extension ExtPose

Automated Flash Site Enabler (Lite)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Allow the configured flash enabled site(s) to launch by default in Chrome version 69 and above.

Image from store Automated Flash Site Enabler (Lite)
Description from store Note: As of October 2020, a Chrome update appears to be forcing the need to manually allow a site to run flash every time the browser is restarted. If a work around can be found, a new version will be published. In the near future, it is expected that Flash will be permanently blocked by Chrome given the sunset announcement. This extension allows one or two URLs to be configured to automatically allow flash to run without popups/user intervention. The URLs of game sites are defaulted and provided as an example of a format. Different URLs should be entered in the format http://www.sitename.com/* This is the "Lite" version of the extension and is free for use. A "Pro" version is available which allows configuration of more than two URLs and is available for a modest fee. See the extension popup menu or options page for a link to "Pro". If you like the "Lite" version and would like to make a donation that would be appreciated as well. A donation may be made by using the Donate button on the options page. Note: It has been reported that the extension does not work under Incognito mode even if the extension is properly enabled for Incognito. At this point, be advised that this extension does not allow flash to be enabled under Incognito mode. If an update is identified, a new version will be published. Version Notes: v1.0.4.0 - Updated default site list v1.0.3.0 - Corrected problem where removed sites were still flash enabled v1.0.2.1 - updated site link on options page If you encounter any problems using this extension or have suggestions for improvements please let me know.

Latest reviews

  • (2021-01-23) ANdrey Andrey: 2021 year, not working
  • (2020-11-05) ARAŞTIRMA: NOT WORKİNG bro :d
  • (2020-10-15) Mikhail Zorin: Worked perfectly before the recent Chrome update (86 probably). No longer working. :( I hope the developer will fix it soon.
  • (2020-10-12) luschi11: No longer working in Chrome 86
  • (2020-09-03) Евгений Майстренко: Практически единственное (для меня работающее) расширение, где разработчики повели себя разумно - дали возможность вам самим указать ссылку на нужный вам сайт, а не просто тупо (как некоторые) вбили стандартные адреса vk, ok, facebook, без возможности изменений или добавлений, словно других сайтов и не существует.
  • (2020-08-19) Adel Alzahrani: لا يعمل Not woking
  • (2020-04-16) Xbox Professional: The extension did not work with the website i put in it, the site was http://www.totaljerkface.com
  • (2020-01-16) Crunch Brunch: Ne fonctionne pas sur facebook et sur les applications de jeu facebook
  • (2019-08-02) Antonio Savelev: Работает
  • (2019-06-17) Sami Kangas: Very good, thanks!
  • (2019-03-19) Justin Dunafon: Developer helped with format issues I was having, working great now. So glad somebody saw the need and made this!
  • (2019-02-02) gabriel carlucci: does not work
  • (2019-01-17) 2019년 1월 현재 네이버 등 플래시 구동 사이트를 자동 허용하는 확장 플러그인이다. 강력하게 추천한다. 여러 사이트 지원하는 유료결제를 하고자 하였으나 한국은 아직 지원되지 않는다.
  • (2019-01-14) kieran hussie: Godsend!
  • (2019-01-04) Kuku h: A MUST have for those for Google Chrome 71!
  • (2018-12-10) Engels Quintero (JellyBitz): Works as intended, because almost all chrome extensions since 0.71 are outdated. But for me, I feel like it's working on almost all sites, not only what I choose.
  • (2018-12-07) Andrea “Achimaki” Franzoni: i test your app and works good with chrome 71 but 2 url are too few how test is very good but not usable in practise

Latest issues

  • (2020-12-30, v: chris donald: No longer auto enables flash
    Flash is now no longer enabled by the extension and is still blocked by default, please fix this.
  • (2020-11-29, v: Mike Ferraro: automated flash not working and not able to enable it
    cannot enable flash drive
  • (2020-03-30, v: Kevin: Not working...
    I'm using Automated Flash Site Enabler (Lite) in Chrome. I have only 1 URL configured: https://www.xfinity.com/* It's just not working. As an example, I open Chrome and goto a page like: https://www.xfinity.com/stream/foryou Then when I check the flash status, chrome says it's "Blocked" by default.
  • (2019-11-18, v: Yosy natuf: Try turning off your camera may have a malfunction
    Try turning off your camera may have a malfunction
  • (2019-06-18, v: Espen Svebak: Need to be able to enable flash in the print dialogue
    The plugin only accept http urls needed url: chrome://print
  • (2019-05-15, v: MFC Alerts: Not working in Chrome 76
    no longer works in current Chrome Canary (76)
  • (2019-04-17, v: Craig Johnson: Cannot open site
    cannot get https://powertest.assessment.powerschool.com/va_tazewell/v7/secure/ even if I change the format as described. Can you help? It is for my sons homework.
  • (2019-03-27, v: Jeff Frixel: Disney
    You probably hate looking at specific websites but I can't get the extension to work for https://lol.disney.com/*
  • (2019-03-14, v: Justin Dunafon: Invalid URL, use format http://www.sitename.com/*
    I keep getting the error shown in the title above. I like the idea for the app, and I use this site every day at work. Am I doing something wrong? I enter it exactly like this, with or without the *. https://partsadvisor.deere.com/CStoneEPC/launch.sls*
  • (2019-03-12, v: David Edmeades: VMWare console not working
    I just had to update my version of Chrome to 72, and discovered that my previous workaround is gone. I've added both the IP and the URL to your plugin's config and neither method seems to work. Chrome is still blocking the plugin on every page load even though the site is set to allow flash, etc. Nothing seems to happen when I choose to "run flash this time" or right-click on the object and run the plugin.
  • (2019-02-26, v: sarah jack: Does not work for facebook apps
    Added your extension, enabled it as well as have my settings to allow flash.. still get message from game saying I need to upgrade my flash. When I click that .. I get a pop up and I click to enable flash again, I click allow and then it works but becomes super laggy. Not sure where the conflict is
  • (2018-12-30, v: Carmen Shyre: Won't work for Pixlr/editor
    I use Pixlr 6/7 days a week and due to the stupid update Chrome had, I tried to find a solution to stop it from asking me every time. I went to go enter https://www.pixlr.com/editor/* , but it says it's an invalid address and to follow the format. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, the format is exactly the same.
  • (2018-12-27, v: just not working
    I have the Automated Flash Site Enabler (Lite) installed. I have tried numerous times to put URL's in like Facebook.com, Klondike games and the link is good but when I try to open any games I am still asked to allow flash. Chrome is at version Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)


9,000 history
2.7895 (19 votes)
Last update / version
2020-11-19 /
Listing languages
