Tööriist SharePoint Online’is lehejõudlusega seotud probleemide tuvastamiseks
Tööriist, millega saab SharePoint Online’is tuvastada lehejõudluse probleeme.
SharePoint Online’i lehediagnostika eesmärk on aidata klientidel optimeerida SharePointi klassikaliste ja moodsate lehtede jõudlust. Tööriist ei tee ühtegi muudatust, vaid tõstab esile soovitatud tegevused, kuvades neid jaotistes „Tähelepanu nõudev“, „Parendusvõimalused“ ja „Pole vaja midagi teha“.
Serveriaja ja SQL-i koormuse vähendamine SharePointis mängivad olulist rolli SharePointi ja eelkõige SharePoint Online’i järjepideva jõudluse säilitamisel, võttes eriti arvesse seda, milliseid jõudlusoptimeerimisi Microsoft on teinud. Tööriist tõstab esile mõne optimeerimisvõimaluse ja soovitab kasutada neid olemasolevaid ressursse.
Iga soovitatud tegevuse juures on ka link „Lisateave“, mis juhatab teid abistamiseks õige ressursi juurde.
Lugege ka leheküljel Teave olevat juhendit „Kuidas seda tööriista kasutada“.
See laiendus toetab SharePoint Online’i ja see ei ole loodud SharePointi kohapealse versiooni jaoks.
Privaatsuspoliitika: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=857875
Latest reviews
- (2019-09-19) Sean McDonough: I do a fair bit of work speaking on and helping others troubleshoot SharePoint Online (SPO) performance issues, and in this tool's current release (v2.0.1), the Page Diagnostics Extension addresses many of the gaps that were present in v1.x of the extension. The tool is no longer limited to classic mode pages (it handles modern pages just fine), and this version provides prominent links to additional resources which help to educate and explain many of the factors influencing SPO page performance. Scott Stewart and his team at Microsoft have really done all of us a great service by putting this together and making it freely available. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this tool provides enough data and guidance that I no longer feel the need to drop back to other browser tools, Fiddler, or Wireshark. Thank you!
- (2019-07-03) James A: As of this writing, this extension does not work with Modern SharePoint pages, only Classic pages. It notifies you if you run it on a Modern page that it may produce unreliable results, so be aware.
- (2019-04-23) I also found this page would break other sites when enabled. It appears to interfere with Ajax queries which will cause some page elements to not load until the page is manually refreshed.
- (2018-07-13) Richard Gigan: It's good tools, but is always active and flood console box with useless log ... please add disable button or delete the useless log : "Copying network performance info... contentScript.js:52 CustomEvent {isTrusted: false, detail: {…}, type: "SP-YSLOW-WINDOW-PERF", target: document, currentTarget: document, …}"
- (2018-07-05) Sean Kuchle: This app really helped me troubleshoot a performance issue with my SharePoint Online site. The only problem is though for what ever reason it broke some other sites when it was enabled. I'm not sure why it does this but luckily Chrome makes it easy to enable when I need to troubleshoot and disable when I'm not using it