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Mailbutler for Gmail

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Description from extension meta

Verbessert deinen Posteingang mit produktivitätssteigernden Funktionen wie einem KI-gesteuerten Assistenten, E-Mail-Verfolgung und…

Image from store Mailbutler for Gmail
Description from store ⧓ Mailbutler: Dein Posteingang, smarter. ⧓ Arbeitest du mit E-Mails und suchst nach einer einfachen Lösung, um deinen E-Mail-Posteingang besser zu verwalten? Dann bist du bei genau Mailbutler richtig. Mailbutler ist die E-Mail-Erweiterung, die deinen Posteingang smarter macht. Sie wird nahtlos in deinen Gmail-Posteingang integriert und bietet dir eine Vielzahl an Funktionen: • Smart Assistant: Ein KI-gestützter E-Mail-Assistent, der E-Mails für dich schreibt, E-Mails zusammenfasst und verbessert, Aufgaben und Kontakte findet sowie für dich auf Mails antwortet. • Empfänger-optimiertes Senden: Mailbutler schlägt dir den besten Zeitpunkt für das Versenden deiner E-Mail vor, um die Chancen auf eine Antwort zu maximieren. • Aufgaben: Füge automatisierte To-dos zu deinen Kontakten und E-Mails hinzu und vergiss nie wieder etwas zu erledigen. • Notizen: Hefte Notizen an deine E-Mails und Kontakte an, um wichtige Infos immer im Blick zu haben. • Smartes Später Senden: Eine smarte Funktion, die dir hilft, den Zustellungszeitpunkt deiner E-Mails zu optimieren. Deine E-Mails auch dann versendet, wenn dein Computer ausgeschaltet ist. • E-Mail-Tracking: Finde heraus, wann, wo und wie häufig deine E-Mail oder dein Link geöffnet wurde. Du kannst auch E-Mails, die du von deinem mobilen Gerät aus versendest, nachverfolgen. • E-Mail-Signaturen: Erstelle ganz schnell und einfach professionelle und markenkonforme Signaturen, mithilfe bereitgestellter Vorlagen. • Kontakte: Ein CRM-Tool direkt in deinem Posteingang, mit dem du nicht nur alle Infos zu deinen Kontakten auf einen Blick hast, sondern auch noch eine Kontakt-Analytik, benutzerdefiniert Felder sowie eine Übersicht des gesamten E-Mail-Austauschs zwischen dir/deinem Team und deinem/eurem Kontakt. • Nachrichtenvorlagen: Mit Mailbutler kannst du ganz unkompliziert Vorlagen für deine E-Mails erstellen und diese mit nur wenigen Klicks in deine E-Mails einfügen. • Tags: Markiere deine E-Mails, Aufgaben, Kontakte, Notizen, Signaturen, um deinen Posteingang immer organisiert zu halten. • Kollaboration: Teile Kontakte, Notizen, Aufgaben, Signaturen und Nachrichtenvorlagen mit deinem Team - und das alles ohne den Posteingang zu verlassen. ⧓ Für wen ist Mailbutler das richtige Tool? ⧓ • Freiberufler:innen, Selbstständige und Vermarkter:innen • Unternehmen, Marketing- und Sales-Teams, die direkt mit Kund:innen und Klient:innen kommunizieren • Teams, die eine klare, einfache und produktive interne Kommunikation anstreben • Alle, für die Produktivität oberste Priorität ist und die mehr mit E-Mails erreichen möchten ⧓ Warum Mailbutler? ⧓ • Mailbutler wird von Nutzer:innen entwickelt: Wir erweitern und verbessern unsere Funktionen laufend und aktualisieren die Funktionen fortwährend basierend auf Kund:innenfeedback • Mailbutler ist direkt in deinem Gmail-E-Mail-Programm integriert • Dank plattformübergreifendem Support funktioniert Mailbutler auch dann einwandfrei, wenn deine Teammitglieder ein anderes E-Mail Programm als Gmail verwenden • Wir legen großen Wert auf Offenheit und Transparenz: Jede/r Nutzer:in erhält eine kostenfreie 14-tägige Testversion, für die keine Kreditkartenangaben erforderlich sind, sodass du Mailbutler testen kannst, bevor du ein Abo abschließt • Unser kompetentes Support-Team beantwortet deine Anfragen 24/7 • Mailbutler bietet dir Integrationen mit deinen Lieblings-Apps - darunter: Asana, Todoist, Trello und OneNote • Und das Wichtigste: Mailbutler hilft dir dabei, deine Kund:innenkommunikation zu verbessern sowie neue Prospects, Klient:innen und Kontakte zu gewinnen ⧓ Warte nicht länger - hol dir Mailbutler jetzt ⧓ Als neue/r Mailbutler-Nutzer:in erhältst du eine14-tägige kostenfreie Testphase, während der du alle unsere Funktionen in Gmail testen und entscheiden kannst, welcher unserer Tarife am besten zu dir passt. Du brauchst vor Abschluss deines Abos keine Kreditkartenangaben zu machen und kannst dich jederzeit wieder abmelden! Mailbutler-Tracking-Tarif – Basic E-Mail- und Link-Tracking – 3,95€ pro Monat/39,50€ pro Jahr Mailbutler-Professional-Tarif – Für alle, die ihren Posteingang besser organisieren wollen – 7,95€ pro Monat/79,50€ pro Jahr Mailbutler-Smart-Tarif – Für alle, die erweiterte Funktionen für ihren Posteingang benötigen – 12,95€ pro Monat/129,50€ pro Jahr
 Mailbutler-Business-Tarif – Das Komplettpaket für Teams, die ihre Produktivität steigern wollen – 29,95€ pro Monat/299,50€ pro Jahr Datenschutzerklärung: https://www.mailbutler.io/privacy-policy/ Nutzungsbedingungen: https://www.mailbutler.io/terms-and-conditions/ ===Du hast Fragen?=== Kontaktiere uns jederzeit unter [email protected] Besuche unser Support-Center für detaillierte Nutzungsanleitungen: https://help.mailbutler.io/help ===Verbinde dich mit uns!=== Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mailbutler/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mailbutler LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mailbutler-gmbh/

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-25) Javier Blasco: Muy buena extensión la recomiendo al 100%
  • (2023-01-06) Jeison Muñoz: La uso principalmente paa integrar ToDoIst con mi correo y con Notion. Hasta el momento funciona muy bien.
  • (2023-01-05) Toni Pec: Great app, exactly what i was looking for :)
  • (2023-01-05) Gary Mason: This is a GREAT extension when it is working properly...indispensable. It is occasionally a little "buggy", particularly when Chrome updates or when there is a Mailbutler update...but their customer service is awesome and they work very hard to fix any bugs quickly. Just annoying enough to not be a full 5 stars, although it is definitely 5 stars when it is working properly!
  • (2022-10-20) dhehbi dhehbi: It's good, easy to use and helpful
  • (2022-10-12) Clyde Reams: The Mailbutler extension keeps me on track with my business and personal activities. I have used other tracking services, but Mailbutler has the functionality that works best for me. It is a must for me.
  • (2022-01-31) Kenneth Maomela: I am so happy that i discovered Mailbutler after trying different mail tracking tools. The beauty of Mailbutler is the easy setup and integration with all my email accounts. Secondly, Mailbutler is easy to use and work seamlessly across my devices. i look forward to migrating to the Business version
  • (2021-12-13) Bret Kadison: App is great - adds a ton of functionality that is much needed to gmail!
  • (2021-10-29) Zoltán Negrut: I love this extension, I am a premium subscriber. It just does the perfect job. However lately I'm facing "no message selected" message, even if I have selected a thread in my conversations. Your feedback is highly appreciated.
  • (2021-07-10) Kristofer Turland: With Mailbutler, I have simplified and accelerated my everyday life. Being able to quickly and easily complete notes and be able to structure my work, I never miss an important opportunity in my daily work.
  • (2021-07-09) Martino Roberto: If you need a mail assistant for your daily work, this is a must have!
  • (2021-07-06) Andrea de Polo Saibanti: I have used it for many months and find it very valuable. The product is also update quite regularly which is great as it keep remain update when technology changes or when new features are added.
  • (2021-05-12) Evenshop Themobilestore: Les intégrations (avec Onenote, Microsoft ToDo...) ne fonctionnent pas.
  • (2021-03-29) Netanel Eliav: Mailbutler is one of the most important productive software . I Love it and its clean and easy to use. o.... and its work for Apple Mail so no more waiting for Apple to improve there software when we have Mailbutler :-) Try it yourself and send me TNX after :-)
  • (2021-03-23) Bradley Breedlove: Mailbutler is definitely worth it. I use mailbutler in both Gmail, Outlook and Mail.app, and I find it very useful. Recipeint tracking is really helpful, setting followups, and snoozing messages are all ingrained in my workflow. More importantly, I can find the same tools in any platform i use it, instead of needing to change workflows depending on the platform. I think there needs to be a plan inbetween the basic and the pro -- I need a few of the pro features, but not all of them, and the features i'd use are not worth the large step in price.
  • (2021-01-12) Slaw: Excellent tracing, but for single private licence too expensive. It is helpful to see if the send mail was open and by whom. But for me to expensive.
  • (2021-01-11) Melanie Brownlee: The email tracking function is so handy! The notes and tasks are life-savers as well
  • (2021-01-09) David Orriss Jr: I love Mailbutler. The abilities it has via it's service interface to cleanly and quietly track if people have read your emails, setting reminders on emails, and expansive customer relationship management features make mailbutler indispensable as a plugin for Gmail. Gmail is a great product. Mailbutler makes your email productive again.
  • (2021-01-06) Larz Macfarlane: The best integrations mailbutler offers seem to be for Gmail accounts.
  • (2021-01-06) Pedro Botsaris: Terrible User Experience This extension simply kidnapped my gmail because I wasn't log in to mail butler. So now I cannot use my e-mail inbox because I am not logged in to Mail Butler? Then, after being forced to log in to Mail butler to access my inbox account, it can't log in because I haven't confirmed my password with Mail Butler and I am locked out from my inbox. Now, I can't access my inbox because of Mail Buttler stupid log in pop up. I had to open it in another browser confirm my email so I can access my gmail inbox from Chrome. print screen https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZwjEnxULAj_aqPm3fe8J_rczx8-JUKSZ/view?usp=sharing Seriously, who designed this UX?
  • (2021-01-06) Besparingsadviseur Thomas Fransen: Super useful extension for my mailbox. Everything looks more professional with mailbutler en is so much easier to follow up. Love it!
  • (2021-01-06) Alexandre Jesus: I love this product. I use it mostly as a direct conduct to my task manager because I can manage notes and tasks directly from my email, without leaving the page. It's the only product I found that allows me to write my waiting for task on the composing box. I don't have to go to the sent email to write down the task.
  • (2021-01-06) Remko Bekker: Great plugin to track my mail. Templates for sending e-mails are also a huge time saver. And then everything also looks super professional with the signature function.
  • (2021-01-06) Juliane Bone: Very awesome product
  • (2021-01-05) Lester Lao: Lots of Features and Great support. Learning curve is quite steep to get most out of it, but Mailbutler is very functional. Support team is great and very responsive.
  • (2021-01-05) Larry Schultz: I've been using Mail Butler for over a year now, and find it invaluable in my consulting business. I've often wondered if my clients have seen the emails I send to them, and now I know if the email was seen, and when it was seen. This is a huge need for me, and allows me to make informed decisions on follow up emails. Great product.
  • (2021-01-05) Dani Toscano: Mailbutler is so great! I love being able to see when my emails have been opened — especially for clients!
  • (2021-01-05) Torie Capistran: Such a great email productivity tool I love Mailbutler period, and this extension rocks. I use the template feature most when composing a new email, but also love the read tracking and snooze options.
  • (2021-01-05) Corte Capitani: As a small business I like a simple but powerful tool that helps me to organise, track and manage ny emails I use it with the Apple mail app as well as for my gmail account. Great job.
  • (2021-01-05) Samy Picard: A need to Have App It's already 4 years I'm using Mailbutler everyday for my personnal and proffessionnal use. Now, with this app, I have it in My iphone, it's so useful. I can't miss it ! Very good app, very good plugin!
  • (2021-01-05) Fernando Alvarez: Buenísima app, me ha encantado, super sencilla de uso, y muy, pero que muy práctica.... para mí es fundamental en mi productividad diaria... algo de obligada instalación y uso....
  • (2021-01-05) Michał Wsiołkowski - FDOL: Bardzo przydatne uzupełnienie, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o opóźnienie i planowanie maili!
  • (2021-01-05) Marvin Harris: LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT The best thing since sliced bread and pant with pockets
  • (2021-01-05) Wojciech Bizub: One of my favorite app. It gives me the ability to track open rate in mail mails.
  • (2021-01-05) Guillaume Gatefait: Super App, surtout pour le tracking
  • (2020-09-04) Katrin Freudig: Super Chrome Erweiterung! Kann ich sehr empfehlen!
  • (2020-09-04) Matthias Scholz: Sehr hilfreich, wenn man viel Gmail nutzt.
  • (2020-09-03) Franziska Maurer: Tooles Plugin!
  • (2020-08-30) Eiman Rahimi: One of the best email trackers available, with lots of other useful and must-have features.
  • (2020-08-26) Nando Tschäppät: best Mail PlugIn ever!
  • (2020-08-25) Caio Arruda: Simply the best tool to help you manage your emails, track it, write notes and so on. I use it directly on the Gmail and also in the Apple Mail, both are awesome.
  • (2020-08-25) Lance Laspina: I've been using Mailbutler now for several years on both Gmail and Apple Mail and am overall very happy with it's performance. I mostly love the ability to track my emails (and catch people in a lie when they say they never received it ;-) as well as the delayed send functionality which has saved me several times. Other great features are being able to snooze an email until later. In general, it has allowed me to stick with using Apple Mail instead of using a 3rd party mail app that may have some of the same features as Mailbutler. Definitely recommend using this product.
  • (2020-08-25) Martino Roberto: If you wanna do business with your email, this is the only solution you need. The best scheduler, tracking, follow up, add to notes and many other features email plugin for you business.
  • (2020-08-25) Tom Yu: Mailbutler is easy to use and with multi-email, multi-device capabilities, very easy to keep up with tracked emails. Looking forward to seeing the impact of the upcoming cutoff of essentials, but for now, very happy with the software. Gmail/Chrome extension is easy to install and use as well. Would like to see more campaign related features such multiple, automated emails but this is still a very useful platform for those of us in sales.
  • (2020-08-25) William Grant - Decorating Jersey: This is one of the best trackers I've used for Gmail, the options aren't over powering so can easily get stuck straight in. The ability to create a signature addition, allowing you to add social profiles and more to the end of your gmails is fantastic! The user dashboard is clear and precise and the info is easily to take on with out having to click through different pages.
  • (2020-08-25) Anibal Souza: Awesome Great for snoozing messages.
  • (2020-03-09) Lachezar Popov: Neat extension, using it on both Gmail and Outlook. It blends perfectly with the email client. And gotta love the tracking feature! I always know when my professors are ignoring my emails on purpose.
  • (2020-01-20) Rachel Haas: Does not work. I tried reinstalling, restarting my computer, checking download settings nothing works. Completely useless
  • (2019-11-22) Carlo Alberto Ranzani: Great tool, but it breaks too often after chrome updates or app updates. I ended up keeping a copy of the signatures to copy/paste just for consistency sake
  • (2019-11-02) Alejandro Lopez Garcia: I paid for the application and installed the extension and the functionalities were not activated. I have been several days like this since I raised a case of support and mailbutler does not respond, only his botnet. Mailbutler is very bad service.


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2025-02-05 / 8504.29496
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