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Export Emails to Sheets by cloudHQ

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Twórz kopie zapasowe, eksportuj lub analizuj wiadomości e-mail i etykiety do Arkuszy Google

Image from store Export Emails to Sheets by cloudHQ
Description from store Znakomite rozwiązanie dla firm: Dane zawarte w wiadomościach Gmail mogą być kopalnią złota. Ale jeśli nie wiesz, jak wydobyć te dane, aby spojrzeć na nie w bardziej efektywny sposób, to złoto może szybko stać się bezwartościowe. Przytłaczająca jest konieczność przeszukiwania wszystkich wiadomości e-mail i ręcznego wprowadzania potrzebnych informacji do arkusza kalkulacyjnego tylko po to, aby śledzić takie rzeczy, jak przychodzące: leady, zamówienia, oferty nieruchomości, rezerwacje wydarzeń, problemy z pomocą techniczną i wiele innych. Ta aplikacja upraszcza WSZYSTKO to żmudne zadanie i robi to za Ciebie w sposób zautomatyzowany, ciągły, tak że każda przeszła wiadomość e-mail i każda nowa przychodząca wiadomość e-mail, która pasuje do Twoich kryteriów filtrowania, automatycznie wypełnia arkusze Google. To tak, jakbyś miał raport w czasie rzeczywistym na temat tego, co musisz śledzić, a co najlepsze, oszczędza to mnóstwo czasu. Oto kilka przykładów, dlaczego warto przenosić emaile do arkuszy: ✅ Eksportuj powiadomienia o zamówieniach i wysyłkach z Gmaila do Arkuszy Google. ✅ Eksportowanie leadów z Gmaila do Google Sheets ✅ Kreator list e-maili: Eksportuj wszystkie informacje kontaktowe wszystkich osób, z którymi kiedykolwiek wymieniałeś wiadomości e-mail. Możesz wyeksportować dane kontaktowe z całej skrzynki odbiorczej, z etykiety Gmaila lub z wybranych wiadomości. Parsuj wiadomości e-mail, aby uzyskać raport wszystkich odbitych adresów e-mail (jest to świetne rozwiązanie do wykorzystania z https://mailking.io, naszym oprogramowaniem do e-mail marketingu). ✅ Dzielenie się problemami przychodzącymi od klientów z pozostałymi członkami zespołu pomocy technicznej. Tworzenie kopii zapasowych wiadomości e-mail ✅ Eksportuj wiadomości e-mail od klientów obcojęzycznych, abyś mógł je przetłumaczyć w serwisie tłumaczeniowym i odpowiedzieć na nie w inteligentny sposób ✅ Eksportuj raporty wydatków lub paragony do arkuszy Google (świetne rozwiązanie dla celów podatkowych) ✅ I wreszcie, możesz zaimportować dane z wiadomości e-mail do swojej bazy danych lub CRM. Kluczowe funkcje: ⭐ Eksportowanie w czasie rzeczywistym wszystkich wiadomości e-mail z etykiety Gmail oraz wszystkich nowych przychodzących wiadomości e-mail do Arkuszy Google Zaawansowany edytor parsera wiadomości e-mail, który pozwala zdefiniować dokładne informacje, które mają zostać wyeksportowane do Arkuszy Google (jak wyodrębnić dane z wiadomości e-mail). ⭐ Wiadomości e-mail można eksportować do pliku PDF i zapisywać w Google Drive ⭐ Załączniki (takie jak faktury, paragony itp.) zapisywane w formacie PDF w usłudze Google Drive ⭐ Reguły sztucznej inteligencji są używane do wykrywania, co należy wyeksportować z treści wiadomości e-mail, np. zapłacona kwota, numer zamówienia lub inne wykryte wzory. ⭐ Eksport wszystkich nagłówków wiadomości e-mail (w tym nagłówków X) ⭐ Wbudowane reguły eksportu wszystkich informacji kontaktowych, takich jak: numery telefonów, adresy e-mail, linki url z treści wiadomości e-mail. ⭐ Wstępnie zorganizowane dla emaili zawierających zamówienia Amazon, zakupy Paypal, Stripe i inne. ⭐ Wsparcie dla zespołu G Suite (kontroluj eksport e-maili z konsoli administracyjnej) Wypróbuj już dziś i przestań marnować swój cenny czas. Mamy aplikację, która wykonuje tę monotonną pracę za nas! Naszym celem jest dostarczenie Ci narzędzi, dzięki którym będziesz mógł podejmować najlepsze dla siebie decyzje strategiczne. Gdy dane zostaną przedstawione w sposób bardziej zrozumiały, będziesz dysponował wiedzą, która pozwoli Ci podejmować strategiczne decyzje. Arkusze Google pomogą Ci zrozumieć szerszy obraz tego, co musisz śledzić, w postaci aktualnego raportu arkusza kalkulacyjnego z przetworzonych danych e-mail. Jak to działa: 1. Zainstaluj rozszerzenie 2. Po lewej stronie zaznacz etykietę do wyeksportowania i w menu etykiety wybierz opcję "Zapisz etykietę w Arkuszach Google". 3. Zostanie otwarte okno dialogowe opcji 4. Wybierz kolumny do wyeksportowania (Temat, Nadawca itp.) oraz opcje (eksport ciągły, nazwa arkusza kalkulacyjnego itp.) 5. Nasz przyjazny dla użytkownika edytor pomoże Ci określić, jakie informacje chcesz wyodrębnić z wiadomości e-mail i przenieść je do Arkuszy Google (np. numer zamówienia, komentarz użytkownika itp.). 6. Uruchom eksport 🔍 Instrukcje krok po kroku można znaleźć na naszym blogu: https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-to-create-a-zillow-spreadsheet-using-gmail-with-an-email-parser/ cloudHQ. Zwiększanie produktywności, 1 kliknięcie na raz. Strona internetowa cloudHQ: https://www.cloudhq.net/ Strona aplikacji: https://www.emails-to-sheets.com/ Cennik: https://www.emails-to-sheets.com/pricing Strona pomocy technicznej: https://support.cloudhq.net/category/browser-extensions/export-emails-to-excel-csv-or-google-sheet/ Blog: https://blog.cloudhq.net _____ EXCELLENT for business: The data sitting in your Gmail emails can be a goldmine. But if you don't know how to extract that data to look at it in a more effective way, that gold can quickly become worthless. It's overwhelming to have to search through all your emails and manually enter the information you want into a spreadsheet just to keep track of things like incoming: leads, orders, real estate listings, support issues, and more. This app simplifies ALL off that tedious work, and does it for you in an automated, continuous way so that every new email that matches your filter criteria (like order #) auto-populates into your Google Sheet. It's like having a real-time report on whatever you need to keep track of, and best of all, it's saves you a ton of time. Here are some use cases: ✅ Export order and shipping notifications from your email messages to Google Sheets ✅ Export email Leads from your email messages to Google Sheets ✅ Email List Builder: Export all contact information from anyone that you've ever exchanged emails with. You can export that contact information from your entire inbox, or from a Gmail label ✅ Parse emails to get a report of all bounced email addresses (This is great to use with mailking.io, our email marketing software) ✅ Share support issues coming in from customers with the rest of your support team ✅ Backup (archive) your email messages ✅ Export emails from foreign-language customers so that you can get them translated by a service ✅ Use it to export your expense reports or receipts into Google Sheets (tax time is upon us!) ✅ And finally, you can import your data from your emails into your database or CRM Key features: ⭐ Real time export of all emails in your Gmail label, and any new emails coming in, to Google Sheets ⭐ Powerful email parsing editor to define the exact information you want exported to Google Sheets (how to extract data from email message body) ⭐ Email messages can be exported to PDF and saved in Google Drive ⭐ Attachments (like invoices, receipts, etc.) saved as a PDF in Google Drive ⭐ Artificial Intelligence rules are used to detect what to export from your email body, like amount paid, order #, or other patterns it can detect, etc. ⭐ Export all email headers (including X- headers) ⭐ Pre-built rules to export all contact information like: phone#, email addresses, url links from email body ⭐ G Suite team support (control export of emails from admin console) Try it today and stop wasting your precious time. We have apps to do these kinds of monotonous jobs! Our goal is to give you the tools to make the best strategic decisions once your data is presented in a way that can be more easily understood. And we know the info might be in Gmail, but it's no way to make a good decision. Google Sheets will help you understand the bigger picture of whatever you need to keep track of. How it works: 1. Install the extension 2. On the left side, select the label to export and select "Save label to Google Sheets" in the label menu 3. The options dialog will open 4. Select columns to export (Subject, sender, etc.) and options (continuous export, name of a spreadsheet, etc.) 5. Our user-friendly editor will help you define what information you want to parse from your emails, and extract that information into Google Sheets (like order#, user comment, etc.) 6. Start the export 🔍 You can read our blog for step-by-step instructions here: https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-to-create-a-zillow-spreadsheet-using-gmail-with-an-email-parser/ cloudHQ. Helping your productivity, 1 click at a time. cloudHQ website: https://www.cloudhq.net/ App website: https://www.emails-to-sheets.com/ Pricing: https://www.emails-to-sheets.com/pricing Support page: https://support.cloudhq.net/category/browser-extensions/export-emails-to-excel-csv-or-google-sheet/ Blog: https://blog.cloudhq.net

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-24) Williams: Effortlessly collect invoices and receipts with email parsing tool. It's perfect for any business.
  • (2023-10-24) Matthew John: I'm amazed at how this parser simplifies shipping reports and order tracking. A must for business owners!
  • (2023-10-24) John Stannis: I'm amazed at how this parser simplifies shipping reports and order tracking. A must for business owners!
  • (2023-10-24) Charlie Mortonuk: Email list building is a breeze with this parser. Highly recommended for email marketers!
  • (2023-10-24) Charles James: I can't express how much this email parser has transformed my business! It's an absolute gem for organizing Gmail data
  • (2023-09-01) Florian Rücker: They don't tell you, but the cheapest plan cost $39/month FOURTY DOLLARS A MONTH!! $468 A YEAR! I wasted hours setting this up and learned too late about their crazy crazy pricing. Avoid!
  • (2023-07-10) Jay Mehta: Only 71 rows in freemium version
  • (2023-06-25) Bella Landini: Export Emails to Google Sheets is just awesome. It fits right in, easy to use and gets the job done. They've been at it for years, so they really know what they're doing. It makes moving and handling your email stuff a piece of cake, helping you get more done. Definitely worth all 10 stars - ok there is only 5.
  • (2023-06-16) Kai “蔡致远” H.: A label with 100+ emails is in the "Running Jobs" for a full day and then always goes into pause. Not ever delivering any results.
  • (2023-04-09) Allen Hufnagel: Export Emails to Sheet is a user-friendly tool that efficiently transfers emails to a spreadsheet. It saves time and simplifies email organization with just a few clicks. Highly recommended for those who want a hassle-free way to manage their inbox.
  • (2023-03-31) Jeannine Earp: With its seamless integration, years of experience in the market, and user-friendly interface, Export Emails to Google Sheets is a reliable and efficient extension that simplifies the process of exporting and managing email data for increased productivity. 5 stars.
  • (2023-03-26) Peter Greer: Good extension that simplifies the process of extracting and organizing data from Gmail into Google Sheets for efficient data management and analysis. 5/5 for me.
  • (2023-03-25) Marco Hinderer: Doesnt mention anywhere that it caps Free usage at 50 emails. too expensive (like doubleyoutf) for a SMB. not great expectation management. only for larger companies that can afford monthly fees of 100 USD and up
  • (2023-03-24) Larry Alcaraz: Our office has been using CloudHQ to organize our office and streamline our process by simply having our emails forwarded to google sheets. Such a time saver!
  • (2023-03-19) Virgil Patterson: Quite a powerful extension for extracting and analyzing data from emails, however, it would be more user-friendly if it had a more intuitive interface for selecting and organizing the data to export. Overall I recommend this extension if you use google sheets alot.
  • (2023-03-02) Anthony Thompson: Wonderful. This is a powerful tool that streamlines the process of organizing and analyzing emails. The extension allows users to automatically export emails from Gmail to Google Sheets, making it easy to sort and analyze large volumes of data.
  • (2023-02-24) Simon Yoda: Export Email To Google Sheets is a perfect tool for anyone who wants to gain better insights into their email data. The tool's ability to export emails to Google Sheets is incredibly powerful, allowing users to manipulate and analyze their data with ease. Additionally, the tool is straightforward to use, with customizable export settings and an intuitive interface. Overall, Export Email To Google Sheets is a perfect choice for anyone looking to take their email data management to the next level.
  • (2023-01-19) Herman Zarkovic: Parsing emails is incredibly easy. This product can quickly and accurately parse emails into their component parts, such as headers, body text, and attachments. Recommended.
  • (2023-01-04) Karmen Goric: Very nifty tool. I used it to back up my emails and I was very impressed: having all your emails in a spreadsheet is pure gold. The extension was easy to install and use and it backed up my emails quickly and efficiently. I highly recommend this for anyone looking for a reliable and easy to use email backup solution.
  • (2023-01-04) Elizabeth Jobe: I must say I was more than pleased with the results. The software was very easy to use and it allowed me to quickly extract data from emails without having to manually go through them. I found the software very helpful for organizing customer data and for automating the process for extracting information from emails. The support team was very helpful in assisting me with any questions I had and the overall experience was great. I would highly recommend using cloudHQ for anyone looking for an easy and efficient way to parse emails.
  • (2023-01-04) Robert Long: I use this system to parse all my online orders. Quite useful - it is smart enough to parse all WalMart, BestBuy, and Target emails. I did not try with others.
  • (2023-01-04) Gregory Bussell: I don't want to tell too many people about this app because it's my secret weapon for recruiters, but I have to say that it's way better than all the other applicant tracking systems out there, and it's super affordable too!
  • (2022-11-02) M. G.: WARNING: Extreme amount of fake reviews. Very opaque disclosure of how private information is treated. Conditions in contract changing without prior notice. Do not install this add-on, you will be puting your private data at risk
  • (2022-11-01) Afa Ina: Helps me so much
  • (2022-11-01) Funmije Lakasagba: What a grateful Extension!!!
  • (2022-11-01) Ile Giga: Very grateful extension
  • (2022-11-01) Awe Awe: Very good
  • (2022-11-01) Okomi Atata: Thanks for this great extension
  • (2022-11-01) Aduragbemi Rentals: This extension is sweat-able
  • (2022-11-01) Lakson Dancer: It help me so much
  • (2022-10-31) Loco Rado: wow love this extension, very powerful parsing email system.
  • (2022-10-31) Olowo Orimi: Thanks for this great extension, very useful
  • (2022-10-31) Leader_pro chrome: Very useful and amazing
  • (2022-10-27) Bianca emmy: i was able to use this extension to export my expense reports or receipts into Google Sheets
  • (2022-03-18) Laverne Herring: Very powerful email parsing service.
  • (2022-03-05) Carrick On Shannon News: AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING love it thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • (2022-02-26) William Shepherd: We use cloudHQ to parse emails with leads and then add them to a google spreadsheet which shared with the team. VERY USEFUL!
  • (2022-02-24) Rhys Smith: Would be a great tool BUT free version is limited to the point where it's basically useless. Wasn't upfront about that at the time of sign up; lack of transparency now makes me concerned what will they do later?
  • (2021-12-21) Tanya Lennox-Carpenter: I just used this for the first time to organize all my realtors in my real estate firm. This is now a "must have" app for me. A-1
  • (2021-12-21) Mackenzie Cherazee: This helped me SO much. I'm running a small business where I need to keep my orders in a spreadsheet just so that I can see what I need to deliver (and when). If I didn't have this email parser, I'm not sure I'd be able to keep as good track as I do now. Top seller on Amazon right here!
  • (2021-11-27) jovan Kranjevac: Excellent solution of email parsing and data extraction.
  • (2021-11-25) Juan Gonzalez: Powerful but simple email parser. FIVE STARS!!!!
  • (2021-11-25) Timothy Martin: Quite useful extension and service. We parse Zillow emails using this extension and works quite well.
  • (2021-11-25) Carrie Kent: Good product. Worth money.
  • (2021-11-22) Borges Santos: FANTASTIC CHROME EXTENSION
  • (2021-11-22) Ola Wunmi: This chrome is superb and awesome
  • (2021-11-22) katherine Gold: This chrome allows me to import my data from emails into my database or CRM
  • (2021-11-22) Elizabeth Odunayo: this extension helps me to Export emails from my foreign-language customers so that i can get them translated by a service
  • (2021-11-22) Ayofunmi zainab: This extension Backup (archive) in my email messages
  • (2021-11-22) Olaoye Taiwo: i enjoyed using this chrome it Parse emails to get a report of all my bounced email addresses


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