Description from extension meta
Easily erase unwanted elements from web pages.
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Description from store
Page Eraser is a Chome extension that lets you erase elements on a page. Use it to remove sidebars, distracting content and even Flash banner ads, all while maintaining the layout of the page.
Simply click the button (or press Ctrl+Shift+E) to enable it, and click the element you want to erase; It couldn't be easier. If you want to get the content back, just refresh the browser.
Page Eraser can even be configured to NOT maintain layout, allowing the page to reorganize itself when elements are erased.
2.2: Incognito support added. Be sure to check the Options to see how incognito pages are stored and can be removed!
2.1: Chrome 20 is now the minimum browser version Page Eraser can support. This should solve many of the issues with the extension not working on certain version on OSX.
- Page Eraser now persists erasers even between visits and page refreshes!
- Erasers can be removed from individual pages from the options page.
- https:// sites such as Twitter and Facebook are now supported
- Fewer permissions needed, resulting in less ambiguous warnings during installation
- Eraser fade out time can be configured in the options page
NOTE: Please remember to refresh any open tabs the first time you install Page Eraser.
Latest reviews
- (2021-09-02) David Brock: I found the "Click to Remove Element" plugin to be much better.
- (2021-08-31) Daniel Turek: Excellent!
- (2021-07-30) Darietto nel Ventaglio: Tempo fa questa estensione funzionava molto bene, ora non va più : peccato :"(
- (2021-06-17) Faiz Sheikh: This eraser extension is actually a great, easy & fastest than anything else. I have been using it for very long time. The most useful part is that it completely deletes the element from the pages source code and not just hide it from being visible. Another great thing is that it saves the erased elements. Thanks a lot to the developer for making this amazing extension.
- (2021-05-20) gamexis wazz: works well
- (2021-04-18) פרטי: good
- (2021-01-17) Diogo Lopes: Great idea but I can't rollback mistakes... Please add an option to add one part back.
- (2020-12-06) Cédric Sütterlin: Erases the parts you wish. But seems to not remember those parts, at least not e.g. on bet365
- (2020-08-29) Artem Zaytsev: Это единственное расширение, которое я нашёл, которое удаляет, а не прячет, как uBO (uBlock Origin), элементы, и при этом запоминает настройку. Плохо, что нельзя указывать ручками свои селекторы. Вообще немного недостаёт удобства uBO. Очень жаль, что автор не развил тему (последний апдейт - 2012). Для тех, кто жалуется, что не запоминает результаты: На многих сайтах "подкапотные" названия блоков хитрозадые разрабы делают динамическими (т. е. после перезагрузки страницы названия меняются), поэтому расширение их и не распознаёт. Если вам не нужно удалять элементы (а большинству юзеров это не нужно), а лишь скрыть с глаз, то Page Eraser вам вообще не нужен. Самый удобный для вас инструмент имхо - uBO. Зная матчасть, можно даже перехитрить динамические имена селекторами типа nth-child и т. п. Ещё хорош Stylus, правда там функционал другой в целом, но блоки он скрывать тоже может.
- (2020-02-27) Ranjit Kumar: Awesome plugin and very useful. Please implement for login based to see the erasers. So anywhere I can login and use my erasers. Great work. Thanks for your support.
- (2019-12-08) Liam Nidiffer: It makes sites that are saturated with ads actually usable. If a regular adblocker won't function I suggest using this to make websites like Citation Machine more tolerable.
- (2019-09-22) Charity Reed: Does absolutely nothing when the icon is clicked. Even after reloading pages. Edit: If reloading doesn't work try closing Chrome completely and reopening. However this doesn't allow me to remove the huge amount of white space to the right of a Google search so it doesn't help with what I need.
- (2019-09-03) Renan da Silva Cesar: Nice extension. Very useful. Love it ;-)
- (2019-04-17) Dj Funtik: Включается через раз, а то и через 10 раз, но если выключаешь, то выключается сразу, практически никогда не запоминает стёртые блоки и в результате никакой полезной деятельности! А задумка классная, реализация выбора стираемого элемента мне тоже понравилась, жалко что в итоге ничего не работает
- (2019-03-26) Daniel Roșu-Gutman: It did what it said it does but it lacks a lot of features that would make it actually useful in day to day use. Right now it could be useful if you need to take a screenshot of something and want to hide elements but even so, the lack of an undo button makes the task rather assiduous. [edit] i keep trying to use it but without an undo option it's just frustrating. [/edit] If intended for browsing the extension would really benefit a modifier that could erase the whole class of that type on pages from that domain (very useful on forums for example to remove all avatars from the page).
- (2019-01-25) Does not work with the latest version of Chrome.
- (2018-11-01) Kenneth Stauffer: Needs a "undo" feature. Need to have the "Remove Selected" on the top of page Needs to have a hot key binding. Needs to work in more situations
- (2018-09-25) Owen McGregor: What's the point? The content is there when you refresh. You don't need an extension to do this. Hit F12 then CTRL + SHIFT + C, then delete the content you don't want.
- (2018-09-19) Bszbkya Foyfcjk: OOOOOMMMMMMOOOOOO
- (2018-09-04) Kris Schreiber: It appears that this is not being updated, but it still works great! There are a few improvements that I would like to see though: - undo - allow page structure to be maintained or not on a page-by-page basis - hide elements globally for a website (e.g. Facebook, news sites, etc.)
- (2018-09-04) イヴ: Installed it to remove intrusive and annoying elements from a page. After reloading the page, it worked instantly. Two necessary features: 1) doesn't work in iFrames! 2) option to NOT remember "erasers"
- (2018-08-28) Bình Trịnh Xuân: good
- (2018-06-17) Clayton Fabiano: Funciona, mas quando recarrega a página, ainda vê por um momento o que removeu.
- (2018-05-28) Antti Brax: Seems like this gets rid of those GDPE click through panels quite effectively.
- (2018-05-12) 大畑乃之: オプションからの設定変更が出来ねェンだが。
- (2018-05-07) Atharva: Not WORKING!!!!!!!!
- (2018-04-21) Kiteh Kawasaki: You have to be smart enough to use the settings page for each page you edit: chrome-extension://ekofpchjmoalonajopdeegdappocgcmj/options.html.
- (2018-04-07) Шабанов Максим: Запоминает стертое для каждой страницы отдельно
- (2018-04-06) Anonyme: Super utile, je peut maitenant profiter de TextNow sans publicité !
- (2018-04-03) Petko Ditchev: Perfect.
- (2018-03-24) Head Zilla: This is just fishing for your personal info, doesn't work at all
- (2018-03-13) Roland Studer: Not working on my machine. Clicking the eraser button does not turn it on.
- (2018-03-08) Bagha Shams: Only works on particular pages, and doesn't work site-wide. So you can't clean up Amazon product pages, only one particular product page
- (2018-03-03) Ta Ta: Freaking best extension ever. Simple, easy, direct. Never fails. If only there was one for Firefox as well.
- (2018-03-01) zeppy13131: This effectively removes _most_ elements from webpages. However, I used it for over a month before I realized that it REMEMBERS the elements you erase, and removes them again whenever you open the same pages! You can open its options (right-click Page Eraser icon in toolbar; click Options) to see a list of these elements, then select and remove any of them you wish. But the author really should mention this in the extension's description. I also wish you could toggle it to make erasures persistent or temporary.
- (2018-01-20) Tashiro Terumoto: great! i don't look at the words i hate ever again!