CiteMaker is for formatting academic citations and reference lists.
**** CiteWeb automatically cites Generative AI websites and more ****
CiteMaker is for formatting academic citations and reference lists.
CiteMaker's CiteWeb chrome extension automatically generates academic citations from websites in the MLA 8th edition style.
CiteWeb enables the user to create, edit. export, and save citations.
CiteWeb fully integrates with; the web's most accurate citation generator.
If you're looking to save time on compiling a reference list for your next assignment download CiteWeb now - it's free to use!
Latest reviews
- (2022-02-17) Chad Leutwyler: The only actually free, good citation maker that I could find.
- (2017-11-21) Samad “Sunny” Ahmed: Thank You You are saving my college life...:)
- (2017-11-19) BigTree: The extension should probably include all of the different types of sites that can be found online like journals etc. I really didn't like how all progress was lost when you click away from it.