Description from extension meta
Вертикальная панель с вкладками
Image from store
Description from store
Панель вкладок прячется у левого края экрана, появляется при наведении мышкой.
- Поддерживает базовые операции с вкладками;
- Различные визуальные темы оформления;
- Собственная корзина вкладок;
- Закладки;
- Хранитель вкладок;
Известные проблемы:
- Внимание! Настройка Chrome "Предсказывать сетевые действия для ускорения загрузки" вызывает неопределенные ошибки в поведении расширения, рекомендуется её отключить;
- К сожалению, vTabs это не нативные вкладки;
- vTabs не может работать на Новой пустой вкладке, страницах магазина Google и страницах настроек Chrome, в связи с ограничением самой платформы;
- Иногда, после первой устрановки, необходимо перегрузить открытые вкладки;
- В некоторых случая, некоторые вкладки, могут иметь пустые иконки;
- Если что-то работает не правильно, просто скажите мне:)
- Не работает на страницах с <frame>
Latest reviews
- (2020-04-07) Gleidson Luis: Não funciona no meu Chrome.
- (2020-03-02) the modfather: Worthless, worked for about 30 seconds then stopped working.
- (2020-03-02) free land: no option focus on the active tab it lost focus in many situation user must scroll up and down to find tab every time when above 30 tabs 😓
- (2020-01-25) Graham Perrin: Nice, but there seems to be cropping of content at pages such as this:
- (2019-11-10) Andrey Est: на любителя, мені більше сподобався Sidewise Tree Style Tabs
- (2019-08-16) Hugo Morales: I installed it but it's not doing anything. I can't even see it even though I chose the option to always show.
- (2019-07-04) Stelios Adamantidis: It has so many bells and whistles without doing the basics. OK it displays tabs vertically. Super. When switching to new tabs the panel disappears until the page is fully loaded. Very disruptive. Then the panel goes OVER the website content. Still needs work.
- (2019-05-24) E LeCaire: Loved this extension for a long long time. Recently, with it enabled, clicking on a link to a new page, then being on that page, results in it loading and indexing to the bottom automatically. Disable VTab doesn't happen. Enable VTab open a new tab but don't select/click on it while loading, it loads fine. Enable VTab open a link into a new tab and click on it before it's done loading, it loads than puts one at the bottom of the page.
- (2019-05-16) Evgeniy Gribkov: can`t uncheck 'Retina' ! не могу убрать галку Retina
- (2019-05-11) Marcus Perry: I liked the features of this, but it started making every webpage I would load scroll to the bottom of the page. Pretty annoying and I had to disable because of this.
- (2019-01-18) Very nice, probably as close to Firefox's TreeStyle Tabs as it is possible to get. 2 features from that addon I miss the most are closing a tab in the vertical bar with a middle-click, and scrolling through tabs with the mouse wheel
- (2019-01-06) Ринат Хайсман: Я наконец-то нашел, что так долго искал. Моя мечта исполнилась, больше не о чем мечтать. Настолько это опустошает.
- (2018-12-30) Chris Vydas: i like vtabs but i like VerticalTabs by Norio Shimizu better. For the time being I will keep both but so far as I see it is working very well.
- (2018-11-05) aytekin ozdemir: working good. Thanks..
- (2018-10-08) Артём Мирончев: nice
- (2018-09-21) Архип Дуликов: Good afternoon, thank you for the addition. Question. How can I use the up and down arrows to navigate inside the panel, so as not to use the mouse? Добрый день, спасибо за дополнение. Вопрос. Как можно использовать стрелочки вверх вниз для навигации внутри панели, что бы не пользоваться мышкой? Thanks!
- (2018-09-14) notgivin mahreelnm: Looking for a tree style tabs extension since I left Firefox. The ones that have a separate docked window are not acceptable. This one does most of what I need, but has one big major glaring problem: It obscures the left side of the page on many if not most web pages.
- (2018-08-24) Владимир Юрьевич: Все замечательно, хотелось бы функцию открытия в новом окне, при установки закладок дом. стр.
- (2018-07-12) Руслан Смирнов: If I open MHT or MHTML file - this extention NOT work correctly - on bootom page added all text from bookmarks... При открытии MHT или MHTML файлов данное расширение не работает корректно - в конце страницы добавляет тексты из закладок (тупо перечень всего)
- (2018-06-23) Matthias Mensen: It's cool because unlike Sideways or Tabs Outliner it doesn't use a seperate window. But without the ability to create trees and to use it on new tab pages etc. its not really useful.
- (2018-06-11) moi lois: not working well
- (2018-04-24) Andri Irawan: *... .
- (2018-04-13) Jake Botticello: Doesn't work.
- (2018-03-07) Vesa Tamminen: Sometimes work, often not. On extensions settings-page - scroll doesn't work. Using latest Chrome beta build + flag tweaks.
- (2018-03-06) Malibongwe Mthimkhulu: Thank you i have been looking for this ever since i migrated from Firefox. Please also add the feature to be able to drag a tab and place it at the bottom as it seems its not there yet. thanks a lot
- (2018-01-29) Geordon Worley: This is currently the best you will get for vertical tabs integrated into the browser window. Tree style tabs for firefox is more ideal, but I have this set up to show overtop of the screen and you can toggle it with alt+Q. This gives me vertical tabs that I can access fairly quickly. Unfortunately, it cannot resize the web page properly in many circumstances if you enable that, so you probably just want to have it in show/hide mode.
- (2018-01-18) Денис Дмитриев: Очень удобно! Не работает в паре с The Great Suspender. :(
- (2017-12-02) Razee Atead: the side bar is hiding part of the web page... many times important parts..
- (2017-11-22) NickNeZ: Постоянно сбрасывает настройки на дефолтные. Удалил.