Description from extension meta
Use Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs in MRU order, with optional thumbnail previews.
Description from store
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This extension shows a tab switcher menu when you press Ctrl+Tab.
It's the same functionality you get from the task switcher in Windows when you press Alt+Tab,
except this switcher shows your open tabs instead of your open programs.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ KEY FEATURES ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
➭ Tabs are in recently used order.
➭ You can use Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to navigate
the tab list.
➭ You can choose a different keyboard shortcut.
➭ Mouse-only method: Click on the toolbar button and then
click on the desired tab.
➭ You can choose between a menu with or without thumbnails.
➭ It doesn't modify or interfere with the web page you are viewing
in any way (i.e. no code injection).
➭ The tabs menu pops up INSTANTLY for a fast tab switching.
➭ Works offline. No need for an internet connection.
➭ It does not access or collect your personal data.
▬▬▬▬▬ Tab Thumbnails Switcher is a native extension ▬▬▬▬▬
Tab Thumbnails Switcher brings out the power of Chrome's native
extensibility to gain essential advantages over regular extensions:
✔ The tab menu is implemented in machine code, which allows it to
pop up instantly without annoying loading delays.
✔ It can redefine Ctrl+Tab shortcut for switching between tabs.
✔ It doesn't inject code into every page you visit, thus avoiding
sluggish page loads and conserving CPU and memory.
✔ It works on ALL tabs. Either PDF documents, the New Tab
Page, extension pages, Chrome pages, you name it.
Learn more about native extensions and their benefits here:
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Being a native extension demands additional development effort to
support each operating system. For this reason, Tab Thumbnails Switcher
is initially supported on:
• Windows 7
• Windows 8/8.1
• Windows 10
• Windows 11
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PERMISSIONS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
When installing you'll see a message saying that the extension can
"Read your browsing history".
This is a standard message generated by Chrome. Tab Thumbnails
Switcher does NOT access any personal information.
Please read our privacy policy to learn more:
Latest reviews
- (2025-01-24) Jerry Green: Awesome extension! Devs listen to feedback, too! But please, there's one issue: when I close a tab, browser automatically switches to next tab, instead of the one previously used. It breaks my mental map. Please fix! Thx
- (2024-03-19) Миша Божков: Thanks a lot!
- (2023-12-05) Adam Bishop: Awesome extension. I have needed this for a long time. Thanks!
- (2023-09-14) TRẦN THANH HÙNG - ITC - AI & Big Data - Data Analyst: Nice, it's work
- (2023-08-10) Roman Gerasimov: Really, the one that works as I am used to!!! Perfect! Well done, guys!!!!!
- (2023-07-22) m m: Perfect extension! but I can't understand how to close tabs with the shortcut? what is middle click (ctrl+tab+click) ? what to click exactly? thanks in advance ;)
- (2023-07-13) Mike Hardy: FINALLY!! I've been waiting for this for years... works perfectly the second it's installed.
- (2023-06-30) Luca Pranay: All wonderful, but why is it that the DeepInstinct (one of the best A.I./deep learning virus detection engines in virustotal), detects the Native-Component.exe as infected with [email protected] (RDML:Pl6uv6Koq Will rate 5 stars when solved
- (2023-06-07) VF I: would rate it 10/10 if i could. does what it should.
- (2023-05-25) Naqash Munir: Thank God for finally finding the right extension I was looking for! The native Google Chrome CTRL+TAB was not doing the work for me as required and this extension does what we needed!
- (2023-04-29) John: работает
- (2023-04-11) Thomas Calame: Very happy with this extension. It's a feature that should be native. Ctrl + Tab is only useful that way with the most recently used order.
- (2023-03-29) Luk Melin: Tab Thumbnails Switcher, excelente, es verdad, una extension que deberia ser nativa, la mejor en su categoria.
- (2023-02-22) z Y: [Feature Request] It would be better if we could close tabs with the middle mouse button while in panel state.
- (2023-02-16) Paul Kara: It used to work with Edge, but no longer does. When you hit CTRL+TAB it reverts to the usual behaviour. You can set a hotkey under "activate extension" but the other hot key activations are missing and can't be set anymore. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling, including the additional native component, but it doesn't work. I don't see it in the Edge store, so I guess it's not officially supported?
- (2023-01-16) Emiliano Fleitas (MangerzArt): Its ok, sadly, it only shows thumbnails for the last visited tabs. If i Middle click a link , i wont show thumbnail, only icon and with low res, i wanted to see all the thumbnails, even if it uses more ram.
- (2022-12-15) Money Yu: Love this extension, I search so long to looking the same tab switch behavior like Firefox, finally!!!
- (2022-12-15) Christina Eneroth: Should be the default behavior. Chrome is out of the box a broken web browser in regards to Ctrl+Tab.
- (2022-11-18) Andrey Porokhnyuk: Not a bad substitute for the absent common feature. Not bad. But the main drawback is that the tab newly created by SHIFT-click, or "open in a new tab" is not remembered as the most recent. Ant that is inconvenient, because you naturally want to proceed to newly opened tabs after reading the current content.
- (2022-10-19) Juan Bolaños: Una extensión que chrome debe ser nativa
- (2022-07-04) Andrii Ohiienko: Extension which I wanted whole my life!
- (2022-06-09) Ravichandra C: Any thoughts of supporting this in MAC chrome browser?
- (2022-05-11) 嘿了个哈: 这个插件 虽然说 挺好用的 ,但是 出现的 缩略图 顺序不是 按照 标签页顺序排列的,像是随机排列
- (2022-05-04) Shrek: Super perfect! Please bring this to MacOS next~ please~
- (2022-04-21) Jion Lee: very good!缩略图预览非常棒!
- (2022-02-15) Little Happiness: I would like to be able to place tabs wherever they are, to display tabs as they are on the browser, not to put the most recently opened page first, and to add the ability to create a new TAB
- (2022-02-11) Libor Foltýnek: Unbelievable, it works! I have been waiting years for this functionality... Thank you!
- (2022-02-06) Simon Booth: Until the Chrome team overcome their inexplicable reluctance to build this functionality into the browser, this extension is essential to make it usable.
- (2022-01-08) Simon Booth: This extension finally makes Chrome usable. It´s insane that Google refuse to implement this functionality themselves.
- (2022-01-08) Ali Mez: finally an extension to get thumbnails for my tabs. thank you. native component is a little scary though.
- (2021-12-13) George “Sonic” Drak: Life-saver
- (2021-12-06) Nathan Risto: Only shows a small number of tabs on screen. Most of my tabs were not visible or accessible through this extension. So not very useful.
- (2021-11-25) Jacques Le Roux: I use it in Edge to mimic what I still use in Firefox 56
- (2021-11-10) Tommy Z: Can't believe this is real. I hate edge force you to use `Alt+Tab` to switch to recent tabs. This solves everything
- (2021-11-07) Udi Behar: Works fine on Windows. Unfortunately, I didn't succeed making it to work on Mac OS.
- (2021-10-31) 柒玖 想像龍: 可不可以保存网站原有的相貌 像硬盘文件夹一样分层次 收藏更多网站,一目了然。
- (2021-10-07) Alex D: Simply amazing. Have been looking for this for a long time that wouldn't read all my data on all web pages and at the same time would use the native keyboard shortcut. Thanks!
- (2021-09-26) Klemens Götze: Best extension to ever happen to chrome!!!
- (2021-09-25) G Money: Finally - MRU tab switching for Chrome that works as expected. I don't know why this is not built in to Chrome, but thank you for creating this extension. Works just like it should, I can now switch between the most recently used tabs - works well with tab groups too!
- (2021-09-23) Roberto Reto: It seems that the extension has stopped working with latest versions.
- (2021-08-26) Clark Wang: Awesome! This is the extension I looking for!
- (2021-08-21) λ • genesis: It'a good extension but macOS support is necessary. Any plans for it the future?
- (2021-08-13) Venkat Srinivasan: Top extension, especially since Chrome doesnt offer any options to customize Tab switching.
- (2021-08-04) Leonid Serezhkin: НАКОНЕЦ-ТО !!!! I used to use Opera but now moved to Edge. Best browser ever (no memory leaks like Chrome) With this extension I can swtich tabs in most recent order. PERFECT!!!
- (2021-07-02) Mark Radbourne: Seriously, Microsoft have taught for years that tabbing through anything gives the last used next and yet Edge does it in tab sequence. Are you kidding me? Fortunately this extension is the answer to that. Works perfectly. The first extension I install on any Windows box I use. Thank you.
- (2021-06-30) Jan H: Great extension. Improves my workflow by a lot.
- (2021-06-27) Hoang-Phuc Tran: Can you add the option to "don't close the thumbnail preview" like the shortcut key ctrl+alt+tab in Windows?
- (2021-05-13) Edward Pilbrow: Just fabulous!!!!
- (2021-05-10) Jorge Luque: just what I wanted, like the alt tab from windows and the ctrl tab from firefox!
- (2021-05-08) Михаил Эпштейн: It's real cure for Edge! Microsoft wanted to do it a year ago. But in 2021 only this extension works!