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有趣的事实:大多数英语为母语的成年人掌握20000-35000 的单词量,那么完全有可能将这些单词全都加到您的词汇文件中。
Latest reviews
- (2023-02-13) ty W: 希望能直接把翻译标在单词后面
- (2022-11-10) nikan movahedi: highly recommended
- (2022-10-29) Bob Loucks: Outstanding; so useful for teaching English in conjunction with translation and dictionary extensions :)
- (2022-08-13) Reff: Cool Extension but it doesn't work in Vivaldi browser
- (2022-08-02) Mark Sun: 很方便,很好用,加油! 要是有更多选项就更好了,比如: 1,在读音按钮上,直接显示国际音标; 2,要有“未掌握词汇表”,这样有增有减,长期使用,能得到精确的“个人词汇量表”; 3,增加“阅读模式”。
- (2022-06-22) Musab Dogan: Thank you for this great tool!
- (2022-05-12) hui wu (whinc): nice tool
- (2022-05-08) Yongfei Ma: 请问下, 有没有屏蔽的词汇清单?
- (2022-02-22) Vincent Han: Very useful. Simple to use. It would be better if the dectection of phrases and fixed expression can be improved.
- (2022-01-22) ROCK: 能直接显示词典就完美了,不要再装别的词典了
- (2022-01-13) 禁言禁言者: 不错,但是不常用词库有点奇怪,有许多想要的没有标红,地名等却标红了,不想要那种无用的地名知识啊!
- (2022-01-08) PIN: It can be under the word display Chinese?
- (2021-12-24) Yosan Girma: just what i was looking for. it would be nice if the saved vocabularies include some details like from what site they were added, date of addition...
- (2021-12-02) Pure Quant: 不过,但edge中无法同步到google drive
- (2021-09-13) Sercan: The app is simple and useful. The UI of this plugin can be modernized. But in this way it meets my needs. Thank you so much.
- (2021-09-05) Hogan Feng: nice work
- (2021-08-30) Gary Chu: very good but I can't not sync in Microsoft edge!!!
- (2021-08-23) DK L: Great tool! There is a problem that sync err when using Microsoft Edge. It can not popup login google account window. Hopefully fix this issue. Microsoft Edge Version 92.0.902.55 (Official build) (64-bit) Thanks a lot.
- (2021-08-12) Frederieke: I like the idea of this extension but sometimes it highlights words like ''swimsuit'' and ''sunglasses", which are easy words. I thought this was more for difficult words, which kinda makes me want to uninstall the extension. Is it possible to have different settings for different needs?
- (2021-05-02) Samandeep Singh: I like this extension a lot but as someone that often has to work on separate computers, the lack of a unifying account that saves all your words cross devices is very frustrating. This could easily be solved with allowing us to create an account on a website that the extension can ask us to log into when we sign into a different chrome browser. If this feature is added, it's 5 stars for me.
- (2021-03-30) Andrea Jame: i want to save my word list and words can conect with dictionaries that i want? May you allow user to write in list? and add number with them Can you increase the character limit? (100 current characters)
- (2021-02-28) Hussein Khilfa: Excellent!
- (2021-02-15) 音月醉: 太棒了,好喜欢
- (2021-02-06) Vit Hopeman: Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!
- (2020-12-30) GS Gao: 词汇列表的排序可以按添加时间排序更好,现在按首字母先后顺序排序影响记忆结构。
- (2020-12-25) Happy Just: Doesn't work in Vivaldi browser
- (2020-12-02) fei wang: 建议添加一个快捷键, 相比单纯用鼠标可以大大提高使用效率
- (2020-10-19) Haoran Chen: 感觉很厉害啊,哈哈哈哈
- (2020-10-11) View: edge chromium 无法连接Google drive
- (2020-10-08) Moha med: ارجو ان يكون مفيد
- (2020-09-24) Yongjin Chen: Thank you for writing this fantastic ext.! It help me learn English a lot. I really love it and make a japanese version of it since it's open source. Those who want to learn Japanese can try my Japanese version.
- (2020-09-07) 余李: 无法使用。点击在所有网站上启用和仅在收藏的网站上启用都没反应,会自动取消掉。 Can not use it. Both chosing the button "all website" and "only favorate list" will be cancled.
- (2020-04-12) Kenny: Great!
- (2020-04-11) laleh molaizahedi: its helpful draw your attention into hard words so you learn more thanks . but
- (2020-03-19) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
- (2020-02-13) peter李: 很好用的插件,就是看本地pdf的时候貌似用不了
- (2020-01-02) 金明: 从google翻译到中文的连接有错误,能否修改下
- (2019-12-10) 暖色浮余生: 很好,但是发现有的单词没有标注且自己不会,这是怎么回事呢,如果可以自定义标注那个等级的单词就太好了。比如,我想标注6级大纲词汇。
- (2019-12-01) ferdi ayik: ok
- (2019-11-10) Tuan Tran: i really love this extension. it's grate method to remember words by repeatedly. i do appreciate if you you add one more function like this extention woking -------------------- (Highlight This: finds and marks words) ----------- so when i read goolgle news on the web page, i can easily get a quick looking back the words i've learned and memorize them again by repeatedly (deep learning)
- (2019-10-27) 邓舒: 能否添加一个功能,让用谷歌浏览器打开的PDF文件也可以使用插件
- (2019-10-18) Running Cheese: Thanks for the great extension, but pls update the firefox version, it was 2 years ago since the first upload!
- (2019-09-21) Hui Chan: Goood
- (2019-07-22) Carl Wang: 你好, 导出来的单词本貌似有问题。请问可以修复吗?谢谢。
- (2019-07-21) Sajjad Sedaqat: It's Great
- (2019-06-21) 小麦说Xms: it's the most useful extension i've ever use!!! thank you
- (2019-04-30) Will: 超级喜欢!
- (2019-01-16) 昭明文选: 能再加一个词汇列表吗? wordlist1 不用颜色标注 这个放已经掌握的单词 wordlist2 用红色标注 这个放正在学习的单词 不在列表中的 用绿色标注 表示不认识的单词 这样一弄,就完美了。
- (2018-12-18) Gokhan Ozaslan: If it's possible to the extension will work on the youtube captions, then would be excellent. Thanks...
- (2018-12-18) gong situ: 超赞 感谢作者,看代码中.