extension ExtPose

BeeLine Reader PDF Viewer

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Description from extension meta

Make PDFs easier to read using BeeLine Reader's award-winning technology.

Image from store BeeLine Reader PDF Viewer
Description from store Reading PDFs has never been easier, or faster! BeeLine Reader's technology has won awards from Stanford University and the United Nations, and now you can use it to read PDFs in Chrome! Want to be able to read PDFs faster? Many people can read 20% faster with BeeLine Reader. Best of all, BeeLine Reader doesn't impair comprehension like some other speed reading tools. Independent studies have shown that BeeLine Reader's technology dramatically increases reading fluency, and BeeLine Reader is used in schools, colleges, and universities around the world. For educational licensing, email [email protected] Details: This PDF viewer will add BeeLine's color gradients to text (not scanned) PDFs for viewing in Chrome. In addition to opening PDFs in Chrome by clicking on a PDF's link, you can also drag a PDF from your desktop into a Chrome window, which will launch the BeeLine Reader PDF Viewer. The BeeLine Reader PDF Viewer is built using the Mozilla PDF.js project; the Mozilla license is available at: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/blob/master/LICENSE

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-13) Melissa: I have an eye tracking problem and I need software like this to read my assignments so please stop paywalling accessibility. This should be FREE FOR STUDENTS!
  • (2023-08-07) Nicole Ahmed: There is a cost to use this extension which is not made clear in the description. Moreover their pricing plans look like you would be charged twice for using their services on a single browser (Chrome): $55 annually for PDF support $24 annually for web page support The pdf viewing itself is fine as it based on the pdf.js mozilla work (https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js) Worked well for making pdf easier to read with the 5 page free limit. Also works with a dark theme (dark background light text), But after the first 5 pages which are free - the text becomes black on black so its useless for this unless you pay.
  • (2023-05-23) Ida Marshall: Didn't function at all
  • (2023-05-06) Beldades Word: só dá pra usar se pagar. tem outros que são gratuitos e tão bons quanto esta extensão.
  • (2023-04-25) M R: Almost perfect for my purposes, i.e. reading recently-exported PDFs, usually constructed via LaTeX. This extension manages to flawlessly render thousands of equations, from superscript to thrice-nested subscript, all while preserving smooth scrolling and crisp boundaries on rendered features. Having said that, BeeLine Reader PDF does have the occasional technical problem. First, while creating a custom color scheme, the selected color will sometimes jumps to pitch-black, particularly in the upper-left quadrant. Second, the applied gradient will occasionally transition suddenly, i.e. between two characters, rather than throughout the affected line; this happens with perhaps one "color boundary" per rendered document, and does not substantially affect readability. Third, and less centrally: printing BeeLine-rendered PDFs still appears to be in the developmental stages. I've found that printing a pristine TeX-based document in 600dpi yielded low-res printouts, far from the crisp text of the original as was rendered on-screen. That said, it DID print with the applied gradient, so I'd call it a neutral outcome. Fourth, finally, and *least importantly*, certain keyboard shortcuts do not work while reading PDFs via BeeLine Reader: [CTRL-\] does not cycle between Page View options as it does in Edge, and [ESCAPE] does not close out of the color-picker's drop-down menu as one might expect. But the above is an exhaustive list of all the negatives, from my experience. As such, given its price, I'd rate BeeLine Reader PDF in its current form at 4.5 stars ("who cases lol" --- you, I'm guessing). If/when the GUI issues mentioned are fixed -- fingers crossed -- I'll be calling it perfect for the *vast* majority of PDFs created within the past 20 years. Don't expect it to fix up your janky-ase crooked old copy of "Baby Rudin" which you plucked out of lipgem-dot-whatever, though. In the words of a wise and sagacious leader: c'mon, man.
  • (2022-11-20) M. H.: Either I get an error when loading the PDF, or it only works on the first few pages.
  • (2022-11-06) Peter Hartree: It's good. I'd love to have this function integrated into my primary PDF reader (PDF Expert).
  • (2021-12-15) Anna S.: The description claims to color short pdfs, and to color first few pages of longer pdfs. In reality in only colors the very first page, I've tried with pdfs as small as 4 page long as well as full books.
  • (2021-11-18) Byrd Seinstra: It worked fine for awhile. Then it got moved from google payments to its own site, and now it keeps telling me I'm using an unregistered version despite still costing money. I cannot find where or how to stop the payments. Do NOT recommend.
  • (2021-01-28) Jake Clementine: I can't figure out how to get the extention to work now that the payment system is updated. Nor can I figure out how to sign in to the account and cancel my payment. Am I going to be charged $5 forever now? There was no explaination and the page with the notice about the update would load and crash so that you can't read it. Very upset. I need this for school and don't have $5 to waste every month.
  • (2020-02-25) Chika Yamamoto: I installed the app for the latest Edge chromium, and checked it works perfect for several PDFs I found on some kind of web sites(PDFs mainly from Arxiv). then tried other documents stored on my local folders, and found it doesn't colorize them at all. I haven't tried it on original Google Chrome yet so I'm not sure if that problem is only reproduced with Edge, but that's not the way I expected it to behave because I was thinking about having my PDF library added color gradient and I don't usually use Google Chrome.
  • (2019-03-20) Алекс Грей: Lag
  • (2017-04-20) Ezgi Cestepe: i am paying it almost for a year. It still has the same technical problems. When the pdf is opened, for first pages it functions properly but for the other pages the program clashes and it does not work. i had contact with the developer months ago, and he is unable to fix the problem. That's unfortunate.
  • (2016-12-05) Brian Landry: This is great, except the text prints at low resolution. When the text is rendered on screen it is great and appears to be vector format. However once printed it seems the text is converted to a raster image. Additionally this raster is low enough resolution that after printing the text is noticeably blurry making it hard to read. Additionally it would be nice if the preparing to print dialogue continues its process when the tab was not in focus, but Im assuming that is a chrome limitation?
  • (2016-10-31) Tristram Savage: The concept is great, but the implementation is buggy. Loading a pdf instantly causes a redirect to a 'beelined' version. This is fine, but it makes it impossible to 'back' out of a loaded PDF to whatever page you came from because you 'back' to the normal pdf which lickity split redirects to the beelined version. Another issue is that there's no 'off' button, so if you wanna read something without beeline, you have to navigate to the extension page and disable it. It's super annoying. If this were a free app that'd be one thing, but for a charge, I expect basic bugs like this to be fixed. I hope they improve the app some day. It really does help me read.
  • (2016-10-05) Rachel Ratliff: I downloaded this app because I read a lot of science articles for school on my laptop and it doesn't work. The title page and citation page of the PDF will be colored, but not the actual article.
  • (2016-04-30) Clifton Roozeboom: Great app!!!
  • (2016-03-03) Zoë Redstone-Rothstein: Is there a way to turn the BeeLine Reader view off for individual PDFs? Sometimes I want to look at a PDF on the regular Chrome PDF viewer, but I can't figure out how to do that without disabling this extension (which in turn, seems to automatically close any PDFs already open in the BeeLine Reader view.)
  • (2016-02-24) Alice Roberts Dunn: Would be fantastic, but it doesn't work with JSTOR pdfs - at least not the ten or so I've tried. It works with the first page, but not the body of the articles for some reason. Given I'm a disabled uni student and this is the whole reason I purchased this viewer, it's a bit rubbish really. Hopefully it gets fixed in the future.
  • (2016-02-21) Grant Gliniecki: I have ADD and struggle to focus on reading in particular, especially when it comes to very dry academic texts. Using this with my e-textbooks makes an incredible difference in readability for me AND lets me print in a gradient for on-paper reading if digital just isn't cutting it, making it the best of both worlds. I recommend Beeline every chance I get because it truly is a better way of reading. The ability to customize the gradient has also been a huge boon for online reading, as I've found that weirdly enough, reducing the contrast (making the background a soft gray) improves readability. I have abled friends who use this too to increase their reading speeds and they've said it makes reading easier and more enjoyable. This is fantastic for both abled and learning or developmentally disabled people and is more than worth $1/month. I didn't think I'd get as much out of the PDF viewer as I do, but the ability to print in gradients alone is worth it. One downside is that PDFs will take slightly longer to load and that highly degraded or poorly scanned files will sometimes not be convertible, but I've found that it's worth the wait and that I can contact my professors or the disability services office if the files I get will not work with my accessibility software to get a better-quality version.

Latest issues

  • (2022-03-08, v:2.7.16) Emily Norman-Murphy: Extension greyed out
    Hi, I really want to use this on uni readings but the extension is greyed out and unusable. Why is this?
  • (2022-01-30, v:2.7.16) Barbara Bennett: How to turn off Beeline on one PDF?
    I want to turn off Beeline on a specific PDF so I can see the color charts more clearly. How do it turn it off just for one PDF?
  • (2021-06-05, v:2.7.16) Daryl Pickthall: Token expired
    Trying to use pdf reader on a device I haven't used for a while but the key you gave me won't work any more. [email protected]
  • (2021-04-09, v:2.7.16) Dani Almacen: Message: Undefined
    Hi hi! I've tried troubleshooting this issue myself, but I can't seem to find a solution. I have gone through multiple guides/threads, but I found nothing on my particular error. When I try to load a PDF that is already downloaded, I get the messages "An error occurred while loading the PDF" and "PDF.js v2.7.0 (build: 2c430b7) Message: undefined". I know that it's a text PDF -- I had it converted from an image only PDF to one that is text selectable. But I'm not quite sure what else to do, so any help would be super appreciated!! Thank you so much + I hope you and your family are staying happy and healthy, Dani :D
  • (2020-09-25, v:2.6.7) Taher Patanwala: Beeline PDF not loading text correctly
    Hello, this plugin is having issues rendering maths pdf documents with equations, I am trying to use it to load pdf files from the following site: https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/GetFile.aspx?file=B,9,N Please check what the issue is and resolve it.
  • (2020-09-21, v:2.6.7) Victoria Elizabeth Helm: "An error occurred while rendering this page" memo
    Hello, I recently began using BeeLine Reader through my school and am enjoying it a lot. Unfortunately, the extension is now displaying an error stating that my pages cannot be rendered correctly. How can I resolve this? Thank you!
  • (2020-05-31, v:1.1.678) Kevin Han (Fairfax): Doesn't work
    I just purchased the PDF version, plugin. I opened a PDF file, and nothing happens. It doesn't work. Why?
  • (2019-11-16, v:1.1.678) Jim Papasadero: I am interested in signing up for Beeline Reader PDF but if I decide I don't want to use it anymore how do I cancel?
    I am interested in signing up for Beeline Reader PDF but if I decide I don't want to use it anymore how do I cancel?
  • (2019-09-03, v:1.1.678) Leo Hultén: Unable to buy the thing
    I only have mastercard debit cards available and google doesn't seem to accept that. Is there any way for me to pay for this subscription? Or view pdfs with beeline in some way?
  • (2019-08-24, v:1.1.678) Celestial Rodriguez: PDF briefly loads
    Hi, This extension has helped me so much! However, for one of my pdfs, beeline will load the colored text when I change the settings (e.g. bright, blues, inverted, etc) in the pdf viewer only for a few seconds. It then reverts back to the plain pdf. Is there any reason for this? Can it be fixed? Clearly beeline works to some extent with the pdf, but not completely. For reference, it is a section from a textbook, so there are different columns of fonts and such. It is not scanned, and the user can interact with the text like a normal pdf document. Thanks!
  • (2019-05-24, v:1.1.678) David Downs: How do I stop the monthly subscription?
    Hi, great product, just not using it enough at the moment. How do I cancel the subscription? Thanks David
  • (2019-05-11, v:1.1.678) Kasım Polat: nothing happened
    Hey! I can't see any difference. My pdfs are still the same. Dont want to refund, help mee
  • (2019-04-25, v:1.1.678) Carlos Loyaga: I want to request a refund
    Good morning, some time ago I decided to leave out the subscription to BeeLine Reader PDF plugin but you still charge me PEN 5.55 every month. I want to request a refund this month because I do not want to continue using your service
  • (2019-03-25, v:1.1.678) Carlos Loyaga: Cobro de la extensión aun sin funcionar.
    Hola BeeLine, decidi desinstalar la extension para que no se haga efectivo el cobro mensual pero aun desinstalado se me ha descontado el pago mensual de mi tarjeta, aun con el cobro por un mes adicional quiero reinstalarlo y ahora me dice que presenta fallas y no puede resintalarse. Se ha hecho el cobro pero con fallas en la extensión. Necesito ayuda a solucionar el problema o sino pedir el reembolso. Gracias.
  • (2019-01-24, v:1.1.678) deleted as needed to access pdf without extension now wont let me redownload
    deleted the extension as needed to access a pdf without the extension and there is no way to temporarily turn it off. now wont let me redownload so ive wasted my money
  • (2019-01-17, v:1.1.678) Dyslexic font
    I have the PDF viewer, is there a dyslexic font available? If not, will it be available soon?
  • (2018-11-01, v:1.1.678) Torsten Menge: accessing beeline pdf reader
    Hi there, I tried to download the PDF BeeLine Reader, but in the chrome web store it says "Price not available". Could you let me know how to access this app? best, Torsten Menge


2,000 history
3.1786 (28 votes)
Last update / version
2021-02-24 / 2.7.16
Listing languages
