extension ExtPose

Hover Zoom+

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Description from extension meta

Zoom images/videos on all your favorite websites (Facebook, Amazon, etc). Simply hover your mouse over the image to enlarge it.

Image from store Hover Zoom+
Description from store הגדילו תמונות/וידאו בכל האתרים הפופולריים (פייסבוק, אמזון וכו'). העבירו את העכבר מעל כל תמונה באתרים נתמכים והתוסף יגדיל את התמונה באופן אוטומטי תוך כדי התאמה למידות חלון הדפדפן. זוהי גירסת קוד פתוח של התוסף המקורי HoverZoom שכעת מלא בתכניות זדוניות והוסר מהחנות. בגרסא זו כל הרוגלות והווירוסים הוסרו, באגים רבים נפתרו ואפשרויות רבות נוספו. התוסף לא אוסף מידע סטטיסטי כלל. ההרשאה היחידה היא לכל נתוני האתרים שהמשתמש נכנס אליהם (כדי להשיג את כתובות הURL של התמונות ברזלוציה המקורית), וכן ניתן *לבחירתכם* לאשר גישה להיסטוריית הדפדפן, הורדה/שמירה של תמונות או קריאה של כתובת הלשונית לצורך הגדרות לאתר ספציפי. לעתים אתרים מתעדכנים, במקרים אלה יש לעדכן את התוסף. על כל תקלה שהזום לא עובד יש לדווח בעמוד הGithb של התוסף, בכתובת https://github.com/extesy/hoverzoom/issues.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-08-14) Paolo Agnolet: Prima funzionava molto bene mentre ora, soprattutto su facebook, non riesce più ad ingrandire le foto, avrei anche dato 5 stelle piene, ma non va più bene come prima. Dopo 8 anni modifico la recensione aggiungendo una stella perchè solitamente funziona molto bene anche se non dappertutto. Speriamo che venga aggiornata altrimenti come già avverte Crome smetterà di funzionare.
  • (2024-04-02) Jiyon John Lee: 1. I usually find myself too lazy to write reviews on Chrome extensions, but my personal rating for this plugin goes through the goddamn roof! 2. You really need to familiarize yourself with all the options to get the best out of it. EDIT: The only gripe/wish of mine is, why don't we have an option to export/import settings? Possibly in a .json file. It's even an issue on your github that's been opened for a few years. Don't we all need this? Isn't this relatively more trivial to implement? Please!
  • (2024-03-09) Dan W.: Had an issue zooming images on Pinterest but seems to be working again. So far so good.
  • (2024-02-16) Kokodjo: Funktioniert leider nicht mehr so gut wie früher. Bei Google fast gar nicht mehr. Facebook überhaupt nicht. Instagram nur am Anfang. Scrollt man dann weiter runter funktioniert es nicht mehr. und das selbe Problem auf vielen anderen Seiten. Reddit funktioniert jetzt auch nicht mehr. Schade! War so super gut früher.
  • (2023-11-03) Ruth Court: It is a great extension, but it no longer works on google images... why?
  • (2023-11-01) bashpr0mpt (ಠ,ಠ): Will not work with kick.com, I have to install and uninstall it multiple times a day and it's frustrating!
  • (2023-10-27) Miguel Sartori: It works well on many many sites but it doesn't work on google photos. Please can you make it work?
  • (2023-10-11) Youtube Dot com: hey what is up my bro i just wanna come & wish You & the Family a Good & Happy time of day & add friends in this mix aswel im a big fan of this add on its concept is just very very very good cuz it helps any1 with a bad vision to fully see / View what so ever an individual might wanna see old ppl and such especially so there is no way i could ever thank you Enough for comming up with such extension which helps any 1 who may need it cuz alota ppl needs it i will say however as all things in Life it is just gonna have its flaws but i really dont mind cuz its Life right im here for a reason & it is for help cuz although it isnt perfect still you can improve it and i will tell ya how it can it is by a square box and rectangular shape virtual 3 glass magnifier plz do make it a big must do in Your TO Do priority List & i been Looking for a magnifier That will Let you do stuff Like zoom in out and will bring up a magnifier using a keyboard i didnt found 1 except yours im happy now plz add 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 as options with a double or Long press its good using it with an Air Mouse kiwi browser is a Android app which is able to run add ons it will be so damn Amazing on a tv using a hand movement motion remote aka Air mouse to view stuff you cant see at a distance cuz no matter how big a screen is if its far away youd still struggle to understand what youre Looking at
  • (2023-10-10) Mark Tal: Not very reliable when dealing with imgur albums on Reddit. You'd be lucky if you could scroll to more than two images.
  • (2023-10-07) Alex selone: Good but why it never work with videos?
  • (2023-09-09) tooker24: Not working right on Reddit. On a fresh page reload, it works, but it seems that if you click on a post and leave a comment, it stops working for other posts until you refresh the page again. Otherwise, it's great.
  • (2023-09-08) Pratyush M: Love the extension but can you please add support for dropbox links?
  • (2023-09-02) Dev: best extension on the store. unfortunately i can't skip ahead in videos with mousewheel anymore, or arrow keys. not sure why
  • (2023-08-31) Mircea Zahan: Name is grossly misleading. It's not zooming, it just shows the image in real size. Zoom means 101% or more. On a site that has small 100% images, this is useless.
  • (2023-08-11) Davvood: Must-have!
  • (2023-08-04) O3: An absolute essential extension for someone who browses a lot of art on the internet. Occasionally/on certain websites, the hotkeys might not work as intended but it's a minor inconvenience. it works well on most sites.
  • (2023-07-25) adri kuczynski: muy bueno
  • (2023-07-25) Jordan: none of the hotkeys work
  • (2023-07-14) davbartav: É bem útil em sites como Twitter em que, para ver as imagens por completo, é preciso clicar e abrir. Com a extensão Hover Zoom, basta por o mouse em cima da imagem que ela é exibida por completo, poupando tempo. Por vezes, porém, um computador que já está lento, pode ficar mais lento com o uso da extensão - tenho essa impressão! As opções de configuração também são úteis, mas falta a opção de backup de configurações.
  • (2023-07-08) Luis Fernando MOREYRA SANCHEZ: Me encanta esta extensión, solomente le falta implementar varias actualizacines y mejoras como por ejemplo que indique cuanto mide y pesa la imagen ademas del nombre.
  • (2023-07-03) Saravana Boobathy: Its really good extn.. But last few days album support is not working.. Have tried remove and add extn .. clear cache and cookies.. But no luck..
  • (2023-06-29) Deepak Y: Love it since years! Just hope to see the `hover` support for Dribbble.com someday.
  • (2023-06-23) Kevin Williams: I have the "use mousewheel to navigate albums" checked but everytime I try to scroll through an album, the scroll wheel just moves the webpage. This obviously causes the webpage to move and you lose the image zoom. Any fixes for this?
  • (2023-06-21) duuy: this extension really sus, it make my youtube slower down by run something
  • (2023-06-16) 박건희: 호버줌 키면 이미지 로딩속도가 느려짐. 인터넷문제, 서버문제인줄알았는데 끄면 이미지 로딩속도가 죤내 빨라짐 다른 크롬 계정으로 실행해도 동일 삭제 ㅅㄱ
  • (2023-06-14) Vanja Lovretić: as answer that is repeating, and first it is not working, second, there is not a option " "Allow downloading images using an action key"".
  • (2023-06-11) Volkan Yılmaz: Güzel eklenti, ayarları da iyi, ayarlardan bazı sitelerde çalışmamasını sağlayabiliyorum. Teşekkürler.
  • (2023-06-08) Goutham: Reddit videos not playing just image and gif works why? anyone help out
  • (2023-06-04) 짱이승 (SeungJjang_I): 언제부턴가 이미지에 포인터 갖다대고나서 오른쪽 클릭 하면 뜨는 메뉴가 떠있는 동안에는 t키를 눌렀을때 나타나는 탭과 이미지가 나오지 않았는데 요즘엔 이미지를 오른쪽 클릭하면 나타나는 메뉴창이 떠있는데도 t키를 누르면 탭과 이미지가 나타나네요. 하물며 오른쪽 클릭 후 메뉴가 뜨면 t키를 눌러서 새탭으로 열기를 사용할 때 새탭이 생기는데 호버 줌의 t키기능이 동시에 사용됩니다. 오른쪽 클릭 후 메뉴가 나타날 경우 그 메뉴가 동작하는 동안에는 호버 줌의 키의 작용이 비활성화되던때로 되돌아갔으면 좋겠어요. 왜냐면 그랬었으니까. 그리고 그게 더 편했으니까. 오른쪽 클릭 후 t키를 눌러서 새 탭에서 이미지 열기와 작업을 하는 동안에는 호버 줌+의 t키로 새 탭에서 이미지 열기가 겹치지 않았으면 좋겠어요. 오른쪽 클릭 후 새 탭에서 이미지 열기하기 위해 t키를 누르면 호버 줌+의 새 탭에서 이미지 열기도 같이 작동되어버려서 먼저 현탭의 아래에서 새탭으로 이미지가 열리고나서 그 다음에 바로 현탭의 위쪽에도 새탭으로 이미지가 열리니 이럴때마다 둘중에 하나는 다시 닫아야하는 번거로움을 겪고있어요. 오른쪽 메뉴의 새 탭에서 이미지 열기뿐만 아니라 새 탭에서 링크 열기도 t키로 작동하는데 이 방법으로 이미지가 아니라 링크를 열때도 마찬가지로 현탭 위에 새 탭으로 이미지가 열리는 동작이 일어나요. 결론은 [마우스 포인터로 갖다댄 다음에 오른쪽 클릭을 해서 컨텍스트 메뉴가 열려있는 동안에는 컨텍스트 메뉴에서 동작하는 키만 오롯이 작동되면 좋겠어요.]+[호버 줌+의 키의 동작은 마우스 포인터를 갖다대고 오른쪽 클릭으로 컨텍스트 메뉴를 열지 않았을 때 온전히 작동했으면 좋겠어요.]+[오른쪽 클릭이든 뭐든 컨텍스트 메뉴가 열린 후에는 컨텍스트 메뉴를 닫기 전까지 컨텍스트 메뉴에 지정된 키가 작동되고 열린 컨텍스트 메뉴가 없다면 호버 줌+이 작동되고 키를 눌렀을 때 작동이 서로 또는 동시에 이루어지지 않았으면 좋겠어요. 탭처리하기 번거로우니까.]
  • (2023-05-31) Sam Nogadula: hover zoom plus causes 404 bad request error on kick.com I can't explain why it happens, but specifically on chromium browsers, in particular with brave browser, kick.com eventually produces a 404/400 bad request error, and can't reload the site/pages, and basically makes the streaming site unusable. once i deactivate hz+, website functionality is restored. and sadly, this started happening within the last 2 months or so. prior to that, kick.com worked fine with hz+ active. please advise on how to resolve this issue. thanks
  • (2023-05-31) RockabillyJohtaja: It dosen't work Facebook anymore. Only reason i think it's useful is Twitter.
  • (2023-05-30) i recommendet it change my internet using experience
  • (2023-05-27) Berkan Özçelik: Don't work social media and any downloads!
  • (2023-05-26) Yazılımpedia Bilgisayar: Büyüttüğümüz resmi nasıl kaydedebiliyoruz? S tuşuna basmam gerektiğini söylüyor ama nereye kaydettiğini bulamadım. indirilenlere, belgelere ve resimlere baktım oraya indirmiyor.
  • (2023-05-23) MaskedPanda: Love it! It works on almost every site. Sometimes it doesn't work & I have to refresh the page from time to time. I'm glad I found this. Wish I found it sooner.
  • (2023-05-12) Nuke McCartney (駱梨蛋餅): it's a great extension but it couldn't work on facebook now. I would be grateful if you guys fix it up 2023/5/12 still a great extension. but "press s to save image" is not working now
  • (2023-05-11) 십센징: doesnt work
  • (2023-05-08) steven chuh: 无法下载图片
  • (2023-04-26) Run Black: まったく機能しない
  • (2023-04-21) Prince: Hello Hover+ team, I have been having trouble downloading images using the 'S' feature that I was previously able to use. I am currently unable to use this feature. Can you please let me know when this issue will be fixed?
  • (2023-04-20) Falcon: The extension is working again! Thanks for fixing the bug devs! Now all you have to do save the zoomed images is to re-enable it on settings. Just go to the extension option page, click on the "Advanced" tab, and enable the first option "Allow downloading images using an action key".
  • (2023-04-11) Kaleb Kenway: Extensions now tries to download the same image 3-17 times when using the shortcut key. Have tried it on multiple keys and reset settings. Issue's get worse as time goes on with this app unfortunately.
  • (2023-04-02) Achmad Abid An Najib: file extension is gone. the file is save with no extension.
  • (2023-03-14) José J. Romero: Excelente App
  • (2023-03-09) Nurim Jomart: Working good! Thanks!
  • (2023-02-12) Love7: 不错不错,正合我意
  • (2023-02-05) Brett Stevens: Videos will play when hovered over, but lack sound. This is with sound turned on and at 100% volume. This happens with any video link on old.reddit, not just stuff hosted on their CDN. Gyfcat vids, streamable vids, even youtube videos will just play the video without audio. This is only happening on old.reddit, and nowhere else.
  • (2022-12-16) Cavebat: Amazing extension that I've used for years. The only problem is it seems to have issues with Ecosia
  • (2022-12-14) SyH ..: Not working on ebay.co.uk ..
  • (2022-12-06) Denise Allen: For ages it worked all over the internet, but it has stopped working on eBay search returns. Devs, please take pity on all the long-sighted folks who rely on it.


400,000 history
4.0207 (1,399 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-10 / 1.0.220
Listing languages
