extension ExtPose

JScript tricks

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Description from extension meta

You can trick any page! Add your own JavaScript (powered by JQuery) and/or CSS to any page.

Image from store JScript tricks
Description from store #### App development suspended #### This app allows you to inject your own JavaScript or CSS tricks to any page (by domain). You can use nice editor (from CodeMirror), which has nice syntax highlighter. Script and CSS are applied after the page is loaded (document.onload event). Script and css are injected before DOM creation. Use $(function(){ ... }) to start script on DOMReady. New: Export/Import scripts to/from text file. bugs fixed Features: - auto save to cache + load cache button, separate for CSS and JS - Automatic JQuery injection, - custom JavaScript and CSS injection, - popup to quick edit and apply tricks or selected text only, - Autostart option, - Default script for all pages, - nice options interface, - F1 JQuery help - Ctrl+S support, - Ctrl+Alt+H for hidden tricks! - Cache to save current code If you find a bug or need some features just let me know! Example usage: 1. Search some image with Google Image search. 2. Click on the "JScript Tricks" icon and enter JS code: //---beginig // This code replace focused image title on Google Image search results by adding direct link to the picture. if( location.href.match(/tbm\=isch/)) { var interval = setInterval("initGL()",300); } function initGL(){ if($("#rg_h").length == 1) { if( $("#mylink").length == 0 ) { $("#rg_hta").attr("href",$("#rg_hta").attr("href").match(/imgurl=([^\&]+)/)[1]); $("#rg_hta").text(" » "+$("#rg_hta").text()); } } } //-----end is here 3. Remember to save! (Ctrl+S) 4. Now refresh the page or press "Apply" to start script. 5. You can also check "Autostart" option. In the option tab you can easily edit this entry! Known Bugs: - Some CSS cannot be applied correctly. You should use this syntax then: $(document.head).find("style").append(".someCustomClass{some:styles}");

Latest reviews

  • (2019-06-27) Aero Windwalker: A very powerful tool. But it should include "storage.sync" method so when using multiple computers, the scripts can be shared. Also, window in JScript tricks is not the same window in the webpage, making it less useful in many cases.
  • (2018-11-12) Edgardo Arias: falta html inyeccion
  • (2017-11-13) Plenty O'Tool: Una de las mejores y mas poderosas extensiones para programadores
  • (2017-10-19) Yunus emrah dursun: very usefull, ty man!
  • (2017-07-25) kelvin barsana: auto start suddenly working, thanks
  • (2017-03-30) James Burns: Great on Windows but the save keyboard shortcut on a Mac is not CMD+S. The "Save Page" dialog is appearing instead when CMD+S is pressed, closing the extension without saving the script. Please make this extension mac user friendly for another star.
  • (2017-02-13) Erik Kamphuis: This makes multi-page for loops possible on every website :)
  • (2016-12-15) Arshad: Auto Start not working.. Even I added following.. $(function(){ alert('OK'); });
  • (2016-12-12) David Macias Hurtado: Es la primera que consigo que funcione bien. Todas las demás no inyectan JS...
  • (2016-05-29) James E Burns: So far I haven't had any major issues using this extension. I really like it as it allows me to turn my common bookmarklets into keyboard shortcuts that just work when I am ready to use them. Thank you for this.
  • (2015-11-04) oxido: Aceasta aplicatie este superba, iti poti predefinii cod css sau jQuery pentru site-urile pe care le accesezi. De exemplu, poti da remove unui div care are class="ads", si poti seta reguli pentru fiecare site in parte. Custom AdBlocker ;)
  • (2015-06-20) Aditya Sriram: Exactly what was required. Simple yet effective.
  • (2015-01-18) 曾浩: Useful!
  • (2014-12-30) Works great, does everything I expected. It would be great if it synced across devices, but it is good as it is.
  • (2014-05-25) Andrej Martinák: Well the UI could be less painfull for the eyes, but it does what it is supposed to do :)
  • (2014-05-13) Justin Ma: Auto start does not work, please fix it.
  • (2014-02-26) Bobby Thomas: Very good tool. This tool meets my requirements. I use this tool to report the performance.timing values. The code gets executed onLoad of the page if autostart is used. Is there a way i can get it executed after completion of the pageload in autostart? loadEventEnd value is coming zero.
  • (2014-02-12) Adrian Li: for some reason jquery isn't loading
  • (2013-11-10) Ilya K: Отличная весч! =)
  • (2013-10-23) Adrian Li: Auto start not working .... need manual run:< auto run resulting >> Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
  • (2013-10-15) Dirk De Smet: Autorun is still broken, this is (for me) the most crucial feature. Manually, by clicking the "play" button, my scripts run fine. Please try to fix the autorun feature...
  • (2013-09-05) Timur Matsiev: Helpful and good working tool!
  • (2013-08-28) Reece Pegues: Couldn't get it to apply the CSS after a page refresh unless I manually opened the app and clicked apply.
  • (2013-08-21) PatV (PatV): Très bon plugin dont on espère une belle évolution car très bon potentiel. La sauvegarde du code devrait en effet être systématique... Ne pourrait-on pas bénéficier de quelques fonctions bien utiles qui simplifieraient le travail ? Une doc un peu mieux fournie ?
  • (2012-11-21) good but we need to enable script+css to custom pages not just to whole domain

Latest issues

  • (2019-04-14, v:0.9.87) James E Burns: Options page no longer shows more than default in list
    1.) Create and save js or css for multiple sites/domains in JScript Tricks 2.) Go to Options page for JScript Tricks 3.) On the left hand side, notice that only "Default" is listed instead of every domain you saved js and css for In the chrome console, I see the following error: options.html:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 1 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at run (options.js:121) at save (options.js:58) at run (options.js:103) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (options.js:377) at o (jquery.js:2) at Object.fireWith (jquery.js:2) at Function.ready (jquery.js:2) at HTMLDocument.B (jquery.js:2) Options.js: ======== for(k in keys) { var v = keys[k]; var lsd = JSON.parse(localStorage[v]); <<< problem addMenuBox(v,lsd); }
  • (2017-10-12, v:0.9.87) Charles Ellis: Lost Data
    Restarted computer (Linux) and my Default script is blank. I've saved the file many times. How can I recover my 1000+ lines of code?
  • (2017-06-14, v:0.9.87) PC User: save script data to google drive "encrypted"
    save script data to google drive "encrypted" and then signing in with another browser it can reverify using a password.
  • (2017-06-14, v:0.9.87) PC User: Add code igniter highlighting
    Add code igniter highlighting
  • (2017-03-30, v:0.9.87) James Burns: CMD+S doesn't save on a Mac - Lose data with CMDL+S
    For this extension running on a Windows machine, using Ctrl+S with the JScript Editor open prevents the browser's default "Save Page" feature from executing and then calls JScript Edtor to save the script data in the editor. The CTRL+S is command is native to Windows users but Mac users use CMD+S for saving. When you use CMD+S, the behavior isn't the same as the WIndows machine and the "Save Page" dialog appears, which closes the JScript Editor without saving. Please make CMD+S (and maybe also CTRL+S) save in JScript Editor. I think you can detect the OS with the browser information.
  • (2016-08-05, v:0.9.87) Никита Карпов: global variables
    Can I get window object on current page, to set or get global variables?
  • (2016-03-29, v:0.9.84) Script
    How i have to edit this to work? javascript:var progressElm=$("<div>da</div>");$("#am_widget_Farm").before(progressElm);var total=$(".farm_icon_a").length;var farms=$(".farm_icon_a");var fasend=function(a){if(a==total)return;$(farms[a]).trigger("click");progressElm.html(a+" / "+total);setTimeout("fasend("+a+"+1)",250+Math.random(150))};fasend(0);
  • (2015-12-05, v:0.9.84) Joyce Willems: Open-source or plugin/addon/package manager
    Any chance making it opensource on for example git or something? Or something like a plugin/addon/package manager? Letting others reviewing your source could (will for sure) speed up improvements, fixes and adding more great options Guess alot would love to help adding syntax highlighting, cloud api intergrations, some basic script manupilation functions every desktop editors have, like: search/replace, folding, custom content styling (size,color,tab-indents etc) some great little helpers like: colorpickers, url/base64 encoders/decoders, script minifiers/obfusicators, xml/json viewers/parsers etc etc) Regards, Joyce
  • (2015-12-05, v:0.9.84) Joyce Willems: Save/load import/export or download button for scripts
    considering losing all my precious scripts because i cleaned my browser cache myself or because apps like "Bleachbit" or "CCleaner" clean it for me! It would be GREAT and more save if there is an choice/option to save/load and/or import/export scripts on Dropbox or GoogleDrive or just simply an "download scripts" button generating an zip file containing all scripts where filename.js/css is the domain its intended for)
  • (2015-11-12, v:0.9.84) Terry DeSimone: Export ?
    after using multiple programs to clean cache or whatever happened.. all my saved scripts were gone :( and i cant manually re-add them either. SUGGESTIONS: ---------------------------- 1.) allow importing/exporting script file (JSON, XML, CSV) 2.) allow to manually add sites (form)


2,000 history
4.22 (50 votes)
Last update / version
2020-09-24 / 0.9.88
Listing languages
