Description from extension meta
Generiere robuste XPath, link text, RanoreXPath sowie CSS Selektoren für sofortige Verwendung in Selenium Tests.
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Description from store
* Generiere Selektoren mit nur einem Klick! Der Selektor-Generator erkennt und vermeidet die Verwendung von dynamisch generierten IDs.
* Sende den generierten Selektor inklusive Screenshot direkt an Ranorex Webtestit, die smarte IDE, optimiert für die Erstellung von UI-Webtests mit Selenium oder Protractor.
* Manuelle Auswahl: Ranorex Selocity erstellt automatisch XPath, link text, RanoreXPath und CSS Selektoren. Entscheide selbst, welcher Selektor am besten für dich passt.
* Generiere Selektoren für Elemente in Same-Origin- oder Cross-Origin-Iframes.
* Exploratives Erstellen von Selektoren: Adaptiere Selektoren und erhalte sofortiges Feedback um sicherzustellen, dass dein Selektor seinen Zweck erfüllt.
* Automatic escaping: Anführungszeichen sowie Maskierungszeichen können auf Wunsch automatisch zu den Selektoren hinzugefügt werden. Spare dir zusätzliche Schritte und setze Selektoren direkt in deinen Tests ein.
* RanoreXPath Selektor: Der generierte RanoreXPath (RxPath) vereinfacht den XPath und verwendet zusätzliche Attribute und Operatoren.
* Unterstützung für Dark und Light Theme
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-05) Jack Phillips: Currently, this is the only available extension that reliably helps me find correct relative xpath information. However, even though the overview details list a Dark Mode feature, but no such option seems to exist within the extension. Also, the light mode appearance conflicts with Chrome's dark mode, causing the extension text to display in white with white backgrounds. This forces me to leave Chrome in light mode if I want to reliably use this extension.
- (2021-06-23) fardy316: Simply the best extension to test your XPATH and CSS.
- (2021-04-25) Too much time waste on useless functionality.
- (2021-02-17) Stephen Gassett: The only tool I was able to find that allowed me to select consistently good locator(s) via the right click menu. As a non-coder, I thank you.
- (2020-07-22) S: very helpful tool
- (2020-04-10) unl kymk: the best tool for capturing elements
- (2020-02-23) John Engelke: Ultimately, this extension worked well to generate XPath selectors. It does not work locally, though. The extension wants to connect to "Ranorex Webtestit," an online site I am assuming from the extension developer. In fact, it reports connect/disconnect errors and with an errant button click will send your css off to their server for analysis. For this reason, in my opinion, this is not a good fit for developing apps in a pre-release environment or on a private network.
- (2019-12-25) tc111 jiang: 解决了谷歌xpath定位不到筛选下拉框的问题,此插件可以稳定定位,哈哈
- (2019-10-30) Luca Perotti: Great extension for generating and evaluating selectors.
- (2019-04-29) Janesh Kodikara: This extension is really useful for generating XPath, CSS and Link location strategies. It is possible to send location strategies to the page objects with images of elements. Also you can validate your location strategies and ensure you do not get the Element not found exceptions.
- (2019-03-28) Mehraban: Best
- (2019-03-28) Joshua Dapitan: The extension is very useful. This is a useful tool, not just for those who do work with Selenium webdriver, you can also use it to evaluate what could be affected by CSS changes by evaluating your CSS Selectors.
- (2018-11-07) Mikolaj: Very good and usefull tool for Test Automation support
- (2018-07-08) Stefan Schnell: Great tool, works very good, thank you for that.
- (2018-04-13) cattrace A: nice
- (2017-12-20) 666Tomsk: If you are using WebDriver or Ranorex for Web, this is a must! Love it
- (2017-10-13) Tobias Strauß-Mirwald: Great tool - very useful!
- (2017-10-11) Christoph Preschern: Great job so far - keep on rockin
- (2017-10-10) Ивайло Бубов: The day is saved by this tool. Very very useful.