extension ExtPose

Dashlane — Gestore di password

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Description from extension meta

Dashlane semplifica la vita online. Salva le password, compila velocemente i moduli e mantieni i tuoi dati accessibili e sicuri.

Image from store Dashlane — Gestore di password
Description from store Oltre 20 000 aziende e 15 milioni di persone in tutto il mondo si affidano a Dashlane per proteggere i propri dati di accesso. Dashlane non ha mai subito violazioni, non vede o vende mai i tuoi dati e fornisce strumenti semplici ed efficaci per gestirli e proteggerli in ogni momento. L'estensione di Dashlane ti consente di visualizzare, copiare e generare password, così come di salvare e compilare automaticamente i dati di accesso durante la navigazione. Apri l'app web per accedere a tutte le funzioni di Dashlane: condividi in modo sicuro le password, monitora il punteggio di sicurezza e intervieni quando identifichiamo le tue password a rischio. Accedi a tutti i tuoi account su tutti i dispositivi - Archivia un numero illimitato di dati di accesso nella cassaforte - Accedi alle tue password e ai tuoi nomi utente dove e quando ne hai bisogno - Compila automaticamente i dati di accesso giusti su ogni sito, sempre - Sincronizza automaticamente i dati in Dashlane con qualsiasi dispositivo, anche se il telefono e il computer hanno sistemi operativi diversi Crea e salva nuove password forti mentre navighi sul web - Crea password uniche ed efficaci per ciascun account con il generatore di password integrato - Salva automaticamente i dati di accesso durante la navigazione - Aggiorna e sostituisci facilmente i dati di accesso ogni volta che li reimposti Compila automaticamente dati personali e di pagamento - Immetti automaticamente i dati personali come nome, indirizzo, e-mail e numero di telefono - Compila i campi di pagamento e altri moduli importanti con un solo clic - Tieni a portata di mano i dati personali importanti, quali i documenti di identità o il codice fiscale - Memorizza in tutta sicurezza i numeri delle carte di credito, le informazioni sui conti bancari e altri dati di pagamento grazie alla crittografia bank-grade Ricevi avvisi tempestivi quando i tuoi dati sono in pericolo - Registrati per lo strumento di monitoraggio per il dark web, che esegue la scansione continua di oltre 20 miliardi di record per verificare se le tue password sono compromesse - Ricevi avvisi in tempo reale per cambiare i tuoi dati di accesso compromessi non appena vengono trovati nel dark web - Controlla il punteggio di sicurezza delle password per identificare eventuali dati di accesso deboli, riutilizzati e compromessi Mantieni privati i tuoi dati - Dashlane protegge le tue password con una crittografia bank-grade, il metodo più sicuro disponibile. - Riteniamo che sia tu a dover gestire i tuoi dati. Ecco perché abbiamo progettato il sistema di sicurezza a conoscenza zero di Dashlane, che non ci consente di vedere le informazioni che archivi, né di venderle in alcun modo. Con Dashlane, i tuoi dati di accesso sono protetti, privati e facilmente disponibili soltanto per te. Per ulteriori informazioni, leggi la nostra Informativa sulla privacy (https://www.dashlane.com/privacy) e i Termini di servizio (https://www.dashlane.com/terms).

Latest reviews

  • (2024-09-05) schogea: Ich benutze Dashlane nun seit ein paar Jahren und es gibt einfach nichts besseres für mich. Einen einfacheren Weg seine ganzen Passwörter zu schützen gibt es nicht. Ich habe Freunde, die sich immer aufregen das sie so viel Passwörter benötigen. Ich lache nur und verweise auf Dashlane. Jeder der Dashlane nicht will ist selber schuld. Ich kann es nur empfehlen. Einen Nachteil gibt es bei Online gespeicherten Daten gegenüber Papierpasswörtern in der Geldtasche. Sie können gehackt werden, doch bis jetzt war immer alles super und ich denke auch das Dashlane die besten Security Features anbietet. ( 2FA ) Vermissen tue ich bis jetzt nur das man auch Yubikeys benutzen kann, doch das kommt demnächst sicher auch noch. Ich bin super zufrieden mit Dashlane und kann es nur weiterempfehlen. Update: 5.9.24 Es funktioniert immer noch alles problemlos. Auch preislich sehe ich kein Problem. Wer Service will muss auch etwas dafür bezahlen, und der Preis ist meines erachtens sehr gut für das Produkt das man bekommt. Ich kann es immer noch nur weiter empfehlen.
  • (2024-09-04) Karen Hexter: Dashlane is the best thing out there. The extension makes it even better! I have been a Dashlane user for 5+ years. I wouldn't even consider changing. It's worth every penny!!
  • (2024-09-02) mike lynch: Dashlane has been my password manager for many years now. I rely on it, and it's reliable. I love using it, it's simple and makes sure I'm using better passwords everywhere. Thank you Dashlane! it's been another year since I reviewed this, and I have now added a couple of friends and family to the Dashlane family. I have to say, I'm happy and proud that I recommended this product. Most of those people are using iPhones, and it's super easy to manage as the default password manager on iOS! Thanks again Dashlane Team!
  • (2024-08-29) Phil Caron: J'utilise Dashlane depuis les débuts et je n'ai jamais été déçu au fil de son évolution. Les fonctionnalités sont parfaites. Evolue constamment pour une utilisation plus pratique y compris sur mobile ! Je ne veux aucun autre logiciel conccurrent.
  • (2024-08-20) 大畑乃之: 何もログイン期間を二週間に限定しないでもって風には思う。 若干遣い難く成ってるんだけど。 後、パスワードの入力を二回も行なうのがめんどい。 2022年1月7日追記: 14日間ログインを保持するという設定にしてるにも関わらず14日間未満でログアウトしてる様だが…代替の拡張機能を探すのも大変なんだぞ。 2024年1月7日追記: どういう訳か、アドオンが表示されてる所を押しても白い画面のままなんだけど。 2024年3月31日追記: プレミアム版でもないと登録出来るアドレスに助言が有るらしい。将来的には無料版の方も多くして欲しい。 2024年6月6日追記: 前迄、パスワードのコピペ機能が有った筈だが廃止した?! 便利なんだけど。 2024年6月17日追記: 此処最近、英語のレビューを観てたんだが、インストールし直したら治ったというのが有ったけど、逆に言うと、インストールし直さねぇと治らねぇってのが困る。 2024年6月19日追記: 表示が可笑しかったけどログイン出来てたサイトの幾つかがログインすら出来なく成った。 2024年7月12日追記: 何で五分のみ解除って風な変なのを実装したのか?! 2024年8月20日追記: 今度はパス・ワードのコピペが出来なく成ってるが。二十五項目に限定した理由も不可解。
  • (2024-08-12) DK Turner (MeemOfyi): This is Brilliant makes life simple. Update 2024 LOVE IT!
  • (2024-08-08) Abdulkhaliq Aziz: Excellent
  • (2024-07-30) Christopher Allard: I've been with them for many years. One of the greatest applications to use in this modern age of passwords for everything!!!
  • (2024-07-26) Katherine Harrison: I use Dashlane every single day. I pay for the premium to have it updated across all my devices and I use the Chrome extension daily. No question whether it's worth the expense! I'm a frequent traveler and have trusted Dashlane for more than a decade.
  • (2024-07-22) Michał Mieluch: Not very user friendly. It keeps asking me to reload pages in order to use the extension, which is borderline annoying. It almost always fails, if a form requires anything more than the standard username & password combination. There's no way to add custom field names. It doesn't even act as a MFA device, which the competition (1Password) already supports out of the box. Edit: I've lowered the score to 1 star, because with addition to the above, they've been taking a piss when it comes to unlocking passwords. Even though I have this option switched OFF, this PoS extension keeps asking me to provide my super long and secure master password every bloody time I want to copy a password from an item. I'm getting sick and tired of this nonsense and developer's inaptitude.
  • (2024-07-12) F. Russi: Hace 5 años la uso y pago la suscripción este año el costo paso de 39 a 59, lamentablemente voy a tener que buscar otro producto.
  • (2024-07-11) ERIC givry: Bonjour, avec tout ce que l'ont vois, j'avais peur, mais très vite avec les commentaire et sur les forums informatique, j'ai foncé et me voilà très content. Mais le compte gratuit est légèrement insuffisant, Merci.
  • (2024-07-11) Rusty Cas: Dashlane works great across all my devices. Still my goto password manager. It's not perfect - sometimes it's a little wonky with certain sites, but that's likely from sites that have not adopted new standards for doing things.
  • (2024-07-08) T Reid: I have been using Dashlane for a couple of years now and would be lost without it. We have several users in my family using Dashlane on iphone as well as android and browser-based on PCs. It is an excellent password manager. Not so excited about the VPN but that is not a priority for me.It is easy to get started and offers flexible 2-factor authentication such as Authy and Yubikey. Worth the family subscription.
  • (2024-07-01) Sherri Kovach: 7-01-2024 Still using Dashlane for more than a decade and not one data breach. They have notified me when one of my accounts parent company has had data breaches, to keep me aware of when I should change my password in those cases. Dark Web Monitoring is excellent. Still LOVE LOVE LOVE it! My life has been so much simpler because of Dashlane. Thank you. 11-7-22 I have been with Dashlane since it was in Beta testing. It is super great for use across multiple devices and for work and personal! With so many sites to that have multiple password conventions, DL makes it possible to work efficiently and not have to use the same password for all sites so you can remember it! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
  • (2024-06-30) ΛLΞX: El mejor administrador de contraseñas y por mucho.
  • (2024-06-29) Jack Andersoon: mucho bueno lol idk?
  • (2024-06-27) João Pedro Costa T M (ShadowGames): Muito bom, Ótimo e seguro para o armazenamento de senhas e logins. 😀
  • (2024-06-27) Anthony Houdusse: Fait grave le job pour lequel je le paye chaque année sans regrets. Très bon coffre fort de mot de passe ! Que je retrouve aussi bien sur mon téléphone, ma tablette et mes X navigateurs entre mes différents PCs.
  • (2024-06-27) Marawan Mahmoud: Does it all & it's worth Every Penny! thanks Dashlane Team!
  • (2024-06-27) Thomas Jørgensen: Dashlane was recommended to me by a security officer at the company I worked for, and I've been using this for years. Absolutely love it :D
  • (2024-06-21) David Eversley: I have been using Dashlane for years - I absolutely love it. It's like having a second brain that does the heaving lifting :-). Security, privacy and convenience on steroids. I just have to remember one master password.
  • (2024-06-20) christina glinn: I've been using Dashlane for over 10 years. I couldn't manage without it at this point. It saves so much time. I'm 78 and I can't remember all of my very many passwords.
  • (2024-06-19) Orlando Colamatteo, Jr.: Been using Dashlane for a number of years now and am positive my life would be more difficult without it. So much easier helping with password control.
  • (2024-06-18) Robert Warmath: Fantastic tool which keeps everything secure. I have been a Dashlane Premium subscriber for over 7 years! It not only stores and remembers all your passwords, but it constantly is evaluating them, warning when you need to update or change your password. Dashlane makes it simple to update on any website. I now have a family pro subscription so my wife and I can both use it for our passwords for a single price. We can't see the other person's passwords in the family plan, it just allows us to receive a better value than having two separate accounts. The user's security is Dashlane's utmost concern. If it didn't keep all the information secure (including personal information and payment information if the user cares to enter it), the company would fail quickly. I can't recommend Dashlane and it's extension highly enough!
  • (2024-06-18) Krutik Upadhyay: Dont give much reviews, but i have been using daslane premium for half a year and it is a great product very easy to use and good ui
  • (2024-06-18) Phil Niddrie: I have been using Dashlane for a number of years now. I couldn't live without it to keep track of nearly 200 passwords and to use it to log in to a lot of them on a daily basis. It is definitely worth the modest cost..Keep up the great work!
  • (2024-06-18) Stephanie G: I'm a relatively late adopter. Did a week trial period with this and another password manager. Dashlane has an easier user interface, and the learning curve was short and not too bumpy. I think it's great!
  • (2024-06-18) Dan McLean Jr: I've been using it for years and it always delivers on my Mac, PC, iPhone & iPad.
  • (2024-06-18) Obchod Neopower: Funguje přesně tak, jak člověk očekává a ještě krapet více (např. vyhledávání prolomených hesel anebo jako bezpečnostní poradce).
  • (2024-06-18) Glenn Stewart: Long time user of Dashlane. Works well every time, on all my devices. Highly recommended.
  • (2024-06-18) JOSE CARLOS RODRIGUEZ: Very good for elderly, and ALL ages since it is great to use, very easy, never a problem. Highly recommend for safety, and easy to use.
  • (2024-06-18) Keith Brown: I've been a user for over 8+ years and have nothing but love for Dashlane! Super easy to use and has done a great job for me!
  • (2024-06-17) Carla CJ Truax: Essential, couldn't live without it. Has saved me so much time and stress.
  • (2024-06-17) Gairy&Sayda Francis: Very easy and convenient to use
  • (2024-06-17) Thierry ehret-franck: Sûr et pratique, je suis utilisateur depuis plusieurs années et très satisfait
  • (2024-06-17) Anane Olatunji: It's great! You might want to turn off the computer's autofill, however, so that it doesn't interfere.
  • (2024-06-17) Sia M. C.: best of the best of the best of the BEST! I simply love it!!! I used to have one password for all, got hacked, learned my lesson and since then I have been using DASHLANE. Thank you DASHLANE <3
  • (2024-06-17) gianpaolo cecchetti: Multo funzionale e semplice da usare. Consigliata
  • (2024-06-17) Per Yngfalk: simply best compared to all others
  • (2024-06-15) Joy Beer: Easy and comprehensive password manager! I like many others have been using this for YEARS, have gotten loved ones on it. Passwords, payment methods, custom items if you want. Communication from company for updates is great. I can use it across devices and browsers with ease. Highly recommend.
  • (2024-06-14) PaulineChristian Laf: easy to use
  • (2024-06-14) Johan Blank: En mycket bra lösenordshanterare. Den bästa jag provat.
  • (2024-06-14) Javier Martínez Rodríguez: Genial! me ha salvado la vida con claves y accesos, 100% recomendable
  • (2024-06-14) Mark Gilbert: I've been using Dashlane for about five years now. I don't know what I'd do without it. In today's world, everything is password protected and it's nearly impossible to keep track of all my passwords. Dashlane takes care of everything including auto-populating my username and passwords on all my websites on my computer and phone. I hightly recommend suscribing to a password manager service.
  • (2024-06-14) Eric Lalitte: Très bonne application je l'utilise depuis 5 ans et elle m'a sauvé plus d'une fois !
  • (2024-06-13) Peter Buban: been using this since 2015, best password manager by far!
  • (2024-06-13) Jennifer Jensen: Keeps All My Passwords In ONE PLACE! This is by far the best password manager I've used, and the updates have made improvements over the past few years. It truly has been better the built in password manager in Chrome, Safari and subscriptions with 1Password, and Vault Manager. I pay for the Dashlane annual subscription. It is available across all my devices, as well as any device that has internet, such as at work or using a hotel computer while traveling. All I have to do is log into Dashlane directly, or my google chrome and use the extension, which always requires me to log into Dashlane before allowing access on a new computer. One master email and password to unlock them all. It's secure & has saved me from using the same password on everything or getting locked out because I can't remember what the password is, or was changed to. Highly recommend.
  • (2024-06-12) Lothar Ehrhardt: Eine sehr guter Software, habe ich schon mehrere Jahre im Gebrauch und noch nie etwas passiert
  • (2024-06-12) Word: I've been using Dashlane for sometime now. I appreciate using the free version and decided it was time to buy an account. Top notch program!! I recommend!


2,000,000 history
4.6889 (14,958 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-03 / 6.2436.1
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