extension ExtPose

checklist for Google Tasks™

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Description from extension meta

Access and manage all your Google Tasks™ directly in Chrome

Image from store checklist for Google Tasks™
Description from store Provide an interface to Google Tasks™ via an easy-to-use Chrome extension. List of tasks and the ability to quickly add a task are a keyboard shortcut away. * fast access to tasks from Chrome * ability to add a page, or text from a page, as a task directly via right-click menu and keyboard shortcuts * great for use with gmail to make a task out of an email; adding a page as a task stores the URL of that page for quick access later * support for multiple lists and consolidated view of all lists Google Tasks is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-02-28) isogino: GoogleTask側の仕様改正に未対応で使えなくなった拡張機能が多い中で、この拡張機能は動いてくれています。 ただ、繰り返しに未対応のようですので、支障なく使えるのか不安があります。時刻設定も反映されません。 追記 2024/2/28 使用前に拡張機能のオプションを使ってGoogleアカウントにログインする必要があります。ブラウザでログインしているアカウントとは異なるアカウントを使うことも可能です。
  • (2023-03-09) Rafael Benavent: Doesn't work. Keep saying I am offline even though I am online and logged in to my google account in the extension.
  • (2022-03-17) 平井伸治: 動作しなかった。
  • (2022-03-03) Daniel Baharestani: Doesn't show the uncompleted tasks, always says "looks like we're done here for today!"
  • (2022-01-29) Bronson Laureiro: It's a good idea but needs improvement. I like that you can quickly add tasks directly from the extension but when you change due dates the tasks do not update in the extension. Also other issues that previous reviewers mentioned. I'm removing this extension for now.
  • (2021-04-04) Avon Ryan Campit: Hello. It's a good extension app plus it's free (from premium settings), but when I am posting directly-copied links, it won't paste as a hyperlink. The font sizes and the overall look may also be improved. Check the todoist extension out for reference.
  • (2021-02-10) Amani A.Qader: i can't sync it with my My Note 20 calendar, i find it non since that i can't view my tasks on my calendar?
  • (2021-02-10) Rock Larochelle: Wow, this is everyhting that is missing in Tasks. I have been hounding Google for this functionality for years. Thank you so much, this saves me so much time!!!
  • (2020-10-24) Khoa D.Luu: The extension is great, although there's a bug related to the date of a new task. Btw, how can I specify a list when adding a new task? (similar to the way to add date)
  • (2020-10-15) Spyros Chartalos: Great but please fix this Everytime i set a date it goes a day sooner (if i choose 17/01 it sets on 16/01)
  • (2020-09-29) H- HN: Can't Use with EDGE Chrome microsoft
  • (2020-08-17) Samuele Mezzasalma: This extension is super convenient, really sad that such a simple thing is not provided natively by google
  • (2020-08-14) John Navas: Good concept, but with two big flaws: 1. Code is apparently not open source, a serious risk given the permissions. 2. Tasks are arbitrarily scheduled for today. That should be selectable, including unscheduled. Uninstalled.
  • (2020-07-07) Mubtasim Fuad (Rafi): It's one of the most useful extension for nowadays. I really like the feature of accessing URLs with specific tasks. But I am facing some issues: # It takes time to update and sync with my Google Task app. # Sometimes it's showing every task triple times. For example: Today I have 17 tasks to complete. But right now, its showing total 17*3= 51 tasks! This big number at the right corner of my address bar is disturbing for me. Hope these problems will be solved soon.
  • (2020-04-03) Иван Чашкин: списки задач показывает, а сами задачи не подгружает
  • (2020-01-29) Merthur is Rio: Great extention! However, it keeps asking me to re-login to my goolge account even when the chrome was not restarted. I don't know if this is because I have two google accounts remembered in my chrome. Hope you could fix this issue.
  • (2019-11-24) Stan Duncan: It's okay, but has problems. For example, sometimes when I check a task as completed, it automatically deletes the task and sometimes it doesn't. It seems random as to which gets deleted and which doesn't. Also sometimes when I reschedule a task for this week it will move it to the "this week" category and sometimes it won't. Even if I write in a date in the note for it, sometimes it won't move. That too seems random. If there is a formula for getting it to move a task, I haven't been able to find it. I certainly like the idea of this extension and I may eventually figure out how to make it work, but so far I haven't.
  • (2019-09-02) Matthias Rast: Looks nice but I was very disappointed that it is not possible to choose no due date. The extension is not useful for me in this form. Why not give this option? I would again use it and rate higher if this changes.
  • (2019-08-28) Michael Mowbray: +1 more star if you could include time in the sort (i.e. date + time due not just date). Apart from that, perfect.
  • (2019-08-22) Ruslan Melnychenko: Horrible design
  • (2019-07-29) Rodrigo Lobos: Do you consider in the near future to allow setting time to tasks? But it´s totally OK the rest.
  • (2019-07-06) Peter GM: Realize that if I make update/change to the Title and Notes, after click SAVE, it updates to the server side, but not on the browser client side. (I click the task, it still shows the OLD title and notes).
  • (2019-07-03) Gustavo M: Cómo edito el color que esta extensión le pone a las listas de tareas? La mayoría sale sin color pero una me salio en verde, y quisiera cambiar las demás listas también. Gracias por su respuesta.
  • (2019-06-05) Hyungjae Park: 이 것의 장점. 1. 타 앱이 현재 구글 task 지원이 안되는데. 이것은 지원을 하고 있다. 2, google Task의 단점이 전체를 볼 수 없다는 것인데 이것은 그것을 지원한다 Gooood. !!!
  • (2019-05-24) Csongor Szíjjártó: Very unreliable, often not updating the list when I complete or modify a task...
  • (2019-05-07) Stefan Ehrhardt: How can I add a task with no due date? When I do not specify a date it will always schedule it for later today? How can I add a specific time to a task? Seems only a date is possible. Once this is answered and if it would be possible to get notifications when a task is due, it would be worth 5 stars.
  • (2019-05-03) david j: I like the the way prioritizes "overdue" and "today"... but if these are empty, it should immediately show all tasks. However, I'm getting a bunch of phantom tasks with empty titles that are not actually present in my GTasks. There is also bug where you can't edit or delete a task with an empty title, because it only allows you to click on the text. It should allow you to click anywhere on the line of a task to open the popup editor. If these things were fixed it would be top notch!
  • (2019-05-02) Eunji M: Love it. Simple and efficient.
  • (2019-04-24) Daniel Han: Fairly good extension so far
  • (2018-03-01) Александр Дорохов: Само расширение неплохое но полная чехарда с датами. Новые задачи сразу попадают в просроченные и т.д.
  • (2018-02-21) Gerard Gil Bragais: This is the best Google Task extension at the moment. There are a few things that could improve it though in my opinion: 1) Fix the time problem where entered tasks are defaulted to yesterday (also true when assigning task to "today" using keyword shortcut. 2) Display all tasks in all task list and not just "My List" and apply color coding to identify which list it belongs to. 3) An option not to display completed tasks but not actually delete them. Thank you for the great extension.
  • (2017-11-18) Dr. Pramod Soni: 5 star if you can fix this. When I quick add a task, it goes to yesterday (maybe due to IST and UTC time difference). Can you fix this?
  • (2017-11-02) Jake Chung: It's a nice handy extension to work with google task. However, I need it to see the tasks in my other google account, so I put in the login info everything is OK. However, the next time I started chrome again and it's asking me to provide login info, even previously I have selected "remember me on this computer". It would be nice if you can fix this.
  • (2017-09-24) Ivan Costa: It will be perfect if we can use the "in" or "on" to put the new task on different list. Is it possible? Another suggestion is the translate for others languages. If the author needs help, I can do this for portuguese easyly.
  • (2017-07-31) JM Kim: I think there's some time zone problem. When I add new task, due date set 1 day behind. Check this please. except this It's almost perfect. Thank you.
  • (2017-06-26) Nick Tanner: Like it! Can you add the ability to view multiple Google Task lists in the extension dropdown? Thanks!
  • (2017-05-18) Marino Linaje: Nice extension, thanks for the IU rework!!! I still notice the bug: Tasks are not scheduled right: they are always scheduled for -1 days. That is, a task specified for today is really scheduled as overdue. If you specify the task for tomorrow (even using the calendar, not only the buttons) the task is scheduled for today, and so on (e.g., a task specified for 15/03/2017 is indeed scheduled for 14/03/2017). This occurs at least in two computer using spanish date format. Best! ---- Old review: La probaré más intensivamente, pero de momento muy bien. Al crear las tareas (hoy) me aparecen "overdue" cosa que me molesta un poco. Por lo demás, genial.
  • (2017-03-08) Yrani Benavides: Es una extensión muy práctica.
  • (2016-11-19) Excellent. For all the gtask(android) users who feel abandoned by ticktick, this is the perfect chrome extension to use
  • (2016-07-05) William Cheng: Nice so far! It's the only Google Tasks extension I've found that sorts by due date automatically. It makes no sense for these other extensions to sort tasks by alphabetical order by default. Edit: Took away a star because lately, the tasks don't get marked as done correctly if I mark them in the extension. Please fix! Another edit: Seems to be syncing correctly now, so back to 5 stars!
  • (2016-06-03) Gregory Lopez: Near perfect. Like others said, it's nice that it sorts by due date automatically. It's also nice that it only shows overdue and today's tasks by default, so you can focus on what to do right now. It'd be perfect if it had two additional features: *Line wrap for the notes - I use the notes feature quite a lot and it sucks that notes are displayed all in one long line *Dates by the "later" tasks so I know when they were assigned so I can rearrange them.
  • (2016-03-19) cokes: Very good. It reminds me what to do. Helps with time management and projects. Way to go!

Latest issues

  • (2023-07-17, v:2.8.1) Jim McNeill: Keeps saying offline
    Hi, there's a couple of us at least having the same problem: Keep saying I am offline even though I am online and logged in to my google account in the extension. The options page also shows me as logged in
  • (2022-08-03, v:2.8.1) Jan van Veldhuizen: Can 'Show all tasks' be switched on by default?
    Maybe add a setting for it... I like to have it on immediately after opening the extension
  • (2022-06-01, v:2.8.1) Ian Teves: Adding multiple list items without tab from disapearing
    So I want to add multiple tasks in my to do list but it keeps disappearing whenever I do. Is this a feature that I just havent enabled yet or is a function that hasn't been implemented yet. I really like your product and would even pay to have it. But I need this function to even think about using this product.
  • (2022-01-28, v:2.8.1) Bronson Laureiro: tasks moved to another date still show in extension
    when you move tasks to another date from within the google tasks calendar, the extension does not update the tasks with the new date.
  • (2022-01-19, v:2.8.1) Gideon Brontë: sync
    Sync seems to have stopped working. Tasks marked complete and deleted via mobile device are still showing on the extension.
  • (2021-11-15, v:2.8.1) Ted Gideonse: Can it work on Opera?
    When I try to use the extension, it keeps telling me I'm not logged in, but it doesn't offer a way for me to login. I assume Opera has blocked some key thing, but if not, do you have any suggestions?
  • (2021-10-04, v:2.8.1) Gábor Klement: Dark Mode
    Can you add either more dark mode style or CSS Support please?
  • (2021-09-28, v:2.8.1) The extension deosn't seem to be working
    This is what I'm experiencing: The icon has an x constantly on it. Tells me I must log in to use it, but I am logged in. The window expands to big that it takes over the screen and there's no way to minimize it Cannot add a new list/reset settings etc. Please help.
  • (2021-03-03, v:2.8.1) Rock Larochelle: Fantastic app, - one little hiccup
    Hello, this is a great addon for tasks, thanks so much. The onbly hiccup I have is that the first item in my categroies never has the category tag. I notice that the color of it is white in the parameters, cannot change it. I have tried a few things but it appears like the first in my list never gets the tag. This is not major of course but would be nice if it appeared there. ONce again thanks so much!
  • (2021-01-29, v:2.8.1) Griffin Queen: No tasks populating
    No tasks have been populating in the popup for about a week. I've tried resetting the token, uninstalling and reinstalling, clearing out cache and restarting chrome, etc. and no joy.
  • (2020-10-28, v:2.8.1) John Foley: unable to reach task service
    as of today the extension says: Offline - Unable to reach Tasks service. I have tried resetting to defaults and installing/reinstalling. Those things did not help. Any suggestions?
  • (2020-10-05, v:2.8.1) JUDY JUDY MCKOWN: how to fix a single kitchen faucet moen
    can,t fix a single kitchen faucet by moen
  • (2020-07-22, v:2.8.1) Craig Stark: Won't login using Brave
    In pure Chrome, this works as advertised. But, I can't seem to get it to run in Brave. It keeps saying I need to login and that it's unable to reach the Tasks service. In Chrome, there's a Google login button to click, but that won't show up in Brave. Any ideas?
  • (2020-06-19, v:2.8.1) Lynda Wheatley: Any way to keep task list open?
    Hi, I'm just wondering if there's any way to keep my task list open and in view on my desktop as I work, rather than opening it each time I want to add a task or check one off. Thanks!
  • (2020-05-14, v:2.8.1) Christopher Lye: Tasklist Not refreshing when I send URL
    When I used the Keyboard shortcut to send a URL to the extension it doesn't show up. I have to shut all my Chrome windows and restart Chrome before they appear. Obviously this is not a great workaround. Is there some setting or extension conflict going on?
  • (2020-05-12, v:2.8.1) Stephanie Jean: help
    Hello, a few of my daily tasks are recurring. Some are going to be project related and others will be there indefinitely. Any chance we can have the recurring feature either within the extension or by having the ability to edit it in google calendar? This way we can edit not just the frequency but the end date as well? Please let me know. This extension is super helpful. Thanks for developing it.
  • (2020-05-06, v:2.8.1) Salim B.: A recommandation & a problem
    Hello, When i add a task, it registers a double task of the same one. Can the task list not close each time i write a new task ? Its exhausting to open it every time to write again new tasks. Thanks for the extension. Sal,
  • (2020-04-22, v:2.8.1) AJ Helm: Prioritizing tasks
    Question and Suggestion: Is there an add on where I can prioritize my tasks numerically and alphabetically where they would automatically arrange themselves in order assigned as priority like some previous task/todo programs I've used? This would be most helpful! Example: 1. Call prospects 2.a. Process sold jobs 2.b. Upload sold Jobs 2.c. Log Sold Jobs on invoice 3. 4. 5.a. 5.b. 5.c. 5.d.
  • (2020-03-11, v:2.8) Andreas Specht: Can't Login
    When I click on the extension it shows "Sign in to your google account to continue" and shows a button to Sign in with google, but pressing it does nothing, tried removing and adding the extension again, but the sign in button is non responsive
  • (2020-02-19, v:2.8) Andrew Zimdahl: can't log in
    Hi, it keeps prompting me to log in on Chrome. I click the icon, click sign in with google, and enter my credentials. It takes me to Google's home page after doing so, but does not log in.
  • (2020-01-10, v:2.8) Christoph Brecht: Tasks are not created
    Hi, I get more any more issues with the extension. Currently I can not create tasks through it. I add the info, click add. Windows closes without generating the task. I also had a problem, that the date was not added correctly. I wanted to add a date to a task and for some reason it added the date -1, (one day before I actually added), very strange. Regards, Christoph
  • (2019-11-25, v:2.7) Stan Duncan: Organizing the list items
    Is there any way to set the order of the items by myself? It seems to allow alphabetical or most recently updated, but nothing else. I prioritize my tasks by importance, not name or update. I like to group several at the top of the list that I want to get to this week. I can't find a way in this app to do that. The organize by update is the most frustrating. If I edit one further down the list (and further down in importance) it is immediately moved to the top. Why? Can you help me?
  • (2019-10-24, v:2.7) Lou Recine: Signing out of Checklist for Google Tasks
    Hi, is there a way to sign out of Checklist for Google Tasks?
  • (2019-10-12, v:2.7) Ximo Giner: Idioma
    SE PUEDE cambiar el idioma a español?
  • (2019-10-08, v:2.7) Gerrit Coremans: Logging in to the Task service
    How do I log in to the service in order to be able to add tasks ? Best regards, Gerrit
  • (2019-10-04, v:2.7) Dan Cimpoesu: Later list does not sort correctly (personal google account)
    I can see the "Later" list order: Nov 04 Nov 09 Dec 07 Oct 06 Oct 07 Oct 08 ... Would you be able to fix the order? My language setting is English / Australian so dates are in DD/MM/YYYY format.
  • (2019-10-03, v:2.7) Tenecia Craig: Share feature
    I would like to share my task list so that others can also identify open items. How do I do this?
  • (2019-10-01, v:2.7) Dan Cimpoesu: For gmail users when they display All Tasks the lists / tags are not displayed in line items
    However it works for G Suite users. Would you be able to test and fix for gmail users?
  • (2019-09-15, v:2.7) Tiffany Jordan: Task tags
    Is there a way to add tags to tasks in the list like the sample photos?
  • (2019-09-09, v:2.7) Gideon Brontë: log in
    just downloaded vivaldi browser...trying to login to your extension, i get the dreaded google 404 message. thanks On chrome it works perfectly...thanks again
  • (2019-09-04, v:2.7) Izmael the Enchanter: Notes text area size
    Hello, Is there any way to make the task "Notes" text area larger? It's only 5 lines in height and maybe 50 characters wide, and I'd like to be able to have fairly long notes in there. Thanks!


20,000 history
3.6167 (60 votes)
Last update / version
2020-03-29 / 2.8.1
Listing languages
