extension ExtPose

StayFocusd - Block Distracting Websites

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Description from extension meta

StayFocusd optimise votre productivité en limitant le temps que vous passez sur des sites Web sans intérêt.

Image from store StayFocusd - Block Distracting Websites
Description from store [Comme on le voit dans The Washington Post et U.S. News And World Reports, et sur LifeHacker, Mashable, PCMag, CNET, ReadWriteWeb, Gizmodo, GigaOm, MaximumPC, The Huffington Post, MakeUseOf, et plus encore !] StayFocusd est une extension de productivité pour Google Chrome qui vous aide à rester concentré sur votre travail en limitant le temps que vous pouvez passer sur des sites Web qui vous font perdre du temps. Une fois votre temps imparti épuisé, les sites que vous avez bloqués seront inaccessibles pour le reste de la journée. Il est hautement configurable, vous permettant de bloquer ou d'autoriser des sites entiers, des sous-domaines spécifiques, des chemins spécifiques, des pages spécifiques, voire du contenu de page spécifique (vidéos, jeux, images, formulaires, etc.). Contactez-nous à l'adresse [email protected] pour vos questions et vos commentaires.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-07-26) red stag: new update is not good!
  • (2024-07-23) Charlotte Bridgewater: Very helpful, and can be made very difficult to get around but still possible. Occasionally stops working but usually up again within a few days, or if you deinstall and reinstall it (save your lists of sites though).
  • (2024-07-16) Top notch.
  • (2024-06-10) Vimal Bellamkonda: Edit 6/10/24: Unfortunately, whenever I try to visit the app extension page, I'm hit with a pop-up add for their Desktop app. The pop-up won't close, even after hitting "Maybe Later" or "Try it out." This app is completely unusable now. Really sucks because it was incredible before. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous review: Whoever developed this is a godsend and has probably indirectly contributed a staggering amount to the collective sum of human productivity.
  • (2024-05-29) Hamana Hamana: (Update 5/17/24) Get rid of the toggle. Please. (Update 5/28/24) They fixed it; it's the best site blocking extension there is. Best used in conjunction with others.
  • (2024-05-15) Archit Mishra: What made you put the Active/Inactive toggle as a feature, it defeats the whole purpose of nuclear mode & challenge. Please either get it removed or give an option in settings to disable it...
  • (2024-04-17) Joakim: I like the concept, but the adjustment of settings is way to strict when trying it out and setting it up. Especially when I ran out of time and realized that I needed to allow YouTube Music to not have it blocked a long with YouTube.
  • (2024-03-17) Shikhar Rawat: Great Extension. Helps to increase productivity.
  • (2024-03-14) Jacob Kanev: This is brilliant. I wish there weren't any websites optimised to harvest our time and attention and thus we wouldn't need this extension. But there are, so we do.
  • (2024-03-13) Maya Farkas: Good extension. Nuke function is amazing. I find it a pity though you can't pause the nuke function. Nor is it possible to really use sessions to study with preprogrammed pauses and then nuke function again.
  • (2024-03-12) Erik Pintar: So helpful.
  • (2024-03-11) Thefeule01: Super extension, la meilleure sur le marché à mon sens. Elle comprend les besoins des utilisateurs et les façons dont ils fonctionnent !
  • (2024-03-11) Dark Archon: Очень полезная вещь для работы и самоконтроля.
  • (2024-03-11) Kaekayyy: essential for my plotted academic comeback planned a week before the exam. Must have.
  • (2024-03-08) sangram reddy: Everyone needs it.
  • (2024-03-08) Dragos: really good
  • (2024-03-08) sudipto roy: Its very productive
  • (2024-03-07) Shelby Smith: I've been using this for years! So helpful!
  • (2024-03-05) Juan Cadenas: mi tiempo controlado
  • (2024-03-04) Ave: wow so nice so beautiful
  • (2024-03-02) Preet Dungarwal: Perfect and actually works, better than any other website blocking extension out there by a wide margin.
  • (2024-03-02) jojo sarkar: amazing extention loved it
  • (2024-03-01) Faby Mieres: Excelente, me ayuda muchisimo con mi productividad. tiendo a distraerme demasiado y la verdad esta app te ayuda mucho a sacar provecho a tu tiempo :)
  • (2024-03-01) Infinix XD: Peak extension. Helps a lot during exams
  • (2024-03-01) Juan Manuel: muy buena productivamente, solo q deberia estar en español, y q sea mas dificil desactivar la opcion de bloquear sitios web :)
  • (2024-02-29) OUSSAMA CHETTAH: perfect
  • (2024-02-28) Walter X: Genau das was ich wollte! Hatte schon vor mir sowas selbst zu programmieren. Aber zum Glück muss ich das nicht mehr. Danke :)
  • (2024-02-28) Deveesh Bagga: The way it doesn't allow to increase the time for blocked sites is best!! RECOMMENDED TO THOSE WHO WANTS TO GET RID OF DISTRACTIONS!
  • (2024-02-25) kim: best extension for procrastinators or just honestly, most people in general nowadays who get distracted by websites and social media
  • (2024-02-24) Ayan Das: I must have killed 100 puppies and Kittens while using the app XD.
  • (2024-02-20) Karina: great extension, does its work. its free, no ads, makes it as harsh as you want it
  • (2024-02-20) chris: most likely the best extension available in web store rn, it has helped me stay focused and to avoid distraction when its not needed, its very nice that its all free and that theres not even a single microtransaction in the extension. and like i said it is most likely the best extension just cause of how helpful it is
  • (2024-02-19) משה וולפסון: אחלה תוסף ממליץ בחום. עוזר לי להימנע משוטטות מיותרת באינטרנט
  • (2024-02-19) Stra: Gut wäre zusätzlich, wenn ich mehrere Fenster im Laufe des Tages freihalten könnte (z.B. während der Mittagspause, oder eine Heimfahrt etc.)
  • (2024-02-18) Nick G: very helpful. Not only useful for when you're trying to focus on important tasks, but also creates a habit of not dwelling on apps that you have a short daily timer set for. Helps create a sustainable usage pattern for websites I used to get lost in for hours.
  • (2024-02-18) Crystal: I. LOVE. IT. It has really helped me become much more productive, and it actually works and is for FREEEEEE. Took me a while to figure things out, but once I got the hang of it---my life literally turned around.
  • (2024-02-16) Zoni: Predobro, dosta pomaze oko fokusiranja
  • (2024-02-14) K. Jumabekov: Even takes into account the time when the browser window is not in action!!
  • (2024-02-14) Rajvansh: Cannot believe this is all for free.
  • (2024-02-10) Zahra Khosravi: هم از نظر کاربردی بسیار عالی است هم متن های ارورها واقعا بامزه و به موقع است!
  • (2024-02-06) Stipe Pavić: One of best extensions!!!!! Cant recommend enough, this is coming from physicist ,When I had to study at university this extension helped alot, no other like this, 5 stars
  • (2024-02-05) Anup S Moolya: Straight up the best siteblocker for free
  • (2024-02-01) luli luli: Es muy buena la verdad, es lo único que necesitas para afianzar tu productividad y llevarla a otro nivel.
  • (2024-02-01) Adeel Ahmad: It blocks all the phishing and spam adware website which can be dangerous without SayFocusd.
  • (2024-01-30) Priyam Gosaliya: The nuclear feature is the best. It will not let you open your website till the nuke is on. Really helpful.
  • (2024-01-29) Ramona Tintea: very useful in curbing your time spent on junk browsing. just don't open other browsers :) so, is there an option for the whole pc? all browsers i mean?
  • (2024-01-28) Martpras: very useful
  • (2024-01-28) לידור יוסף שלום - חוקר תודעה: Great app, helps me to block whatsapp check addictions.
  • (2024-01-26) Ehab Alqawlaq: Super useful, really curbed my time wasting online in a substantial way. Love the options available, love the layout, this extension is just great all around.
  • (2024-01-25) yossef Eltohamy: perfect.وجزاكم الله خيرا

Latest issues

  • (2022-12-07, v:1.6.1) Kimia N: unlisted webiste blocked
    A website that wasn't blocked (notion.so) was blocked for me. I have facebook, instagram, and twitter blocked. the little blue clock was not red when I was on notion.so
  • (2022-12-01, v:1.6.1) Don: Can a Facebook group be added
    I'm in a weight loss program that has a daily video to watch. Can I add that to be watched later in the day?
  • (2022-11-28, v:1.6.1) James Bugher: change redirect website?
    Can I change the redirect website to a custom website or does it have to be redirected to the StayFocusd site?
  • (2022-11-27, v:1.6.1) Joseph Tobin: Why is nuke mood not working?
    I have nuke mode set for 4:05PM, every day, for 23.92 hours. Unless it is between 4 and 4:05PM, only sites in my allowed list should be accessible. However, it is 1:34AM, and I am able to get on many sites not on my allowed sites list like google, amazon, yahoo, bing. (Active hours are 12AM - 11:59PM. Daily reset is 12AM. If this matters)
  • (2022-11-21, v:1.6.1) Corinne Curcie: Non-blocked site getting blocked
    I'm clicking on a link from a non-blocked site (so Stalker Option shouldn't apply), and the link leads to a non-blocked site, but when the link opens it shows the StayFocusd screen as if it were a blocked site.
  • (2022-11-19, v:1.6.1) Esther Xie: Capital letters in websites added to allowed list are identified all as lowercases
    It seems that the allowed list could not identify capital and lowercase letters, but this make some website different. For example, https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14q4y1k7oZ and https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14q4y1k7oz are two different links, though the only difference between them is the last letter.
  • (2022-11-14, v:1.6.1) root cao: Is there a way to unblock certain websites temporarily?
    Is there a way to unblock certain websites temporarily? Sometimes I need to watch videos on Youtube to do research, and I don't want to switch to a different Chrome profile to circumvent the blocking every time. Thank you!
  • (2022-10-11, v:1.6.1) John Tucker: With challenge activated you can still cheat the system, please consider this change
    Hello, When someone has the challenge activated and they select the "let me access limited settings so I can be more productive" the application allows you to change the Active days. In essence, one can cheat the system and deselect a day or all days. Then you have access to blocked content the next day or if you move the computer clock ahead at the moment. Please consider filling this gap and are you able to change the code not to allow users to access Active days when the challenge is activated? Thanks in advance!
  • (2022-10-04, v:1.6.1) akruiner: JSON Configuration?
    Hello, I'm interested in using your app and want to deploy it via Google Admin. I would like to avoid having to go to every system to manually configure the app settings. Do you have any information on how I could configure a JSON file to work with your app? Thanks
  • (2022-09-26, v:1.6.1) William Sox: Can't update Nuclear Option end time
    First of all, I love this extension. Have used it extensively for the last 7 years. However, I have noticed one small bug (or maybe this is a feature request?). Frequently, I want to adjust the Nuclear Option end time, keeping it in effect longer. Currently, the only way to do this is to add a Nuclear Option period longer than the current one, meaning there is a range of end times that are completely inaccessible. For example: 1. At 2:00PM, I activate the Nuclear Option, starting "Right now" for a period of 2 hours. StayFocusd tells me "The Nuclear Option is active until 4:00PM". 2. An hour and a half later, at 3:30PM, I decide I want to keep the Nuclear Option active until 5:00PM. As far as I can tell there is currently *no way* to make this update, no matter what I enter in the Nuclear Option fields. a. If I enter "1 hour(s)" (i.e. "extend the current nuke an hour, from 4PM to 5PM") in the "How long?" box and select "NUKE 'EM", StayFocusd tells me "You cannot choose a more lenient setting for the Nuclear Option while it is active." b. If I enter "1.5 hour(s)" (i.e. "make The Nuclear Option active from now, 3:30PM, until 1.5 hours later, 5PM), StayFocusd tells me "You cannot choose a more lenient setting for the Nuclear Option while it is active." c. If I enter "3 hour(s)" (i.e. "make the current nuke active from 3 hours from the initial start time of 2PM, instead of only 2 hours"), StayFocusd delays my current end time by another 3 hours -- i.e., it tells me "The Nuclear Option is active until 7:30PM" Thanks! (Also sent an email so apologies if you already saw that)
  • (2022-03-09, v:1.6.0) Thomas Z: Don't suspend while typing / editing in a tab
    It has happened to me several times that StayFocusd suspended my tab while I was typing in it, and all my progress was lost. Please don't suspend a tab when it is both active & editing is ocurring in it.
  • (2022-03-08, v:1.6.0) Sharry Rachel: Blocking websites at random
    Hello, I am wondering something. The StayFocused extension is randomly blocking websites that I really need. It is fun that the extension helps me to focus, but right now it is also helping me to procrastinate on finding a job, as it randomly blocks websites with job adverts! Kind of funny, but I wonder how I can stop the extension from randomly "blocking" websites I need, when they are not on the block list. Thank you!
  • (2022-03-07, v:1.6.0) Tao Ling: Go back to first unblocked site when redirected
    So currently if you click on a link to a blocked site you will be redirected. If the user tries to go back it will keep going back to the blocked site and redirect. Is it possible to remove the blocked site off of the stack and make it go back to the page that was not blocked without the user right clicking the back button and manually selecting?
  • (2022-02-26, v:1.6.0) Arian Alavi: Allowed sites disappearing
    When I add an allowed site, sometimes the list of allowed sites will become cleared.
  • (2022-02-20, v:1.6.0) Theo Weiss: Loophole to avoid block
    Hello, there is a loophole to view blocked sites + disable the extension. the extension only works on active tabs ( perhaphs to conserve cpu power). as a result, you can open a blocked site and rapidly open a new window. this allows you to see the blocked site, and scroll through it. you can open the chrome://extensions page this way, and then disable the extension, against your prior will.
  • (2022-02-16, v:1.6.0) Jennifer Hayslett: how to start?
    I just added the app on chrome. Not sure how to get to the site to set my preferences.
  • (2022-02-13, v:1.6.0) Selffriend: Increase the time for blocked website if time is spent on white-list websites
    When people are very focusing on their work (a.k.a. using the white-list websites or work-related sites), there could be a reward: people receive some token to visit those blocked sites
  • (2022-02-11, v:1.6.0) Roland Gemmell: Stopping the removal of Stay Focused
    HI there, have found StayFocused to really help not getting sucked into internet surfing. Problem is - to get around StayFocused - to simply "Remove from Chrome" using the Extentions icon (jigsaw icon) Is there any option within StayFocused that would enable a user to mark it as "not removable" whether for a period of time (say next 24 hours), or can only be done at a certain time of the day? Regards, Roland
  • (2022-01-10, v:1.6.0) Ka-Ping Yee: Settings: Daily Reset Time
    I'm trying out StayFocusd 1.6.0, and discovered what looks like two bugs in Settings > Daily Reset Time: 1. After I click "Set" and then "OK", the number of minutes resets to 00. 2. After I click "Set" and then "OK", if I have selected PM, the hour resets to 11 AM. This makes it impossible to set a Daily Reset Time like 8:30 AM or 6:00 PM, for example. I'm still trying out StayFocusd to decide if it is the right intervention for me, but I hope this bug report is helpful!
  • (2021-11-29, v:1.6.0) Jack Wilkins: Blocking websites that are not on my block list
    I only have blocked social media websites on my block list. However, StayFocused also blocks my online banking website and other work-related website, even though they are not on my blocklist. This is highly frustrating -- instead of helping my productivity, StayFocused is actively hampering it. Can you fix this? Or give me a fix?
  • (2021-11-26, v:1.6.0) Łukasz Rudnicki: password against removing?
    Hello, Is any option for set a password in Stayfocused, before uninstall? Greeting, great product!
  • (2021-11-25, v:1.6.0) vanessa ngyuen: adding more time to the nuclear option
    Hi! I deployed the nuclear mode for 600 hours earlier, and it is set to expire tomorrow. I want to add about 100 more hours so it expires four days from now instead. Is there a way to do this without/before waiting for the timer to run out tomorrow? It's just that it would be easier to add time now while everything is blocked than to wrest myself away from distractions tomorrow to enable the nuclear mode again.
  • (2021-11-24, v:1.6.0) Omid Ghafori: Blocking main site but not any subsites
    Hi, I want disable reddit.com (the main feed) but not any of its subsites, as in posts that show up when I use google. Is that possible?
  • (2021-11-05, v:1.6.0) Mantas Kuginis: Block home page, but not inner pages
    Is it possible to block site home page for example: facebook.com, but allow all inner pages to be accessible facebook.com/pages/..., facebook.com/.... ?
  • (2021-10-12, v:1.6.0) Виктория Овсянникова: ошиблась
    Здравствуйте, я ошиблась при выборе режима пользования телефона и заблокировала телефон на рабочее время. У меня подключен строгий режим. Подскажите, пожалуйста, как мне разблокировать строгий режим?
  • (2021-10-08, v:1.6.0) Bryan Evans: Limit per hour like you can per day
    Hi, I'm looking for an extension that will limit the amount of time I spend on certain sites, but reset every hour or two. For example, I want to limit myself to 10 minutes of Reddit per hour because I can often find useful information on it, but I want to be sure that I don't lose myself in it and accidentally use up my whole day's allotment in one go.
  • (2021-10-02, v:1.6.0) Fritz Allhoff: firefox?
    Hello, I have Stay Focused on Chrome, and am really enjoying it! My challenge now is that it's just locking this one browser, which makes workarounds too easy. Do you support Firefox as well? Thanks!
  • (2021-08-31, v:1.6.0) frieninja gaming: Nuclear help
    I set my nuclear option to 24 hrs active on allowed sites and I forgot to allow stay focused. I am wondering if you guys have any access to the information I have put in to either A, send me a copy of my settings/blocked and allowed sites, or B, add the stay focused extension to my allowed sites. I just don't wanna have to go through and add all the blocked sites in again and I want to be able to allow sites when needed.
  • (2021-08-28, v:1.6.0) Amitha Puranik: Need assistance to uninstall stay focused app on strict mode
    Kindly guide on how to uninstall the app. Strict mode is on and I am unable to change the settings.
  • (2021-08-21, v:1.6.0) Lisa: Cannot change 'Max Time Allowed'
    I tried setting the Max Time Allowed to above 10 minutes and i'm unable to do that after clicking 'set'. I then tried setting the numer lower than 10 (i.e. 9 minutes) and I was able to change it but I cannot revert it back to 10 or any number higher than the one I've just set.
  • (2021-08-20, v:1.6.0) Henrique Lima: Is it possible enable/disable it by machine without changing the chrome user?
    I would know if i can enable/disable the extension by machine, without changing the chrome user. Is that possible? Great Work, I really like this ext.!
  • (2021-07-28, v:1.6.0) Stephen Rosenman: why blocking tv stream?
    I have Stayfocused to block one game (FreeCell) after 10 minutes each day. I have started watching the Olympics on free to air streamed and stayfocused has started blocking that even when tried to put the site on allowed sites
  • (2021-07-22, v:1.6.0) Hamana Hamana: Small mismatch between allowed sites and blocked sites
    When the nuclear timer is active, you can't remove allowed sites; the extension pops up saying "You cannot remove Blocked Sites while the Nuclear Option is active." You can still add the allowed site to the blocked site list to get around this, though.
  • (2021-07-15, v:1.6.0) Chris McKitterick: Timer issue
    The timer is counting down while I have a limited tab open but am looking at a different tab. Once I even got the 'shouldn't you be working' screen on an unlimited tab and the limited tab was still viewable, with the timer down to zero.
  • (2021-07-14, v:1.6.0) Britton Kroessler: Activates on Random Pages
    I've been finding that the extension activates on pages that are not on the block list or even remotely related to the sites. Example: I've got reddit on the list, yet will get blocked out from random LinkedIn or Youtube pages. Any ideas what's causing this?
  • (2021-07-13, v:1.6.0) Ryan Siok: Timer continues after I close the tab of the limited page
    Whatever chrome update that happened recently has caused the timer to continue counting after I have closed the limited tab. If I don't notice it, it will use all of the time and then flash the "Shouldn't You Be Working" page on the active tab even if it is not a website that is blocked.
  • (2021-07-12, v:1.6.0) Gibbs Santos: Please add a initial installation setup
    I understand the idea preventing cheating by having a delay of 24h to apply changes on active hours, but this is very annoying because this happens even when you just installed the extension and you are configuring it for the first time. As I try to change for the hours I'm working, just after the installation, I'll have to wait 24h for this change take effect. The only way to do this without been blocked for the entire day, instead of only working hours, is to change de active hours and don't add any website to the block list. After the 24h has past, then I started to add them. But guess what, if I open chrome in my laptop in the next day, the configuration is not saved, so I'll have to do this process AGAIN. This has prevent me of using the extension a couple of times before, so I'm trying to give you guys a feedback because I would really like to use the extension on a daily basis. Try to create a First setup after installing the extension, and this changes take place immediately. If people start to use that for cheating, like, uninstalling the extension and installing again, well, this is not your problem, is theirs. People who would do this, can do it already and the 24h delay won't stop them. But people who wants to use the extension as intended needs to have a better user experience, I suggest to focus on these ones!
  • (2021-07-06, v:1.6.0) Walt D: No more website can be add on the Blocked Sites list
    Hey, Thanks for this helpful application ! When i add some website on the Blocked Sites list they are block. But when i close chrome and open it again the last website are allow again. In fact the last website add on the Blocked Sites list have disappear of the list ! Thanks for any advice or solution !
  • (2021-07-04, v:1.6.0) AJ: nuclear mode wont work anymore
    it used to work great before...i have turned it on but its not working helpp
  • (2021-07-04, v:1.6.0) AJ: pls give option of two nuclear modes
    pls give option of two nuclear modes
  • (2021-07-04, v:1.6.0) AJ: nuclear mode wont work anymore
    please help all of a sudden my nuclear mode isnt working it used to work fine before...now it shows its turned on but not working please fix it :(
  • (2021-07-02, v:1.6.0) banglacow banglacow: the good old OMG message
    any way we can get the OMG should your be working old pluck your head out message back?
  • (2021-06-30, v:1.6.0) Renata Corsini De Sales: Problem in the counting down timer
    Hey, same error than the reported by Venkata Ramana Uppala and i'm using google chrome. When I switch from one tab that is on the "blocked sites" list to another tab that is not on the blocked list (even for a tab that is actually in the allowed list) the time allowed for blocked sites keep counting down.
  • (2021-06-27, v:1.6.0) Aden Ven: StayFocusd blocks sites that aren't on block list - stalker option misbehavior
    Hey, I've ran into a problem where StayFocusd would claim I got onto an unblocked site from a blocked site when in reality I clicked on it on the Chrome startup page. Furthermore, now that the timer's up, StayFocusd blocks the unblocked site even if I click on it through the Favorites bar. Also, when I clicked on a different unblocked site tab, which was opened as a default startup page, the Stalker timer kept running (which didn't happen the first time the Chrome window was opened). I worked around the issue by placing the site in question on the Allowed list, but it's annoying regardless.
  • (2021-06-26, v:1.6.0) Tushar Agarwal: Unable to complete the challenge
    Hi! I was trying to pass the challenge and I wrote every single words correctly everytime, however there is no option to submit, i dont know what to do after retyping the text. I clicked ENTER, clicked on close button as well, waited for 5 mins, but nothing worked. What do I do? I need to access the settings, but am unable to do so. Please help as fast as possible.
  • (2021-06-25, v:1.6.0) ishaan mittal: Nuclear Option
    When I start nuclear option It doesn't show me the time remaining for the nuclear option to get over.(It just shows me the symbol of activated nuclear option). how do I make it show me the time remaining for it to get over?
  • (2021-06-18, v:1.6.0) Kirk Evans: Occasionally I'm Blocked at Startup
    Generally a great extension (thanks!!) but I've noticed (in Opera/Chrome Windows 10) that on some days my sites are blocked immediately, shortly after system startup. I've allowed myself 3 minutes of free time before the blocking kicks in - and this works most of the time, but on some days not. I've set the daily reset time (5:15 pm) to after the blocking window (ends 5 pm), and almost every day the reset time is hit, and so you'd think resetting would clear it. I know how hard intermittent bugs are to fix, but just thought I'd post this. Thanks again for a greatly needed extension!
  • (2021-06-07, v:1.6.0) Dale Meyer-Curley: Blocking allowed site
    For some reason Messages for Android is getting blocked. I've added it to the allowed sites, and it is still blocking it. Any reason why that is happening?
  • (2021-06-02, v:1.6.0) Simon Janssens: deleting allowed sites while in nuclear modus
    When in nuclear mode the extension does not allow deleting allowed sites. This does not seem like intended behaviour.
  • (2021-06-01, v:1.6.0) Venkata Ramana Uppala: Tracks time on non blocked sites when switching tabs
    For example, I have amazon.com in the list of blocked sites, when I visit amazon.com, it starts counting down the time and it continues even when I switch to a different tab with some other site. On that site, when I click on the extension icon, it says that I am on amazon.com even though it is a different site. Seems like there is some bug in understanding the URL on tab switching. I am using Microsoft Edge on MAC.


500,000 history
4.4666 (7,726 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-26 / 3.0.1
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