Description from extension meta
Allow to hide and show lists at Trello's boards.
Image from store
Description from store is the really great tool but if you have a lot of Lists it will be hard to manage them or you should use horizontal scroll all the time.
This extension solves problem of horizontal scrolling and makes easier management of boards with a huge amount of Lists. Main features:
* Adds a nice bar at the top where all existing Lists are shown;
* Hide and show Lists at board by clicking List name in the bar;
* Status of each List represented by color: grey for hidden List and white for shown.
* Removed unused permission 'storage'.
* Minor change. Removed useless 'tabs' permission.
* Fixed issue when status of list wasn't restored from localStorage when switched to new board and then back again.
* Fixed bug with single qoutes in list names which blocked any operation with lists.
* Improved speed of menu rendering.
* Implemented menu updating on list archive/move.
* Updated extension to work with newest changes in layout.
* Implemented storing state of each List in LocalStorage so you shouldn't set state each time you opened board.
* Fixed bugs and which blocked adding new cards and hides horizontall scroll bar if board contain a huge amount of lists.
* Minor fixes and improvements.
* Fixed bug with wrong color of tabs for newly created Lists.
* Improved behavior of 'Hide all/Show all' button.
* Added ability to hide all and show all Lists in one clik. Now you can easily hide all lists then show only one and manage cards in this list without any scrolling. Nice!
* Fixed automatic injection of extension to Trello's page. Now list of all lists will appear automatically for all Boards.
* Added new screenshots.
* Implemented storing status of List (hidden/shown) for each List at board and correct status in top Menu for each tab (which represents actual tab).
* Implemented integration with 'Points for Trello' extension which updates Lists headers each 2 seconds and slow down whole page if there are a lot of lists.
* Removed jQuery fadeIn effect for top bar to avoid flashing.
* Fixed a lot of bugs.
* Increased speed of application.
* Improved UI.
* Changed styles of Bar to look more like Trello's native elements.
* Bar in header now appears just after page load automatically.
* Bar updates on List creation/removing/title update/archiving.
* Implemented support of drag-and-drop List's movements.
* Updated to newest version of
* Better UI.
* Removed useless HTML.
* Shows lists in one row in the header.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-08) Michelle AvisonYoung: I was excited to use it but it doesn't work. Looks like this is a temporary thing but I have to uninstall for now. I hope to come back!
- (2023-10-24) Flavio Junior: Trellists recently stopped working in all my browsers. It looks like there is a trello update.Waiting for this extension to be updated
- (2023-10-20) Dávid Bíró Márk: Alapból szuper, viszont az utóbbi 1-2 napban eltűntek a lehetőségek, nem tudom eltűntetni az oszlopokat. Remélem sikerül kijavítani és nem csak nálam jelentkezik ez a probléma.
- (2023-10-12) Dan Ortega: Guys this extension is great, it is so useful. But some weeks ago Trello released a new version and the html classes are not the same, now the extension doesn't work anymore. I gave it a look and the changes should not be very difficult. I realize that the new version is deployed to some users, but I confirm the change is released and will soon come to all users.
- (2022-10-29) Кристина Н: Круто! Те, що потрібно! За пів року роботи з проєктом накопичилося багато списків. Стало незручно працювати. З цим розширенням я можу вибрати відображення тільки того списку, який зараз у роботі!
- (2020-12-21) Vinicio Rodrigues Coelho: A barra de colunas fica desaparecendo. Isso quase faz com que a praticidade da extensão seja engolida pelo trabalho de atualizar a cada 10 minutos.
- (2020-11-04) Fer F: It is an extremely useful extension, and allows you to focus on the columns you need. If I could have a way to hide the list of columns that I make, with a "hide and show" it would be incredible, personally it bothers me that I take so much space on the screen
- (2020-10-01) Sam Watkins: A great extension, it's exactly what I wanted to help me focus on just the lists I'm working with, put Trello on half a screen, and avoid having to scroll sideways. Does one thing and does it well. :)
- (2020-09-24) Dorian TDTD: Super ! un filtre complémentaire qui fonctionne avec les tags et ce serait l'apothéose ! - Great! an additional filter that works with tags and that would be the apotheosis!
- (2020-09-09) ekarron: Used to be useful! Now List Toggle disappears whenever a new card is added and you have to reload the page every time that happens
- (2020-08-26) Ender Christian: I live in Trello and use this all the time. It's a step up from archiving; I sometimes get lost searching for something in the archive. With this extension, I can just hide a list at-will. To help me focus, I keep most lists hidden while I'm working on a specific item.
- (2020-03-04) Jonathan Guedj: great! BUT why do the extension need permission to my browsing history ??
- (2020-02-28) Jerome: BEST. CHROME. EXTENSION. FOR. TRELLO I just LOVE it! Thank you so much! If you could make collapsible the "Add new list" column, you could easily make this extension paid. And I would gladly invite you to lunch. :)
- (2019-12-02) David Langner: Well, if you're okay refreshing the page every few minutes to get the list bar to return, then its worth it. For me, it is for now... but I'd suggest looking around a bit first - many another option?
- (2019-10-19) Noel: Does exactly what I need, super easy to show only the lists I want when :)
- (2019-08-20) Felipe Goulart: O aplicativo é ótimo, porém a barra fica sumindo. Eu tenho que atualizar a página pra retornar a barra.
- (2019-07-18) ziplock9000: Works great when it's there, but after a short period is disappears and the page has to be constantly refreshed.
- (2019-02-20) Sergio Meurer: A extensão é ótima, mas a barra de seleção dela desapareceu, e isso me impede completamente de usar a extensão. Estou bastante chateado com esse problema.
- (2019-02-16) John Weiss: Works great! Except bug on reload screen. Also-- too big!
- (2019-02-06) Андрій Мицик: Has broken! doesn't show dashboard in the top
- (2019-01-14) 楊宗翰: It's useful, but sometimes it is invisible
- (2018-12-16) Damir F: Work in 2018 trell. Thanks!
- (2018-08-31) Crieloue Gilles: Nice when it works. Menu randomly hides sometimes.
- (2018-07-03) Aleksandra Bojarska: It was great when it worked :(
- (2018-03-13) Liv Morris: Extension no longer supported.
- (2018-01-06) If the top bar disappears you can workaround it by dragging a near the were the top bar normally would be.
- (2017-12-27) Lucas Zapico: Great tool. Sometimes you need to clear the decks. I find it is of great value to clean my works space and only see the actionable items.
- (2017-12-19) Tomer Barkan: It's great when it works. But half the time it disappears from the status bar which causes it to be more trouble than helpful... Dev seems to have abandoned it since others have been complaining and no fix or updates since July.
- (2017-11-21) João Baltazar: GREAT Extension. Shame it stopped evolving.
- (2017-10-31) Liza Gorelikova: It is impossible for me to unhide the lists(
- (2017-10-30) Ben Jenkins: This is an amazing extension, sadly the menu only shows up sporadically so I have to refresh my browser multiple times until it comes back. :/ Windows 10 64bit Chrome Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) Edit: If I move a list I can get the menu to come back.
- (2017-10-23) Mark Stovall: It was great until it stopped working. Please fix it!
- (2017-10-12) Bas Terwee: Was good, stopped working. Please fix it, was super useful!
- (2017-10-11) Barth Ballard: Stopped working - This is a must have extension for Trello. However it only works sporadically. Mac OS 10.12.6 - Chrome Version 61.0.3163.100
- (2017-09-29) Denis Haskin: The bug I reported seems fixed... that was quick turnaround, nice!
- (2017-09-27) Daniel Bottiglieri: Was good, stopped working
- (2017-09-25) Jon Phillips: Was good. Stopped working.
- (2017-09-22) Phil Steinke: Was good, stopped working
- (2017-09-06) Lindsay Webb: THANK YOU for this! Exactly what I needed!