extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Geocaching list from geocaching.com - export GPX, edit, print, map.

Image from store GeoPrinter
Description from store EXTENSION IS NO LONGER DEVELOPED NO SUPPORT, NO UPDATES Make your Geocaching life easy with GeoPrinters lists - print, map, send by e-mail and GPX export. CREATING: .:. button in popup at map .:. button in listing .:. import search results and PQ .:. import bookmark lists .:. insert custom coordinates .:. add points from GeoPrinter's map .:. load list saved in .gpl file OUTPUT: .:. print A4 (paper/.pdf) .:. export GPX (for PM) .:. print MAPS with points (A4,A5) .:. save to .gpl file (proprietary) INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Login to www.geocaching.com and create list by inserted buttons (see above). 2) Through an icon in the browser address bar you reach the list. Click to "Edit & export" open the list to edit. 3) Edit list, customize the look and output with advanced options - everything is saved. Print, export, save to file. 4) Log directly from list. List remains the same after closing the browser. FEATURES: - o p t i m i z e d f o r p r i n t - configurable output GPX - customizable, intuitive, reorderable - saves and loads any number of lists - p o r t a b l e from computer to computer CONTAINS / SHOWS: - cache number (for identification on map) - GC code (optionally) - cache name (as link to listing) - coordinates (editable) - decoded hint (editable) - distance (from first/previous cache) - cache size - difficiulty and terrain - trackables (with link to log) - cache type icon (=link to log) - note (optionally hidden/showed) And in note optionally: - w a y p o i n t s (editable) - l i s t i n g text (editable) - selected images from listing (variable size) - any custom plain/formatted text _____________________________________________ USE extension for: .:. geocaching without paper - GPX .:. geocaching with paper - saves paper .:. planning longer trips - own points .:. archive your hunts - saves/loads .:. log without re-searching caches TB/GC .:. planning hunt in more people - send list file via e-mail TIP: Save page to bookmarks for instant access! PRIVACY POLICY: - app don't send anything outside your computer - app don't read any personal info, passwords or statistics Bugs, ideas, thanks etc: [email protected]

Latest reviews

  • (2022-09-18) Sjaak Janssen: I have enjoyed using the tool for several years now. However, adding waipoints is a time-consuming activity. Is it possible to add an extra function: 'Load from .GPX file'? It would be a welcome addition.
  • (2022-06-21) Bruno Santos: I am having problems with printing. when i do CTRL+P the browser freezes. Started in Chrome, than i changed do Edge, worked some time, and now to the same problem! i can do everything, except print, or paper or PDF.
  • (2022-02-17) Nicole Gnodde: I'm still using this extension often to plan my trips! Great functionality. But nowadays when I'm adding my own points (for example adding some points of labcaches or stages for multicaches) and then reshuffle the order of the points, the notes of the hints are not correctly moved with the shuffling. then the hints appear at the wrong caches....
  • (2021-10-11) Daphne Heeroma: Great ad-on I've always used it for geocaching. Great ad-on. But yesterday I had problems. I can't edit iet anymore (change the listings order) and after that the listing is empty. (for editing) You can still see them in the original list and on the map, but you can't see them any more in the editing list (it's totaly empty). Can you please debug?
  • (2021-06-26) Andries van Dijk: I like the tool, it helps me plan a trip. But today when I moved some entries to another point the text manual added shifted not correct with the entries. I needed to correct this all manual. If you want to create a Dutch language I perhaps can assists.
  • (2021-02-11) James Akehurst: This is a really good app. I use it every time when I need to download a GPX file with multiple caches.
  • (2020-10-30) Michal Lev: Excelentní doplněk, který se skvěle hodí na keškovací výlety. Obzvláště ty bez signálu.
  • (2020-08-26) Ludo Thehu: It is no longer possible to create a GPX file.
  • (2019-08-21) Matthijs Verschraagen: Hele handige tool, maar niet stabiel....tegenwoordig lukt het heel vaak niet meer om een GPX van de caches te maken of crasht het programma en is herinstallatie noodzakelijk
  • (2019-07-07) vbc: I really like it but, the button GPX Export does not work today. I checked it on two different PCs
  • (2019-07-06) Diana Lynn: GeoPrinter failed to propagate a list of caches for us to edit and print out today. We get a blank page with nothing on it except the header at the top. We use this extension everyday to print out a list of geocaches to take with us. GeoPrinter has always been a fantastic and indispensable extension...until today?! We tried rebooting our computer. Nothing works!!
  • (2019-06-07) Hendrik Braeken: Handig tool, veel plezier aan gehad, snel, makkelijk!
  • (2019-02-05) Roman Linhart: Dobrý den, když jde v geoseznamu vygenerovat gpx, šlo by ho nahrát i zpět aby šel seznam upravit (přidat nebo odebrat body)? Nebo se musí vytvořit nový? Pokud je v seznamu třeba 50 a více bodů tak je to celkem časově náročné a vytvoření nového zabere zase spoustu času. Díky za odpověď.
  • (2019-02-01) Joao Antonio Reis: De grande ajuda.
  • (2018-11-14) niko Verbelen: Top extensie ik heb er al veel geniet van gehad. paar extra tools zou nog handiger zijn. Verschillende cache toeren kunnen voorbereiden. Een cache toer van mede cacher hier kunnen inladen. Wij cachen met een groep nu moeten we allemaal een toer voorbereiden om achteraf gemakkelijker te kunnen loggen. maar zoals gezegd top extensie ik ben er weg van.
  • (2018-08-15) Ben Hodder: use to use this a lot, started using it again, have deleted reinstalled and still not working, very disappointing
  • (2018-08-09) Steven Shaw: Great way to plan your caching trip or even just to plan your day.
  • (2018-07-15) Martin: Perfektní doplněk, usnadní práci. V posledních dnech nestahuje WPT. Píše: "error loading waypoints - nepodařilo se načíst waypointy připojené ke keši!" Prosím o opravu. Moc díky
  • (2018-06-21) Kevin Noel: An option to log the list in bulk would give it a 5*
  • (2018-05-29) Michael Meeuwesen: This is a fantastic chrome extension. I use it a lot. My wish for future: Please allow to save the list to be able editing again after loading Oh, great! I found it. Exactly what I was looking for.
  • (2018-05-13) Dirk Peter Bakker: Great addition! would be helpful to add the field notes as well!
  • (2018-05-11) André Ribeiro: Really helpful. Two additional options that would improve the list in my opinion: Add the option two inform how many favorites the geocache have. Second thing would be the indication if the coord on a mystery geocache is corrected or original.
  • (2018-04-29) Wouter & Els Van Kerschaver - Tuerlinckx: brilliant, easy and indispensable! THX!
  • (2018-03-25) Philippe LEMMENS: Hello ! Great app ! Would be nice to make it possible to include spoiler pictures and also to rename the.gpl file before saving it !
  • (2017-12-25) Michael Spanel: Really helpful
  • (2017-12-22) Karel Šimka: Perfektní doplněk, přehledné, dík za ni!!!
  • (2017-05-20) Kyle Clements: I have always enjoyed this extension. But it now covers up parts of the geocaching UI. Please redesign! Could see the "select all" box on the list of caches I filtered because it was covered by GeoPrinter.
  • (2017-05-05) Pivní Pupek: Bez PM naprd. K čemu jsou mi seznamy v prohlížeči, když z toho nedostanu GPX? Takže k ničemu.
  • (2017-04-28) Campus Educacionbe: So cool
  • (2017-04-27) Peter Adams: In the Mac version I change the mi to km but when I click on show it is always mi :(
  • (2017-03-12) Petr Koumar: Perfektní doplněk a skvělá podpora ze strany tvůrce.
  • (2017-03-07) Unimoggers Geocachers: My only thing is that I'd like to run several different sets of geocaches at once. For example, one set for a certain geoart, one set for a certain set of puzzles for a particular day, etc.

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-05, v:2.57) Daniel CEUPPENS: wherigo
    Bonjour, lors de l'ajout de caches de type wherigo dans la liste geoprinter, ces caches apparaissent comme étant des waypoints et non comme des caches. Est-i possible de résoudre ce "bug" ? Merci
  • (2023-06-11, v:2.57) Dieter Patrzalek: Geoprinter Icons werden oben nicht angezeigt
    Geoprinter Icons werden oben nicht angezeigt!
  • (2022-09-28, v:2.57) Daniel Fér: NO LONGER SUPPORTED
    Extension isn't developed any more. NO UPDATES NO BUG FIXES I undergo cancer treatment. -- Developer
  • (2022-06-06, v:2.57) André Kieft: Import from Search screen
    Hi Daniel, Unfortunately you can no longer import caches to Geoprinter via geocaching the search function (https://www.geocaching.com/play/search). Will it still be restored? Thanks for your comment. Greetings Andre
  • (2022-05-20, v:2.57) Nancy Snoek: Picking and chosing what prints out on our list.
    Is there any way that we can determine what we want to print out on your lists? When I solve both puzzle and multicaches, I like to write down my personal notes on the website. Is there anyway to include these notes on the printed off list?
  • (2022-04-26, v:2.57) Brigitte Ognier: export gps
    hello, usually when I click on export gpx, I save the file on my pc and then I load it on my gps, since yesterday I have a window that opens and asks me with which app I want to open this file. I can't save it, what should I do? thank you bonjour, d'habitude quand je clique sur export gpx, j'enregistre le fichier sur mon pc et ensuite je le charge sur mon gps, depuis hier j'ai une fenêtre qui s'ouvre et qui me demande avec quelle appli je veux ouvrir ce fichier. Je n'arrive pas à l'enregistrer, comment faire? merci
  • (2022-04-09, v:2.57) Clemens van Santvoort: Meerdere geocaches naar geoprinter
    Eerst was het mogelijk om in 1 keer een groot aantal caches tegelijk naar geoprinter te zetten. Sinds kort kan je ze nog maar per stuk naar geoprinter zetten. Wat is hier de oplossing voor.
  • (2022-03-19, v:2.57) Rhonda: Cannot download gpl files
    Hi there, First I would like to say thank you very much for this awesome tool! I've been using it without issue for a while now and I haven't experienced any problems until this one. Yesterday when I was trying to open a gpl file, a message popped up asking how I would like to open it. I've never seen this message before, and whatever option I click on, it doesn't open the file in geoprinter. My previous lists that I have saved will not open any more either. Any suggestions or recommendations would be welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  • (2022-03-06, v:2.57) Paul V.: Autmatisch een lijst maken met Geoprinter
    Tot voor kort kon in Geoprinter een volledig rondje van bvb. 20 caches met één klik in een lijst (Geoprinter) laten zetten. Enkele dagen geleden kwam ik tot de ontdekking dat dit niet meer kan en ik elke cache apart en handmatig in een lijst in Geoprinter dien te zetten (wat zeer omslachtig en traag is!) Zou dit te wijten zijn aan een recente update van Geocaching.com , Geoprinter of Chrome??? Voor zover ik me kan herinneren heb ik zelf nergens een instelling veranderd, bovendien zijn de drie bewuste programma's up to date. Heeft er iemand ook dit probleem of weet misschien iemand hoe ik dit probleem kan oplossen? Alvast bedankt voor de hulp/tip.
  • (2022-02-11, v:2.57) annick huybrechts: kan lijst in mijn dasbord
    beste, kan ik mijn lijst die ik heb gemaakt ook in mijn dahbord krijgen zodat ik deze ook in mijn gsm kan zien
  • (2021-09-30, v:2.57) Joop Baars: import geocaches
    import chosen geocaches not only seprarat of all, but also x-number of chosen caches. Import of specific chosen caches was able, but now not possible. So now i have to choose between one cache of all chaches (included archived of enabled caches.
  • (2021-06-27, v:2.57) Alfons Bieshaar: GeoPrinter
    Het lukt mij niet om GeoPrinter te downloaden op mijn nieuwe computer.
  • (2021-06-05, v:2.57) Susan Clark: Can't create a gpx file from my list of caches
    I added caches (about 50) to geoprinter, bring up the list, but then when I click on 'create gpx', nothing happens. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling with the same results.
  • (2020-12-10, v:2.57) Raymond Decelles: List of caches
    The 'List of caches' was working properly, right up until I changed item #35 to #34. Then the list went blank, and the side modules went missing as well. Only the page's top bar remains, with "List of caches" and "show on maps" and everything above them both. Strangely, when I go to any Geocache page and click on the GeoPrinter icon, I can see the mini window version of the list, and it reflects the above change. The list only disappears when I enter the "edit & export" window. Also, I can download and upload the list just fine, in either gpx or gpl format. However, the upload also fails to appear on the large "edit & export" window. I have used GeoPrinter a couple of dozen times, and this problem is a first for me. The list itself is only 41 items, but I'd much rather be able to fix it than to create it anew since it took quite some time to create. Thank you.
  • (2020-12-07, v:2.57) Rob Brussaard: Coordinates
    Is there an easy way to display the coordinates in decimal notation in Geoprinter ?
  • (2020-09-27, v:2.57) Bert_74 Sch.: GPX Export
    Ein gutes Add on - leider geht der GPX Export nicht. Man kann den Button drücken, aber es passiert nichts. Nur als Liste GPL funktioniert der Download. Wo ist der Fehler?
  • (2020-09-21, v:2.57) Tim Van Baekel: Empty list
    The list when I click in the top right corner of chrome shows all my caches, but then when I click "Edit & export" I run into an empty list
  • (2020-09-20, v:2.57) Linda Van Roey: error when I want to open a gpx file in basecamp
    I can download a gpx-file of a list I made in GeoPrinter. But when I open it in Basecamp, there is always an error shown. (it says: unknown error while importing a gpx file) So I cannot open the gpx file. I removed and reinstalled the extension, but it still shows the same error.
  • (2020-09-11, v:2.57) 2WMN Geocaching: Decrypt hint
    How can I decrypt all hints in my list? They are still ROT :(
  • (2020-06-06, v:2.57) Marian Kagie: Suggestion
    We recently discovered the lab caches. It would be nice if we could make a route in geoprinter in advance, including the lab caches to visit. Is it possible to automatically import all waypoints or add them manually under the category labcaches?
  • (2020-05-14, v:2.57) Bert Schoots: Popup on geocaching.com map
    I don't see a pop when right clicking on a cache on the geocaching.com map. Using Chrome version 81.0.4044.138 (Officiële build) (64-bits). Windows 10 pro. Adding a cache from the cache page to a list is no problem, How can I solve this? Removing geoprinter and re-install shows the same problem.
  • (2020-01-15, v:2.57) Brigitte Ognier: map
    hello I use geoprinter for geocaching and Idon't know how to register the map on my computer, thanks for answer
  • (2020-01-01, v:2.57) Katja Burghardt: gpx can't open
    can't open gpx file. i use it in dutch. every time i want to download it says: klasse is niet geregistreerd. i think i clicked at a wrong map to download it. hope you understand me.
  • (2019-08-03, v:2.57) Marie Saugues: "Error" when trying to a cache to a list
    The subject of my comment says it all. Every time I try to add a cache to list (by clicking on the "Add cache to list" button via the map), I get an error and the list is not implemented. It seems like GeoPrinter is having trouble with the new geocaching map version...
  • (2019-07-24, v:2.57) Katinka Kramer: error when trying to import several caches at once
    Hi Daniel, I want to import several caches (a tour .. or all the caches from a CO...) what fine worked before. Now i get this comment/error since maybe half a year....It says: Progress of import Tohle se nemělo zobrazit :( chyba One by one is no problem !
  • (2019-07-06, v:2.57) Diana Lynn: GeoPrinter
    Can not open GeoPrinter to edit or print a list of caches
  • (2019-06-24, v:2.57) Rini Coolen: foutmelding in basecamp
    foutmelding in basecamp als ik op de knop met gpx en export druk
  • (2019-06-22, v:2.57) Rini Coolen: Get an error message with Export to GPX
    Get an error message with Export to GPX
  • (2019-06-19, v:2.57) King Pivot: Change order of caches visually on Map and Print enhancements for earthcaches and multi stage caches
    Hi, first of all let me thank you for this very nice tool! I usually need pen and paper to plan a trip (with a map). This really helps. I have two suggestions that would perhaps make it even better: 1) Change order of caches on the map. At the moment if you want to change the order you need to go to the list and reassign a index number. However, if you have multiple caches to reorder you need to go back and forward to the map to see the result. It would be great if you could reorder directly visually on the map. 2 Print list enhancements for earthcaches and multi stage caches. a. I like the print option for the final list. But for Earth caches I miss the questions that are often part of the description. It would be great if I could add/select/copy the questions (so copy parts?) to the list so it is complete. b. Multistage caches sometimes already contain multiple waypoints, parts of the coordinates etc. So ideally these are also listed in order so that when you print the list of caches you also see the waypoints. Hope this makes sense. Thanks again. Kind regards, Marian
  • (2019-05-26, v:2.57) Janne Hinsverk: hints missing
    I just discovered that hints are listed as "undefined" when I add a cache to my list. I have to delete it and add it again to get the hint the way it should be. It happened with all the 20 caches I just added to my new list, and it's a bit annoying. How can I solve this?
  • (2019-02-12, v:2.57) Moravec Martin: Vlastní poznámka ke keši
    Na webu je nad listingem pole pro zadání vlastní poznámky. Zde si ukládám např. vyluštěný kód k otevření keše a podobné informace. Nedaří se mi ale tuto informaci dostat do seznamu. Lze to vůbec? Díky. Omlouvám se za případnou hloupou otázku, ale seznamuju se s tímto seznamem teprve pár dní. Martin
  • (2018-11-22, v:2.57) Daniel CEUPPENS: How to import a personnal list into geoprinter
    Hello I try to import a list of caches in geoprinter but the button has disappeared from the page. I suppose it's due to the modification of the site and the new layout . Can you tell me how I can import a list please ? Thank you
  • (2018-11-14, v:2.57) niko Verbelen: file aanmaken dat je achteraf kan openen in de extensie
    Goed eerst en vooral een goede extensie van chroom ik ben er weg van. handig zou zijn dat je een cache toer zou kunnen opslagen in een bestand en het achteraf terug zou kunnen openen in de extensie. zo kan je meerdere toeren voorbereiden en kan je deze ook delen met mede cachers. top extensie


6,000 history
4.4691 (162 votes)
Last update / version
2022-09-29 / 2.57
Listing languages
