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Universal translator for subtitle words and phrases in youtube, netflix, amazon, ted and other portals
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"Unitrans" the Universal-Translation Extension tool for translating any words or phrases in a subtitle to any language. It will improve the way how you learn languages e.g. in Englisch, Spanish, France or in other language. This tool is free.
Latest reviews
- (2022-12-09) Maciej: Doesn't translate at all!!!!! Rubbish.
- (2022-08-25) Matthew Kowal: The idea of this App will be instrumental in future live captions But this implementation presents many issues: Automatically translates into English on Russian speaking video (the default for this video was an English translation for the CCed but Russian is being spoken in the video. The language spoken should match and not follow the channel settings) translator box is way too large (more than 1/3 of a non maximized video on youtube) and I couldn't figure out a way to adjust it (such as dragging the corners) Highlighting for text only displays the translation for a fraction of a second before disappearing setting menu looks incomplete
- (2022-04-30) Nathalie Saravia: no sirve para netflix
- (2022-02-25) David Gow: Doesn't translate to English on
- (2021-11-27) Yang Xu: Could it add support for HBO please?
- (2021-08-01) Dan4ik37: Перевод работает вроде отлично на первый взгляд, посмотрю как дальше пока не понятно можно ли настроить размер, если что напишу отзыв по подробнее.
- (2021-07-15) ekarron: Really a nice extension, but it would be better with a separate button to enable and disable
- (2021-06-30) Lorem Ipsum: it is free and it really works!
- (2021-06-02) Alexander Carter: А смысл? Он как ютобовский - только тугой, и все равно не сохраняет настройки.
- (2021-05-02) The Collapse: 'You have reached your translation limit' after 2 minuts. It's not even funny
- (2021-03-09) Vamsi Krishna Popuri: Works Perfectly. Great tool
- (2020-12-11) N Jo: Thank you for great tool, it's helped me a lot. Can you add on future versions control of size like native youtube subtitle option. Thanks again. Loved the extension.
- (2020-11-27) Rubin Sh: Good but user experience need to be upgraded some how, or allow to change settings on behavior of keys/mouse/etc manipulations
- (2020-10-15) Oleksandr “strel9” Strelchenko: глючит при выборе нескольких слов и при выборе всей фразы из двух строк не выбирается. И еще после включения всплывающего окна, его нельзя убрать без перезагрузки ютуба
- (2020-10-03) Revolucion Animal lml: a cada rato me sale el cartel de "you have reach the limit" bla bla bla....que es porque usa como motor de busqueda la pagina de google translate y no la api....
- (2020-09-18) Ankit Sharma: Loved the extension.
- (2020-09-01) K W (Kilowatt): Works great
- (2020-08-24) Tech Talks With Santosh: Loved the extension.
- (2020-08-18) m3m0l33: very useful thanks mister bitcollage :)
- (2020-06-27) Marcos Rodriguez: si, muestra el subtitulo original en ingles, pero a cada rato hay que configurarlo para cada video! porqueno hacerlo una vez para todos?
- (2020-04-12) Oscar “OscarLnz”: I really like it, it needs a few updates to make it perfect,I can't fix the position of subtitle and I can't change the size of the subtitle
- (2019-12-12) Rachel Goodine: I used to be able to use this on but I haven't been able to get it to work for a while. I can translate one subtitle at a time by right clicking and choosing "translate to English" but it used to automatically translate each subtitle without my prompt. Any idea what I can do to get Unitrans working again? thank you!
- (2019-11-29) mercy flores: es una estafa xq no traduce al español
- (2019-09-09) Gersivan Oliveira: Muito produtiva e boa. Falta opção para aumentar tamanho da fonte da legenda.
- (2019-08-26) Arkadiy Shuvaev: Hello, I have got an error below with the following video: [stack] Error: 404 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=en> <meta charset=utf-8> <meta name=viewport content="initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width"> <title>Error 404 (Not Found)!!1</title> <style> *{margin:0;padding:0}html,code{font:15px/22px arial,sans-serif}html{background:#fff;color:#222;padding:15px}body{margin:7% auto 0;max-width:390px;min-height:180px;padding:30px 0 15px}* > body{background:url(// 100% 5px no-repeat;padding-right:205px}p{margin:11px 0 22px;overflow:hidden}ins{color:#777;text-decoration:none}a img{border:0}@media screen and (max-width:772px){body{background:none;margin-top:0;max-width:none;padding-right:0}}#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;margin-left:-5px}@media only screen and (min-resolution:192dpi){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat 0% 0%/100% 100%;-moz-border-image:url(// 0}}@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2){#logo{background:url(// no-repeat;-webkit-background-size:100% 100%}}#logo{display:inline-block;height:54px;width:150px} </style> <a href=//><span id=logo aria-label=Google></span></a> <p><b>404.</b> <ins>That’s an error.</ins> <p>The requested URL <code>/translate_a/single</code> was not found on this server. <ins>That’s all we know.</ins> at handleServerError (chrome-extension://dhoomabpflmndikhoiolpogmjlnegben/background.js:5396:13) at <anonymous>
- (2019-07-13) feidlimid lugubelenus: Hello again, the app again crashes, please update!
- (2019-05-04) Reid Manares: I like the extension, but I suggest that the captions should act as a replacement of captions generated by YouTube.
- (2019-04-04) Weberson Luis: Thanks, great extension.
- (2019-04-03) nugget nugget: it works on you tube only if there a caption button
- (2018-11-21) 莊濬豪: 謝謝
- (2018-11-07) Hank Goldenberg: It worked for about 6 minutes. Very much like the idea, and it was cool and useful when it worked. But it stopped working. The subtitles remained, but the translating function when highlighting a word ceased to work. Good luck.
- (2018-09-18) Lauren Barnes: This doesn't work... Thanks for wasting my time.
- (2018-09-11) Paul Atréïdes: not working , no subtitles appears
- (2018-08-24) Joligon: Why do you have to click on to translate. Why does not he do automatic translation?
- (2018-08-11) Asyraf Farhan: didnt work, = failed extension,, didnt show subtitle. .and cant translate many language,,
- (2018-06-08) Andrey Andrey: Круто, то что я искал!! Спасибо. Very Cool.
- (2018-05-09) Al: It really works in a strange way. Shows one word ,then sentence, it is not convenient to to use, though the idea is good.
- (2018-02-02) The Limit Breaker: Hello Serkan It seems that this is an amazing program but it doesn't see to work on my windows 8 system. Thanks.
- (2017-10-10) G. Sip.: Very useful.
- (2017-09-23) my bi: cok tsk
- (2017-07-09) Pavel Yudin: I did not manage to have it working in the beginning but then somehow it started working.
- (2017-05-07) Je lance mon entreprise: Ne fonctionne pas
3.1333 (60 votes)
Last update / version
2022-07-25 /
Listing languages