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Korrekturläs ditt innehåll som proffsen - mot din stilbok eller din egen skräddarsydda ordlista! Bli kvitt pinsamma misstag.
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Description from store
StyleGuard Pro är ett mycket flexibelt och avancerat korrektursystem som kan kontrollera stavning, stil, användning av ord och egennamn. Programmet, som är utvecklat av erfarna manusredaktörer och lingvister, är mer omfattande än vanlig stavningskontroll – StyleGuard Pro kontrollerar innehållet och säkerställer felfri text på sekunder.
Alla har sina preferenser när det gäller skrivverktyg, och vi menar att programvara inte skall sätta begränsningar för detta. StyleGuard Pro har därför insticksprogram för webbläsare, Google Docs, Microsoft Word och AdobeInDesign. Kontrollera dina texter medan du arbetar med dina egna skriv – och redigeringsverktyg. StyleGuard Pros webbläsartillägg ger dig den korrekturhjälp du behöver, antingen du bloggar i WordPress, gör inlägg på Facebook eller twittrar med Hootsuite.
Professionella verktyg för dagens behov
Använd det samma verktyget som proffsen använder – kontrollera dina texter mot AP:s stilguide eller din egen skräddarsydda ordlista! StyleGuard Pro är utformat för att hantera de utmaningar som textförfattare och skribenter möter dagligen. StyleGuard Pro ger dig alla de verktyg du behöver för att ha kontroll när du skriver.
Mer än stavningskontroll
Ordlistor och andra språkresurser är bara ett klick undan vare sig du skriver pressmeddelanden eller sportnyheter. Du kan känna dig trygg på att det du skriver är i samsvar med den stil du önskar följa.
Arbeta i gemenskap med andra.
StyleGuard Pros centrala server säkerställer att dina texter kontrolleras mot ordlistor och stilböcker som alltid är uppdaterade. Eftersom StyleGuard Pro är molnbaserat, kan du kontrollera texter när du är på resefot, och du kan samtidig bestämma och dela skrivregler med de andra användarna.
Enhetlig stil i företaget
Att upprätthålla en enhetlig skrivstil för de anställda kan vara en utmaning. Vare sig företaget har två eller tjugotusen anställda, så vill StyleGuard Pro hjälpa dig med att stärka en gemensam språklig identitet som kommer till uttryck i kommunikationen med omvärlden.
En integrerad lösning
Ifall StyleGuard Pros breda spektrum av insticksprogram inte täcker dina behov, så erbjuder StyleGuard Pro ett robust API som gör det möjligt att koppla den kraftiga korrekturservern direkt till din egen webbpubliceringslösning eller ditt redaktionella produktionssystem.
Latest reviews
- (2023-01-16) Karen Hansen: Rated one up from today because Lingofy went out of their way on this holiday to hold a special zoom for me where they could see somehow my account is acting as corrupted. I really want this to work. I have used tools like this for other styles. APStylewriter have also been as helpful as possible and set up a ticket page for me where i was able to organize all the screenshots showing my issues. We have more meetings tomorrow. AP is a national treasure so I cannot imagine we arent working with the best minds possible on this. Hopefully after tomorrow I will be able to give another star.
- (2022-10-29) Don Miller: Do not buy!!! This app is absolute garbage. I wish I could get a refund. The AP Stylebook site should be embarrassed to be selling this. Previous commenters have noted issues with the app. Lingofy does not catch the use the Oxford comma. (Grammarly does this well, so this function is possible.) The app also does not notify you about incorrect use of capitalization and punctuation on bulleted lists. A waste of money and misleading advertising.
- (2020-09-28) Bryan Esler: Works about 50% of the time, with constant stalling. Furthermore, if you use Dropbox ... expect the Dropbox website to stop working as soon as you install Lingofy. Abysmal customer service that takes weeks to get back to you. Would not recommend ... but there's no other option out there for AP Style users who want a one-click checker for WordPress.
- (2020-06-22) Grace Cyberxtime: Awesome!!
- (2019-02-06) Matt White: It catches very few things in the AP style guide. The webinar on the AP website repeatedly stressed that Lingofy is better than other such tools because it can understand the full context of your writing and figure out where the errors are. The reality is that it can't even see basic diction errors (that are cataloged in the AP guide) such as further vs. farther, lay vs. lie, or hanger vs. hangar. If you give it a combined error such as "US navy", it fails to recognize that "US" should be "U.S." (in article text) and therefore fails to recognize that "navy" should be capitalized. This is the problem with just about every initialization that I tested (it got NATO correct, but not much else); if you don't happen to enter the one incorrect form that Lingofy is expecting, then it just passes your mistake. Put it all together and you really can't have any confidence that this tool has detected errors that you overlooked. In my testing, it was incapable of spotting more than 10% of the style rules in the AP guide. If these expectations had been fairly managed, I would rate the app higher, but they try to convince you that this thing really can evaluate your text and it really cannot. Also, if this app were not already five (I think) years old, I could see cutting it some slack. But at this point, promises of future improvements should probably be dismissed as unlikely to occur. Most of my testing was conducted using the Google Docs extension, but I also ran some stuff through the Chrome extension in the form of Facebook posts (I chose that after realizing that the Chrome extension could not scan a Salesforce Knowledge article, even in editor mode). In the end, I give it two stars because the customization functionality works reasonably well and nothing else I've seen offers a capability like that. It would be a promising thing except that again, I suspect nothing new is coming down the road on this. It has been released for five years and appears unchanged in that time.
- (2018-04-10) robert avila: muy bien para corregir la ortografía!
- (2018-03-01) Does not work in google docs. It misses every mistake.
- (2016-06-26) Jason Heeris: Missed every typo on the page. Only has three dictionaries (and only one English dictionary, US). Doesn't actually do anything that I can see.
- (2016-06-10) Lars Peterson: Should be noted that Google Docs is NOT supported, although the developer says that Docs support is coming.
- (2016-05-23) John K. White: Fantastic tool, excellent second set of eyes
- (2016-03-18) Kjetil Haug: Very useful – corrects my spelling mistakes and let me build and use my own style guide.