extension ExtPose

Auto Refresh Plus | Page Monitor

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Image from store Auto Refresh Plus | Page Monitor
Description from store Auto Refresh Plus对需要在特定时间自动刷新网页的用户非常有用,可以高效地执行此操作。它还提供内容检测支持,当监控包含在动态网页中的内容时非常有用。 ⭐ 主要功能 (1)默认时间间隔 (2)随机间隔 (3)设置自定义刷新周期 (4)在页面上显示可视化计时器 (5)如果点击页面上的任何位置,自动停止刷新 (6)倒计时计时器模式 (7)强制刷新/绕过缓存 (8)自动启动URL (9)刷新预定义页面 (10)活动标签列表 (11)页面监视器(关键字查找/丢失) (12)刷新预定义文本关键字 (13)XHR刷新(每次刷新时自动点击) (14)自定义、XPath和正则表达式支持 (15)自动点击链接 (16)通过通知和电子邮件获得提醒 (17)热键 ⭐ 功能详细说明 (1)默认时间间隔 该功能允许您设置每个页面刷新的默认时间。您可以选择预定义的时间间隔或提供自定义时间间隔。 (2)随机间隔 使用此功能,您可以随机设置页面刷新的时间间隔。选择一个最小和最大时间范围,它将在这些范围之间的任意时间间隔自动刷新页面。 (3)设置刷新次数 设置您要刷新特定网页的次数 (4)显示可视化计时器 此功能允许您在要刷新的网页上显示一个可视化计时器。 (5)如果您在页面上任何地方点击或写入,停止刷新 如果用户与页面进行交互,Auto Refresh Plus将暂停刷新任务。 (6)倒计时计时器 您可以使用倒计时计时器在特定时间过后刷新特定页面。启用并设置计时器,倒计时将开始,一旦倒计时归零,ARP将以默认时间间隔开始刷新页面。 (7)强制刷新 重新加载页面,无需依赖缓存数据 (8)自动启动URL 这些URL是ARP在打开浏览器时或浏览器重新启动时自动开始刷新的URL。您可以在扩展设置页面上添加一个或多个URL。 (9)刷新预定义页面 使用此功能,您可以刷新网页而无需自己打开它。一旦在此部分中放入URL,它将自动打开并按默认时间间隔刷新URL。 (10)活动标签列表 在扩展弹出窗口(操作菜单)中,您还可以查看正在进行刷新任务的标签列表。您可以查看计时 器,单击切换标签并暂停任务。 (11)页面监视器 这个强大的功能允许您监视网页并查看变化。您可以通过可视化或源代码监视网页的更改。您可以以三种方式监视网站变化。 (I)查找某些特定文本是否出现在网页上 (II)查找某些特定文本是否从网页上消失 (III)监视任何更改(在特定网页上发生任何更改时保持警惕) 您还可以配置Auto Refresh Plus,以停止或继续刷新任务,如果找到或丢失监视的关键字。根据您的页面监视器设置,它将触发通知、电子邮件或铃声。此外,您可以从浏览器上下文菜单中添加任何监视关键字。 (12)页面监视器支持的表达式 (I)普通表达式 (II)自定义表达式 (III)XPath表达式 (IV)正则表达式 ↪ 完整详情:https://autorefresh.io/expressions/ (13)XHR刷新(每次刷新时自动点击) 在不必进行完整页面刷新的情况下从URL检索数据。这使得网页能够只更新页面的一部分,而不会干扰用户的操作。 (14)刷新预定义文本关键字 当找到某些特定文本时,此功能将开始刷新网页。要使用此功能,在设置页面上插入一个或多个关键字。一旦此文本出现在网页上,ARP将自动按默认时间间隔开始刷新。 (15)自动点击链接 如果您的监视关键字是链接或按钮,Auto Refresh Plus还可以为您点击。您必须先在设置中启用此功能。 (16)通过通知和电子邮件获得提醒 一旦页面监视器发现某些特定文本出现或消失在网页上,它会通过推送通知、警报声和电子邮件提醒用户。声音通知可以根据您的需求进行自定义。 (17)热键 为以下Auto Refresh Plus操作设置自定义键盘快捷键 • 启动时间间隔: • 启动随机间隔: • 启动计时器模式: • 停止间隔: • 关闭通知声音: ⭐ 入门指南 ★ 打开要刷新或监视的网页。 ★ 单击浏览器工具栏中的Auto Refresh Plus图标。 ★ 根据您的情况选择“选择时间间隔”和“页面监视器”。 ★ 单击“开始”。 ★ 如需更多配置,请查看扩展设置页面。 ⭐ 使用案例 ★ 竞争监控 ★ 监控价格变动 ★监控职位提供 ★ 监控产品可用性 ★ 媒体监控 ★ 网站错误跟踪 ★ 在图表中跟踪数字数据 ★ 等等 ============================== 版本 - 7.5.4 || 2023年10月24日 ============================== ✓ 性能提升 ============================== 版本 - 7.5.3 || 2023年7月9日 ============================== ✓ 修复了窗口焦点错误的问题 ✓ 添加了选择警报标签自动消失之前保留记录的时间持续功能 ============================== 版本 - 7.5.2 || 2023年6月24日 ============================== ✓ 在设置中添加了一个选项,可以停止点击和键盘交互时的自动刷新。该选项位于"时间间隔"下。 ✓ 在"活动选项卡"上添加了一个铃铛图标,用于指示哪个选项卡具有监控关键字警报。 ============================== 版本-7.5.1 || 2023年6月7日 ============================== ✓ 添加电子邮件验证以防止垃圾邮件。 ✓ 在弹出窗口中添加选项,以确保页面监视器电子邮件提醒仅适用于单个网站。 ✓ 添加选项(在常规设置中),如果网站更改URL,Auto Refresh Plus将自动切换到新URL或保持在规范URL上。 ✓ 添加支持,如果用户在网页上键入任何内容,则停止刷新。 ✓ 添加选项(在常规设置中)以启用/禁用页面监视器找到或丢失关键字时的窗口焦点。 ✓ 添加导入或导出Auto Refresh Plus配置的选项,并在同一台或不同的计算机上恢复。 ✓ 改进了热键功能。 ============================== 版本-7.5.0 || 2023年1月27日 ============================== ✓ 修复了页面监视器和多个窗口中的窗口焦点问题 ✓ 修复了一些小错误 ============================== 版本-7.4.8 || 2022年5月18日 ============================== ✓ 改进了性能 ============================== 版本-7.4.7 || 2022年4月25日 ============================== ✓ 修复了可视化计时器错误 ✓ 修复了一些用户在ARP停止时遇到的问题 ============================== 版本-7.4.6 || 2022年4月11日 ============================== ✓ 添加了XHR刷新(每次刷新时自动点击) ✓ 添加了在页面上任何位置点击时停止刷新的支持 ✓ 添加了在找到或丢失监视的关键字时自动重新启动刷新任务的支持 ✓ 添加了使用浏览器上下文菜单添加监视关键字的支持 ✓ 添加了在扩展弹出窗口中显示活动标签列表的支持 ✓ 添加了在页面上显示可视化计时器的支持 ============================== 版本-7.4.5 || 2022年1月26日 ============================== ✓ 改进了用户界面 ✓ 修复了一些小错误 ============================== 版本-7.4.4 || 2021年11月25日 ============================== ✓ 修复了时间间隔错误(现在可以设置小于1秒的时间间隔) ✓ 添加了在AutoStart URL中添加多个URL的支持 ✓ 恢复了在版本7.4.2中的AutoStart功能 ✓ 添加了将三个功能(重新打开、预定义文本和打开刷新)组合在一个域和多个域中的支持 ✓ 修复了重复更新警报标签打开的问题 ============================== 版本-7.4.3 || 2021年11月18日 ============================== ✓ 修复了后端的电子邮件通知 ✓ 添加了页面监视器搜索中的文本模式支持 ✓ 修复了自定义时间的小数位错误(ARP崩溃) ✓ 修复了自动启动中的空行错误 ✓ 修复了Page-Monitor中的美元符号错误 ✓ 修复了与自动点击功能结合使用时的错误bug ============================== 版本-7.4.2 || 2021年8月3日 ============================== ✓ 修复了页面监视器中的俄语语言检测 ✓ 修复了预定义URL错误 ============================== 版本-7.4.1 || 2021年7月20日 ============================== ✓ 修复了表单重新提交错误 ✓ 修复了显示通知的错误 ✓ 添加了自定义表达式的支持 ✓ 添加了正则表达式的支持 ✓ 添加了XPath表达式的支持 ✓ 优化了重新加载和页面监视器的速度 ============================== 版本-7.4.0 || 2021年7月3日 ============================== ✓ 添加了“强制刷新”功能(无需依赖缓存数据重新加载) ✓ 添加了“刷新次数”(设置要刷新的次数) ✓ 添加了“自定义脚本”(自动化操作) ✓ 添加了“自定义热键”(设置自定义键盘热键) ✓ 添加了“完整页面监视器”(在发生任何更改时保持警惕) ✓ 添加了“默认监视关键字输入” ✓ 添加了“可视化和源码”(在可视化和源码中查找监视文本) ✓ 改进了用户界面 ✓ 修复了一些小错误 ============================== 版本-7.3.2 || 2020年12月21日 ============================== ✓ 添加了在链接上自动点击的选项=>在同一标签页或新标签页中 ✓ 现在可以保存随机间隔时间了! ✓ 一旦找到目标,焦点在标签页上 ✓ 在设置中添加了输入,以保存页面监视器的默认关键字 ✓ 在时间间隔中添加了自定义小时、分钟、秒 ✓ 修复了从自定义链接和x秒播放声音的错误 ✓ 修复了其他一些小问题 ============================== ⭐ 活动支持中心 我们非常关心我们的用户,并正在积极努力提供支持和添加所请求的功能。如果您有建议、要求的功能或需要帮助ARP,请在支持部分留下请求。 ↪ 功能请求:https://autorefresh.io/wishform/ ⭐ 隐私政策 • 我们不追踪您的任何数据。 • 我们不追踪 扩展使用情况,包括搜索、筛选、选项卡、窗口、弹出窗口等。 • 我们不追踪任何网站、网站使用情况等。 • 我们不会将任何数据传输到任何第三方服务器/互联网。 • 我们仅存储您的存储数据。您将此数据保存在本地浏览器存储中。我们从不触碰或查看此数据。 • 对于您的设置也是如此-您的设置仅保存在您的浏览器内部。 • 该扩展使用Google Analytics匿名收集错误信息,以改进扩展质量。 如果您对数据隐私有任何疑问或问题,请随时与我们联系,我们将乐意提供帮助。 ↪ 联系我们:https://autorefresh.io/contact

Latest reviews

  • (2024-04-30) Rizwan Shahid: Auto refresher Best of one extension
  • (2024-04-30) H M Sohaib: good one
  • (2024-04-30) Sandaru Lakmika: good one
  • (2024-04-30) genevieve coscos: Love this extension
  • (2024-04-29) Mohammadsalim islam: Good Services
  • (2024-04-29) Sainath Reddy Sanjamala: Loved it.
  • (2024-04-29) Ontheway tosuccess: i love it
  • (2024-04-29) AL Mamun: Great....!
  • (2024-04-29) Omar Mohammed: جميل
  • (2024-04-29) hzy netease: 很好用
  • (2024-04-29) Sobnom Mustery Mimma: This extensions very helpful. Thank you.
  • (2024-04-29) 버블루사: 좋아요.
  • (2024-04-29) Yung Chen: Smooth and Perfect.
  • (2024-04-29) Masud Rana: Great!
  • (2024-04-28) Mamunur Rashid: Great Extension
  • (2024-04-28) 이상민: 정말 편리하네요
  • (2024-04-28) Muhammad Moin: Great experience!
  • (2024-04-28) kamrul islam: GOOD!
  • (2024-04-28) Anthony Ho: GOOD!
  • (2024-04-28) MUHAMAD ASIM: GOOOD
  • (2024-04-28) Nazrul Islam: nice
  • (2024-04-28) Amelia Rose Garcia: great
  • (2024-04-28) melonheadxp: nice one!
  • (2024-04-28) Md Ibrahim: Awesome
  • (2024-04-28) D&H_Section, Collector's Office PPMNYM: nice
  • (2024-04-27) Creative Media: good experience.
  • (2024-04-27) Rezaul Islam: good
  • (2024-04-27) Mr Freelancer: you can use it
  • (2024-04-27) Азиз Мажидов: 👌🏿👌🏿
  • (2024-04-27) Onur Bursalı: Fazlasıyla iş görüyor.
  • (2024-04-27) M Ahmed Khan: Loved it
  • (2024-04-26) manoj kumara: good
  • (2024-04-26) Uroosha Mirza: nice
  • (2024-04-26) Luna: niuce
  • (2024-04-26) Technical Riad: Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Good ,So excellent
  • (2024-04-26) Saqlayen Samit M.: Good.
  • (2024-04-26) M: Best
  • (2024-04-26) Ahmad Yar: Best refresher. very good working
  • (2024-04-26) priya photo: excellent
  • (2024-04-25) SURJA CHAKMA: Nice
  • (2024-04-25) jonai chakma: Nice App
  • (2024-04-25) ahmad raza: Fantastic extension
  • (2024-04-25) Rajesh Avala: Very helpful. Thank you!
  • (2024-04-25) MD.RASHEDUL ISLAM: A very good quality extension
  • (2024-04-25) Hafizur Rahman: GREAT USEFUL
  • (2024-04-25) MD Mintu Ali: Good
  • (2024-04-24) Jackeline Moraes: excelente.
  • (2024-04-24) Muhammad Bilal: amazing experience
  • (2024-04-24) nirob hasan: Good
  • (2024-04-24) Steven: Nice extension

Latest issues

  • (2021-01-20, v:7.3.2) Rodney Foley: Start Button Does Not Work
    Installed, save default settings, and then went to a tab I'd like to refresh ever few hours setup the interval and clicks start and then nothing happens. The button doesn't animate a click there is not indication of any kind that it is starting. When closing the dialog and reopening it goes back to default settings indicating it wasn't saved for this tab and that its not started. Went and tried it on a dozen more different sites just to test and same issue. Basically this plugin doesn't work at all, based on comments and number of downloads I am sure it works for a number of people however if it doesn't work out of the gate then it is an instant uninstall and try the next extension that does the same thing as there are plenty as I don't have time to troubleshoot 3rd party extensions as I have my own work to do.
  • (2020-12-27, v:7.3.2) J X: Speed of Auto click on the link
    Hi, I have been using the Auto Refresh Plus the newest version since it was released. I found it very useful. Thanks for a great app! One suggestion I have is to let user define the speed on "Auto click on the link (if monitored text or regex have a link)". I tried to time it (set to 1 second refresh) but often it was too slow to auto click the link. Not sure if there is a small time lag between "Found this text on the page" and "Auto click on the link", if quicker, the better! Thanks.
  • (2020-12-22, v:7.3.2) sim l: Setting Menu is gone
    After the new update, the whole setting menu is gone. I click on it, and it just leads me to the Extension download website instead. I can't figure out how to change anything such as the Sound play length and stuff.
  • (2020-12-18, v:7.3.1) Craig Hodge: Play sound
    Since you've redone the extension a couple of days ago, the sound does not play when you set it to play for a set amount of time. The only way I can get it to work is just to let it keep playing until I click on the mute button.
  • (2020-12-18, v:7.3.1) Auto Refresh Plus: Predefined URL Bug Fixed
    There was a bug in "Predefined URL" we have fixed it and updated the extension to version 7.3.1, Please if any new bug found contact us immediately!
  • (2020-12-18, v:7.3.1) Auto Refresh Plus: There was a major bug in "Predefined URL"
    There was a major bug in "Predefined URL" we have fixed it and updated the extension, the new version 7.3.1 is in waiting for webstore approval, Please if any new bug found contact us immediately! we apologize for the inconvenience
  • (2020-12-17, v:7.3.0) donal goggin: Atlassian
    I put "https://compName.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=43" in as the predefined URL but it reloads to "https://compName.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa". It didn't do this before. Nothing makes sense
  • (2020-12-17, v:7.3.0) Bob “MiddleAgeFella” Pimm: The update needs changing back
    You updated the app just now and the pages now refresh to the sites home page NOT the page thats monitored. So in other words useless to me.
  • (2020-11-27, v:7.1.9) Sameer: Audio stops working
    Hi, It seems the ability to play audio stops working after some time. I have my PC as always on
  • (2020-11-26, v:7.1.9) Dalton Hicks: Data Privacy?
    Does the extension have access to webpage data and information entered on website text fields?
  • (2020-11-24, v:7.1.9) Kenson Nguyen: Check for phrase
    Hi, how does one check for a whole phrase instead of singular words?
  • (2020-11-24, v:7.1.9) alberto c: How do you make the sound stop after the alert triggers without closing chrome all together?
    How do you make the sound stop after the alert triggers without closing chrome all together?
  • (2020-11-24, v:7.1.9) Tremonie McDaniel: Auto Refresh
    Its not letting me add it to google chrome.
  • (2020-11-20, v:7.1.9) Lenny G: How do i sent this extension to simply look for difference/changes to the page
    It seems i can only setup for specific FINDS or LOSES on the page. What if I dont know either, is there a regex to simply look for ANY change to the page and Alert?
  • (2020-11-20, v:7.1.9) Chris Tabisz: Suddenly stopped working in chrome
    Hi, I was using your app to gain contracts on a website marketplace. Suddenly it stopped working and I have tried everything. It counts down but then doesn't refresh. It only refreshes if I change the tab to something else, then it will return to the original page URL i entered and refresh it. If I leave it on the marketplace site, the screen flashes when it counts down to zero but the page doesn't reload. I removed all other extensions and tried on different devices and it doesn't seem to work. At first I thought the website blocked it somehow, but then I used a worse autorefresh plugin in firefox and it worked (albeit unreliably). I would love to continue using your plugin as it was so reliable and easy to use. Do you have any idea for a workaround? Is this an issue you are familiar with? Any help would be much appreciated. Many many thanks, All the best
  • (2020-11-18, v:7.1.9) Gabe Locke: General Questions
    Hello. I'm new to this extension and have some general questions. 1) Is the regex notation Perl regex compliant and/or is there info around the supported commands with it? 2) It seems like the option to notify on 'Find' or 'Lose' text is not session independent. Even when I open a new browser and try to change what I want to look for, those settings carry over and change an existing browser session. 3) For the notify on 'Lose' option, does the text first need to be available on the screen prior to the first refresh? If I put in a dummy string value and attempt to notify if this isn't found, I do not get a notification.
  • (2020-11-18, v:7.1.9) Wilbert Cedeno: AND and OR Scenarios
    I would like an option to enable the alarm if the text is lost or gained, not just one or the other. One scenario is to lose "out of stock" and gain "session inactivity". After refreshing for some time, this issue occurs, but it doesn't sound the alarm of losing the text since it's a popup on top of the same page. I have to manually check it if the session expires.
  • (2020-11-17, v:7.1.9) Let's explore the world: Add extension problem
    Help me for finding option because I don't know from where I can add this extension into chrome.I am using this on mbl.
  • (2020-11-17, v:7.1.9) Brandon Christiansen: Page Monitor Target Text
    How do I set/specify what the Page Monitor Target Text is looking for? I see an option to enable it but not what to set a string to look for.
  • (2020-11-13, v:7.1.9) Scott Dickinson: notification problems
    when i set the options to notify me when it loses text, the very first time it refreshes it plays the sound without the loss of said text. Also, it listed the code for the entire page without loading the page itself.??? what am i doing wrong here?
  • (2020-11-10, v:7.1.9) Pro Bono: SWitches itself off
    I've been using ARP for months, and it worked fine, remaining in operation till the PC was rebooted. But now when I set it up on a page it disappears after a while, so I have to keep resetting it. How can I fix this?
  • (2020-10-24, v:7.1.9) w10436961: ARP for Mobile/Tab/iPad?
    Hello Is it possible to use this extension on iphone/Android/Ipad Chrome - I am happily using it on my chrome in laptop but the chrome in the iPad or android etc - i dont find this extension. I need this extension because it can detect the certain text and prduce music when that text found during refresh. [email protected]
  • (2020-10-23, v:7.1.9) Myles Cooley: Does not start again after url is removed and reloaded
    How can I get it to start timer again?
  • (2020-10-22, v:7.1.9) Peter Tootill: Auto refresh specific page by URL in Brave Browser
    I'm trying to set a page to always refresh whenever I open it. I can't find any docs to confirm but I have set it under 'Auto start URL' - however, I still have to enable it manually. I am doing something wrong?
  • (2020-10-18, v:7.1.9) Farhaad Riyaz: AR+ Stops refreshing when page monitor finds match
    Is there a way to keep Auto Refresh Plus running after Page Monitor finds a match? As of now, it stops running once a match is found and a sound is played. Could you add this feature?
  • (2020-09-23, v:7.1.9) Alanna Donovan: Sound on notification
    After I am notified a few times oon refresh the sound stops playing. I reboot computer and it will start again but I dont always have the option to reboot. It works fine for about an hour before it does it again. Notifications are turned on in windows. This is a recent issue over the past 30 days.
  • (2020-09-22, v:7.1.9) Brooks Talley: Regex lost/found should be per tab, not global
    Right now it's not possible to have one tab monitoring for the addition of "stringA" and another tab monitoring for the loss of "stringB". Doesn't it seem like the type of match should be specific to the tab?
  • (2020-09-18, v:7.1.9) Francesco Borruso: Multiple Tabs Refreshing at once
    Is it possible to auto refresh more than one page in multiple tabs using different pre-defined pages?
  • (2020-09-05, v:7.1.9) WL Cheng: Options to Notice when Words Appears
    There used to be an option to notify when a particular search strain appears on the website being refreshed. Is that option being removed?
  • (2020-08-27, v:7.1.9) Ma. Christina Cordova: how to use Auto refresh in QA world app
  • (2020-08-25, v:7.1.9) Smart Payment: Adding more feature
    HI I would like to ask about adding or is there any ability to add some features like 1- Finding numbers of same word and then alert i.e (look for word offer and the user determine the number of the same word if Plus then Alert say the user determine looking for 10 times (offer) if found more than 10 the extension alert me 2- adding E-mail Alerting and SMS if available but E-mail more recommended Thanks
  • (2020-08-22, v:7.1.9) Melania Trump: Plugin gets muted (sound alert quits working) after few hours of use
    hi, i miss many alerts because after several hours of use the alert sound quits working altogether and i gotta boot my win10 computer before i start to get sound alerts again...i would love it if this thing got fixed, i wish you'd introduce also visual alerts like chrome starts flashing red and white / turns red. that would help users in noticing the alert when plugin gets muted for some reason... (i am autorefreshing between 6 to 9 windows at the same time with win10 computers (64 bit systems). I have less issues with sound quitting to work with my win8 laptop thats only auto refreshing 3 windows at the time. with that laptop, sound quits working only once a day on avg.) (I may be wrong but I suspect that when I receive many sound alerts at the same time, from a bunch of windows im auto refreshing, this causes the sound alerts to quit working.) ps. I love this plugin and am extremely grateful for you for providing this useful tool. this is the only one i have found with sound alerts (a game changer!)
  • (2020-08-18, v:7.1.9) Olga N.: Не работает.
    Расширение не перезагружает страницу, отсчет времени просто начинается сначала.
  • (2020-08-08, v:7.1.8) IV Semestre Medicina - UCLA: No suena
    Tengo mucho tiempo utilizando esta excelente extension. Pero desde los primeros dias de agosto de este año, ha venido presentando fallas. Utilizo esta extension, para determinar cuando una pagina cambia de contenido. Para ello, incluyo en las casillas, algunas palabras que pudiera encontrar. Al actualizarse, si encuentra algun cambio, comenzaba a sonar. Pero lo cierto es que ultimamente no hace eso bien. En ocasiones suena, pero en otras ocasiones no lo hace. Tambien sucede que, al pasar el intervalo de actualizaci{on, no actualiza la pagina, aunque el cronometro comienza desde cero (pero sin actualizarse la pagina web). Agradeceria mucho su ayuda, pues considero que es una extension muy util.


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