all. If YT stopped playing so many scam ads I might watch one and click on it rather than hit SKIP. Too many scam get-rich-quick schemes. Maybe update Adblock for YT with self-reprogramming AI to match YT's alternating software or download the video and play it without ads on a remote server like Myflixer movies.
- (2024-12-23) M Rachim Vadrian: SUPER!!
- (2024-12-22) 참새의하루: 이제안됨,,,,,,요