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Встановлює Swisscows у якості пошукової системи за замовчанням.
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Swisscows - це чудова альтернатива для людей, яким важлива приватність та захист персональних даних. На відміну від інших пошукових систем, Swisscows на спостерігає за своїми користувачами. Запити користувачів, IP адреси та інша персональна інформація не зберігається і не може бути використана з корисливою метою. Усі сервера розташовані у Швейцарії, країні з найменшим рівнем ризику при розміщенні інформації.
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Latest reviews
- (2023-08-02) Sergej Nissen: Die Suchergebnisse von Swisscows sind sehr gut, ich als Vater kann meine Kinder mit guten Gewiesen suchen lassen, weil das ein familienfreundliche Suchmaschine ist (keine Gewalt und Pornographie).
- (2022-12-19) Sheharyar B: A good search engine.
- (2022-11-07) Mantas D.: Installed it - swisscows did not appear in search engine selection in the settings
- (2022-10-12) Paul Bilton: Downloaded and installed on Chrome. First and only search brought this: "You've made too many requests in the last time. Please, be patient and try again later."
- (2022-07-08) Keith White: The swisscows extension hasn't been updated in a while it is an inactive link
- (2022-04-21) Matt E: This probably has more to do with google than swisscows, but I tried setting up the extension and default browser on a chromebook and nothing worked. Additionally, there is no configuration guides for chromebooks.
- (2021-10-07) Tim Badolato: Good but needs search bar suggestions to pop up as you type. Currently not happening.
- (2021-09-22) Maurizio Fiorini: Molto bella ora è il mio motore di ricerca preferito.
- (2021-08-20) Knight Declavar: Simply the best search engine out there!
- (2021-06-16) Micha P.: Die Suchmaschine ist gut. Die Erweiterung klappt nicht. Man bekommt immer nur den Webstore.
- (2021-06-09) Eric L: Two things I get out of SwissCows: (1) Privacy - a must! (2) Accuracy - Most accurate search engine (besides google) I've used. Much better results than duckduckgo.
- (2021-05-13) Vasyl Dobrovolskyi: very good!
- (2021-02-05) Abraham Santagidis: Swisscows - безопасная альтернатива другим! Swisscows не следит за Вами и не хранит никаких данных!!! Спасибо разработчикам!!!
- (2021-02-04) Jessica S. (darkocean): Well, that was easy to put in, thank you! Why the heck does brave make it so hard to add in a new search? O.o Gah.
- (2020-12-25) Ieri che ho sostituito goggle con Sweescows e sto convincendo altre persone a cambiare motore di ricerca . Grazie 🙏
- (2020-11-02) Noobachu: Best search engine ever made in history this is actually better than Bing and Google tbh and it doesn't take a lot of data because it doesn't refresh the page all the time and it's even faster loading than Bing or Google. I'd rate this 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/5 starsss
- (2020-10-23) Willa Jabir: Try to use this extension in Brave & Vivaldi as they are chrome based. Didn't work. But I was able to manually add it by adding the URL in the Search Engine Settings. Went to the website, did a search. Observed the URL in the address bar and made the query from that and it works. The support page has several queries for help with no response. So, I resolved the issue this way.
- (2020-10-13) Adam H: Quality search results. I love the semantic map and the fact that it wont search adult content.
- (2020-08-27) Daniel Pradana: i love it
- (2020-03-24) Tony Escobar: Gotta Love It! We need more companies that care about our anonymity and privacy.
- (2020-02-20) Zachary: Great search engine but I can't figure out how to turn off opening links in a new tab. Breaks history path which I use frequently.
- (2019-12-07) Sean Johnson: Amazing Privacy. Loved it! This should be above DuckDuckGo
- (2019-09-06) ONLINE FIRE129: Safe secure and it helps block adult content
- (2019-03-24) Besser kann eine Suchmaschine sich nicht von Google-Content befreien und ihren eigenen benutzen. DER ABSOLUTE GEHEIMTIPP!
- (2019-03-20) Rasmus Wiberg Jensen: Best search engine ever!!!! You have got to add it.