Description from extension meta
Forces 1080p playback for Netflix.
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Description from store
The maximum resolution Netflix plays on Chrome is 720p.
This extension forces the resolution to 1080p so you can have a High Definition experience.
Version 1.21, 18.01.2022
With the latest update we fixed the issues caused by Netflix Player update. Now you can watch videos on Netflix with the highest possible quality. All you need to do is to install the extension and if you want to check the resolution of the video just click on the extension icon. Enjoy your favorite shows at best quality!
Disclaimer : Netflix is a trademark of Netflix, Inc.. This extension hold no association or affiliation with Netflix or any third-party companies.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-12) PLO Tablong: it will adjust the subtitle size and affect the viewing
- (2023-09-11) Oliver Lehman: It doesn't work anymore, Netflix detects that it changes something and therefore just gives you an error saying "ups something happened"
- (2023-09-09) VAN LE: video playing on netflix tab instantly switched from 720p to 1080p after installing extension, checked at "playing bitrate" line in advanced menu by shift+ctrl+alt+d keyboard shortcut
- (2023-07-12) Soy Hanley: por que dicen que no funciona? esta buenisimoo, amo la calidad que te da esta super increible
- (2023-06-17) Bartłomiej Chrobak: Działa 1080p! Thank you Prime Party team! :) Szkoda, że pozostałe opinie to tylko 1* gdy nie działa i nie aktualizowane na 5* po aktualizacji... Brak odpowiednich słów spoza zasobu wulgaryzmów by potępić takie działanie, pijawki!
- (2023-06-16) Lee B: I've downloaded this the day of writing and so far it seems to be working okay on my 1080 55" samsung tv used as a second monitor. This is the extension you are looking for to prevent netflix automatically downgrading quality level.
- (2023-06-05) Artistic Realist :: Video açılışta takılıyor nedense, açıldıktan sonra sorun yok. Ancak uzantı hataları oluşuyor nedense.
- (2023-03-04) luke l: i was incredibly surprised to see that it works. Though i was suspicious it was just changing the stated resolution in the console (ctrl alt shift D), comparing it to an incognito stream showed a marked improvement. :)
- (2022-12-27) H0TTAB: Works fine for me. Increased the resolution from 540p up to 1080p.
- (2022-12-11) Yepssy: omg thankssssss
- (2022-11-28) Xuan Thu Le: Very helpful, thank you
- (2022-11-15) WizKick: INCROYABLE !
- (2022-11-01) Johann Scheer: Funktioniert!
- (2022-10-05) Diogo Mota: Works really well, keep it up
- (2022-09-26) Abhishek Indoria: Works well on Vivaldi, Increased the res from 720 to 1080. thanks.
- (2022-08-28) Mighi: Attenzione ruba le informazioni della cronologia, evitate questa estensione!
- (2022-08-14) 故郷の桜が咲いた: 有用
- (2022-06-04) Ambrose Verstegen-Page: Works very well, super easy to install. Thanks so much!
- (2022-06-01) Works as described. Installed it, refreshed the page, and boom! High resolution.
- (2022-05-29) Noah Swart: I see a lot of people complaining that it doesn't work for them. For that reason I was a little bit skeptical of this extension. But luckily for me it works perfectly! It looks so much crisper with less artifacts. I am running this on latest build of Chrome on a Mac. Would definitely give it a try.
- (2022-05-26) DR: Dont work on chrome.
- (2022-02-11) Ömer Ünal: Sıkıntısız olarak EDGE'deki kalitede içerikleri izleyebiliyorum. Diğer uzantılar bazı çözünürlüklerde kaliteyi düşürüyor. Bu uzantıda öyle bir problem yok. Tamamen 1080p izliyoruz.
- (2022-02-07) WAVY: works at 2022.02.07
- (2022-01-25) Alan Walker: Works (Tried on Brave Browser) Check resolution via Ctrl + Shift + Alt + D
- (2021-06-05) Gold_Man: it doesn't work.
- (2021-04-07) Peter Kam (Pet): Auf Netflix lässt es sich noch navigieren, jedoch Videos spielen nicht mehr ab.
- (2021-03-12) Tasos Soukoulis: Broke netflix for me, I got an error code
- (2021-01-25) Christoph Erdmann: Doesn't work, video won't start at all
- (2020-12-31) Armando Pickles: ne fonctionne pas, fait planté netflix avec un code erreur
- (2020-11-08) Dan Bartley: Does not work in Chromium Edge or latest Chrome
- (2020-11-04) Destru _off: Code erreur netflix
- (2020-10-29) Steffen Matthews: Does not work
- (2020-08-24) J.Luis Gama: no funciona
- (2020-08-18) edgar mejia: no sirve
- (2020-08-06) Doesn't work. Creates a netflix error.
- (2020-07-29) Ethan Pierce: "Pardon the interruption Sorry but we are having trouble with your request" You mean "Sorry but we cannot allow you to use this extension. If you want 1080p, go find an actual TV or something."
- (2020-07-06) Valdemar Arista: Ya no funciona, Al instalar hace que netflix se rompa y no reproduzca.
- (2020-06-28) Carlos Hernandez: no sirve, al instalarlo falla la reproducción
- (2020-04-04) Dont work If i want to see a Movie or something different Netflix says it is an error
- (2020-04-04) Ricardo Mendoza: Great picture
- (2020-02-26) Charlie Cai: it doesn't work.
- (2020-02-14) Thinking wild: IT DOSE NOT WORK BRUH
- (2020-01-25) Johnn Char: It doesn't work at all. Gives error message.
- (2020-01-18) René Hitz: macht fast immer nur Probleme. Ab und zu funktioniert es
- (2020-01-13) VC Chow: it doesn't not work.
- (2020-01-04) SILVIA LUZ FALCON HUAITAN: no funciona
- (2019-12-29) 11jarema: Wywala błąd,nie idzie oglądać
- (2019-12-17) Eduard Sandu: dosent work
- (2019-12-16) Dani AV.: NO FUNCIONA !! tras instalar la extensión, entro a netflix y no reproduce nada, da un error que dice: ALGO SALIÓ MAL... Error inesperado
2.8099 (142 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-05 / 2.0.66
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