Description from extension meta
برنامج إدارة كلمات مرور مرتبط بسحابة مما يسهّل تسجيل الدخول إلى مواقعك المفضلة.
Image from store
Description from store
• Norton Password Manager lets you securely store and manage your passwords in an encrypted vault that only you can access.
• Designed to be easier than ever to use, Norton Password Manager saves all your usernames and passwords and syncs them across your devices.
• With a new built-in password generator, you can create secure, unique passwords for all your accounts right within the app
• Store addresses and wallet information like credit cards and bank accounts, so you can quickly fill out online forms for faster checkout when shopping.
• You can even save notes, like frequent flyer numbers or passport numbers so you always have your important information at your fingertips.
This extension uses permissions that produce the following Chrome messages to perform necessary functions within the extension.
“Read and change all your data on the websites you visit”
Shown for permissions needed for supplying password manager features to all types of pages you browse.
“Read your browsing history”
Shown for permissions needed for:
- automatically opening and close new tabs when opening the vault, displaying vault contents, or auto changing a password.
- examining webpages, you browse to display product controls in the webpage itself (badges in form fields, popup windows with lists of logins, etc.)
“Modify data you copy and paste”
Shown for permissions needed for giving convenient clipboard usage of user-selected vault data (e.g. a login's username or password).
“Display notifications”
Shown for permissions needed for showing alerts when important changes are happening to a vault or when an error has occurred.
“New background app added”
Norton Password Manager will launch at system startup and continue to run in the background, even once you've closed all other Google Chrome windows.”
Shown for permission used to keep the extension running to quicken startup times and reduce number of times vault authentication is needed.
This extension also uses permissions that are not displayed in Chrome for performing certain functions within the extension:
“webRequest” and “webRequestBlocking” permissions
Needed for authenticating access to your vault.
“storage” permission
Used to store and retrieve settings data used by the extension.
By using this add-on, you agree to our License and Services Agreement ( and have read and acknowledge our Global Privacy Statement (
This add-on makes use of Google Analytics Measurement Protocol to transmit critical error and feature usage information to Google Analytics services. NortonLifeLock uses Google Analytics services to maintain and improve this add-on, but the services are not operated by NortonLifeLock.
If you do not consent to this data collection and usage, please do not install this add-on or remove it if already installed.
This add-on sets parameters that Google provides to obfuscate your IP address when processing Google Analytics. See details here for our obligations related to use Google Analytics, Google’s privacy practices, and Google's IP obfuscation support:
Copyright © 2022 NortonLifeLock Inc. All rights reserved. NortonLifeLock, the NortonLifeLock Logo, the Checkmark Logo, Norton, LifeLock, and the LockMan Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NortonLifeLock Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. Google Chrome is a trademark of Google, LLC. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Latest reviews
- (2024-03-25) Jim McGuire: Was working fine. Now I can't sign in to my own password manager!
- (2024-03-13) Buce Trafford: This software is now rubish will be changing to pencil and paper as being far more reliable. Have just changed my main password for the manager and was required to add an extra digit then an additional security entry, this has now made it so secure that I can not access the system. Noeton is now dead, will find an alternative when it is due for renewal.
- (2023-12-19) The bestdeals Guru Channel: Worked great now rubbish, just keeps saying "oops something went wrong" when you save any new passwords, support has been no use. pretty poor for the money the main software costs. This is still doing this months later with no fix, you think you have saved a password and then when you look its not there. If you save it via the website it still doesnt save. it is totally pointless now as a password vault, it is now getting even worse, today the 4th Dec 23 it will not even open with the phone app, just says there is an error. Since they bought Bullguard it has gone totally down the nick, have they spent all the money now and cannot be bothered to maintain the service I cannot believe this software could get worse but today the 19th Dec its stopped staying in sync, each device I use now has a different amount of saved passwords, I change the credentials on my phone it doesnt now sync to the pc or ipad. what is the point in a centralised depository that is totally out of sync. I paid for 2 years for the whole norton suite like I normally do but for the first time in over a decade I am regretting owning norton 360 as I am worried about the antivirus part of it now if they cannot make this part work.
- (2023-11-13) Thomas Proctor: Way to many issues for something that is designed to make sure you can access your passwords. Everytime Chrome updates you have to remove the extension, reinstall, and then setup the extension. Then the mobile app has consistent issues communicating with the server. So if you happen to be traveling and need to log into an app and you need a password stored in Norton and you can't connect you are either SOL, forced to go through password recovery, or just use qwerty12345 for your passwords. Thanks Norton.
- (2023-11-11) William Fogiatto: O aplicativo para importar senhas para o Norton password manager não funciona!! Mais de 100 senhas e não consigo importar... inviável migrar para o serviço.
- (2023-11-09) Miroslav M.: funguje skvěle, občas trochu pomalejší reakce, ale to je nejspíš i o prohlížeči nebo vytížení PC
- (2023-11-07) Shalome Sine: Working better since I uninstalled and reinstalled the extension - it wasn't working at all before, at least now I can unlock my vault.
- (2023-11-02) 奥瀬璃香: 新しいバージョンになって、複数ブラウザに更新が当たった所、大半は自動的に改めてサインインを求める形になったが幾つか白画面に飛ばされてぐるぐるロードしっぱなしになっていた。タスクマネージャーから一旦ブラウザを終了し能動的にサインアウト→サインインとする事で正常に使えた。(同じiron同士でも違う反応になったので相性でなく何かしらの状態による差だと思う) 以前あった保管庫へのアクセスが安定しない様な状態の時もそうだったが、一定時間アクセスが成立し無い時はロード画面のままにするのでなくサインインし直しを促す様な構造のが良い様に思う。 今回からアイコンが無色+グレーから黄色+黒になって目立つようになった。 ブラウザ上部などに表示される分にはこれで構わないが、入力フォームへ重ねて表示する物としてはやや派手である様に感じる。 また従来からコメント欄などID/パスワードの入力欄でないフォームを誤って認識してしまったり、使う機能はあるが自分はパスワードを使わない形で利用してるサイトのコメント欄のパス欄などに表示される場合、従来アイコンは地味でさほど気にならなかったが、新しいアイコンだと大分邪魔に感じる。(いくら地味とはいえ、謎にコメント欄の中央付近とかに表示されてる様な場合は邪魔だったけど) 入力欄上のアイコンはクリックすると、パスの自動生成だとかバーガーメニューなんかがあるので「このサイト」とか「この入力フォーム」を対象にして、機能の対象外とするとか旧バージョンの目立たないアイコンを使う用に指定する様な機能が欲しい。 あと今回のバージョンでどの程度フォームを誤検出するか不明だが、過去それなりにあった事でもあるので、現在認識してるのとは違う形になるように再検出を指示するとか、ドコモ系のサイト上なんかだとフォームを認識しない様でパスワードマネージャーとして機能してくれなかったりするので、フォームを指定する様な機能とかで、検出がうまく出来てない事で利用できなかったサイトでもユーザーの操作で改善できる様な構造になってくれると嬉しい 追記 保管庫開いてない時ブラウザ上部に並ぶアイコンに赤いドットが付く模様。ログインしてない状態をしらせる為だけにこれを表示してるなら辞めて欲しい。開いてない時グレーよりにして開いてる時鮮やかにするとかのよくあるアクティブ/非アクティブ的な表示の差別化なら良いけど、これはセキュリティやエラーの警告ぽく見える(このアプリからもアクセスできるダッシュボードベータ版もリスクがある扱いだと赤いドットが付く形で警告的強調をしてる)ので言ってしまえば目障りな強調の仕方に感じる。 また、自分の様に複数ブラウザを並行的に使ってると常に保管庫開いてる訳じゃ無いし、ブラウザ開く度に開いてないと常に警告的名表示でアピールされるのは邪魔。 あと赤いドットの他に、アイコン周囲が白くなる状態もあるんだけど何を知らせてきてるのか判らない… Q&A的なヘルプはノートンのサイトにあっても、マニュアル的な物が見当たらないのでwebストアのページ内で機能紹介なりしてくれてないと従来と違う要素はどういう機能や表示なのか判らない。 追記 Google公式の「Go Back With Backspace(ID:eekailopagacbcdloonjhbiecobagjci)」に代表される、chromeブラウザ上でBSキーで「戻る」機能を提供する拡張機能が、ノートンパスワードマネージャーが有効な時に正常に動作しない干渉がおこるWEBサイトに遭遇するようになった。サイトTOPでは機能するが個別記事などでは機能しないといった感じで同サイトでもページによる違いがあるので広告関係かサイトの作成時期が影響するのかも知れないが外見などが変わる以前のバージョンでは遭遇しなかったと思う。 複数の同種の拡張で機能が干渉してるのを確認。一応「Backspace to go Back(ID: nlffgllnjjkheddehpolbanogdeaogbc)」は阻害されないで動く様子
- (2023-10-15) Reid Barton: I have been using NPM for years and like its generation of strong passwords for sites, but if you can't access Norton Password Manager, it is not okay, it is not acceptable. This morning I can't access NPM and therefore can't access any internet sites without changing passwords. How do I get NPM back and working reliably?
- (2023-10-15) ダークナイト(漆黒の騎士さんは今日も不機嫌): 【これはノートンセキュアブラウザの利用へ誘導するための作意的な仕様変更なのか?】 本機能を愛用しているユーザです。 9月末か10月初頃より、Edge,Chromeにて、ブラウザを起動してどこかのサイトにアクセスするとすぐにノートンパスワードマネージャーのロック解除を要求するようになった。(私はスマホでロック解除の承認をしている) 以前はこのような仕様ではなく、ブラウザ起動後、認証が必要な状況になった時点で、ユーザ自らがノートンパスワードマネージャーにロック解除を指示した場合に、スマホへロック解除の承認通知がされていたはずである。 変更後の仕様では、認証が不要なサイトのみへのアクセスしかない場合にもロック解除を要求されるため非常に面倒。別に認証が必要な状況でもないのでそのまま無視しているが、おかげでスマホにはノートンパスワードマネージャーからのロック解除のメッセージ通知だらけである。非常に迷惑であり気分が悪い。 この仕様変更が行われたのと同時期に提供開始の通知がきたWindows版ノートンセキュアブラウザ(Chromeベースのセキュリティ強化製品)では、上記のような問題は発生せず、ブラウザ起動後最初に認証が必要な時にノートンパスワードマネージャーからのロック解除要求が通知される動作となっていることを確認した。これでは、ノートンセキュアブラウザの利用へ誘導するための作意的な仕様変更と受け取らざるをえない。 当方側の環境が原因である可能性は否定できないので、考えられる原因や設定などによる改善方法があれば教えていただきたい。 もし製品の仕様によるものではあれば、元の仕様(認証が必要な状況で、ユーザがノートンパスワードマネージャーのロック解除を要求した時点で承認要求される仕様)への早急なる製品改善を強く要望します。
- (2023-10-12) Guillermo Feinberg: Lo he comenzado a utilizar recientemente y me funciona muy bien, pero hay paginas de bancos que necesitan 3 datos (Documento, Usuario y Clave) y solo se pueden poner Identificacion y Clave. Haría falta poder configurar un tercer dato.
- (2023-09-29) E Cobb: Had to uninstall and reinstall and re-setup everything, but it finally works again!
- (2023-09-26) Yosh Ika: No longer usable. It prompts to unlock the vault with password but on clicking the button the app only give me a spinning wheel.
- (2023-09-26) Matteo Mainini: Oltre ad essere di un invadente imbarazzante ogni qualvolta viene aperto un browser (viene richiesto lo sblocco senza l'azione dell'utente), ad oggi non aggiunge automaticamente i nuovi siti sui quali ti registri. Da un'azienda come NortonLifeLock mi aspettavo ben altro risultato.
- (2023-09-25) Alex Nichol (Lex): Once again, broken... no sign of a fix in sight. A great idea poorly executed. Absolute garbage.
- (2023-09-21) takaya sato: ドコモスマートホンから最近モバイルロック解除が出来なくなりました(゚Д゚;) スマートホン画面に→「デスクトップのデータ保管庫のロック解除中にエラーが発生しました」と何度もこの症状が出ます・・・
- (2023-09-19) Tecno Zen: Estou tendo dificuldades em abrir a extensão, pagina fica carregando e nada e olha que tenho WI-FI6
- (2023-09-18) Deborah Allen: Have had PWM for years and it's gotten worse over time. Now can't open on either Edge or Chrome. Can only get to passwords via basic Norton site, which defeats the purpose of having the extension. Needs a fix at the Norton end. I'm definitely on the verge of leaving the service.
- (2023-09-18) Łukasz Motor: It just doesn't work, white card and nothing else.
- (2023-09-15) Cathy Lundeen: can't sign in on password manager and no way to get tech support.
- (2023-09-15) Samantha Earle: I've used this in the past. Installed it recently hoping to recover some passwords I forgot. But the sign in screen simply spins. Nothing happens. Not helpful Norton!
- (2023-09-13) Danny Kousik: This is complete garbage, I can no longer access my passwords all this thing does is go to a screen and keeps on giving me a spinning type signal.
- (2023-09-13) Eyal Shapira: Gambling if the vault will connect at all is NOT a dependable safety net
- (2023-09-09) Fernando Zuniga: The Unlock Vault screen was only a spinner that would never go anywhere, your update make it worse!!!
- (2023-09-06) John Olofson: I have Password Manager and Safe Web extensions installed on current versions of Google Chrome and MS Edge. However, Norton Security's Internet Security tab shows "Browser: No Supported Browser Detected"! I am quickly losing my confidence in the ability of your Extensions to safeguard my Internet browsing and password security. Please fix Norton Security, your Password Manager and Safe Web Extensions--or ALL of them!!
- (2023-08-29) Phil Lucier: The Unlock Vault screen was only a spinner that would never go anywhere
- (2023-08-28) Nuno Magalhães: Useless. The Unlock Vault screen was only a spinner that would never go anywhere. I'll never trust this extension again.
- (2023-08-28) Panagiotis Vourgoutzis: Στις αρχες αντιμετωπιζα αρκετα προβληματα ...με 32bit browsers ΕΔΩ ΚΑΙ 1-2 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΔΟΥΛΕΥΕΙ ΑΨΟΓΑ παντου .... Μπραβο σας
- (2023-08-02) Paul W Gray: The program for importing data from Chrome cannot be created. I get a missing dll error. I consider this extension to be worthless without it. Error message: pi-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer.
- (2023-07-18) Man Lai: it works for me no issue.
- (2023-06-29) Ben Asamoah: amazing
- (2023-06-23) Salman Saif: It's great, the mobile app is amazing too, just if the icons can be updated like on mobile app's yellow one, because on black chrome theme icon is not visible, I tried to do it manually but it overwrites automatically, lol. As a free service it's amazing! Honestly better than Bitwarden, Norton nailed the UI/UX, Although, some things can be improved like, on scrolling there's a lag and Safety Dashboard doesn't match the main UI.
- (2023-06-10) Davis: Was working for me just a few minutes ago. Not anymore. I should have exported my passwords while I had the chance :'( The app on my phone is working for me though. Edit: The extension is working now. I believe all that was needed for the fix was a PC restart. Overall I love NPM.
- (2023-06-09) Michael Ramsey: This has never consistently worked in Chrome. I don't like to give bad reviews. This is not a good experience.
- (2023-06-09) Bartłomiej Muryn: Beznadzieja. Pomyślany jest dobrze ale bez przerwy coś nie działa, albo walidacja dostępu przez komórkę - nie jest wysyłane żądanie, albo nie dociera pomimo odpalonej apki na telefonie. Dziś przelała się miarka na wszystkich pecetach i na lapku przestało nagle działać rozszerzenie zarówno w chromie jak i edge. skrajna beznadzieja jeśli chodzi o stabilność serwisu. NIE POLECAM.
- (2023-06-09) Jeff Harrell (KC8JSF): Norton Password Manager Browser Plugs Stopped Working On Jun 9 2023. triggers Console Error "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received."
- (2023-06-09) Eee Ccc: It used to work. Now it does not work at all. Cannot access the vault.
- (2023-06-09) Timothy Holdener: Doesn't always work and right now can't access my passwords and Norton support just tells you to reinstall....
- (2023-06-07) Achim: Ich frage mich warum alle so Probleme haben. Ich Lock mich ein mit dem Handy. Es Funktioniert Reibungslos. Bin begeistern. Es fehlen paar dinge wo toll wären. Aber so im Ganzen Top in der Funktion bis jetzt.
- (2023-04-13) calme: これまでパスワードをメモ書きで残していましたが、セキュリティ面で心配になり導入してみました。 しばらくは問題なく使えたので便利だなと感じていましたが、ある時からパスワード入力時に「◎」のようなマークをクリックしてもパスワード保管庫のログイン画面が起動しない事が度々発生し、結局これまでのメモ書きを捨てられずにいます。
- (2023-04-03) Susan Alcorn: Very flaky chrome launching. Displays Norton Password Manager when hovering on icon, but usually does not launch on my older computer. Win 10
- (2023-03-23) Bernardo Lara: O app é prático, principalmente a função de gerar senhas. Mas sempre que o Chrome atualiza, fica um tempão sem funcionar. Além disso, o botão do app nos campos de usuário e senha sempre se sobrepõe ao botão de mostrar senha, o que é péssimo.
- (2023-03-23) Chris Brandenburg: Has some quirks but it is safe and it works well for me. I only wish they gave an option to change the extension's icon so it was visible in dark mode.
- (2023-03-16) Der Carsten: Kann den anderen uneingeschränkt zustimmen, es taugt überhaupt nichts mehr, bin maßlos entäuscht.
- (2023-03-10) Gillian Dean: I've purchased the Norton Password Manager app but am unable to add the extension to Google Chrome. Waste of money
- (2023-03-09) Euan Taylor: Constantly having to reinstall the extension as it stops working all the time.
- (2023-03-08) Halcón Milenario: muy bien. Mi preferido es el avira, pero ahora es de pago y lo veo caro. Norton es igual de seguro y se merece una puntuacion. Funciona a la perfeccion.
- (2023-03-06) Tiffany Ward: It's awsome whenit works correctly, which is not often. Hardly ever connects to my phone app to send approval request, which delays login and defeats the WHOLE purpose of having the extension and app. Super frustrating. Please fix this soon!
- (2023-03-01) harryneel91: Steeds hetzelfde probleem : wanneer je Chrome hebt afgesloten, krijg je de wachtwoordkluis niet meer open. Al 5 keer hulp ingeroepen van Norton, ze nemen je scherm over, verwijderen de app en installeren hem opnieuw. Dan werkt hij tot zolang je Chrome niet afsluit ... dan opnieuw zelfde probleem. VERMOEIEND :-(
- (2023-02-27) Andrés Orozco Corral: Es sumamente molesto que cada vez que abro el navegador este envia una notificacion de desbloqueo de la aplicacion, yo quiero poder elegir cuando abrir el NPM