extension ExtPose

Hacker Vision

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Description from extension meta

Night-mode for the internet. Apply a highly-visible dark theme to all webpages. Helps with eye strain and dyslexia.

Image from store Hacker Vision
Description from store Thanks to everyone who has stayed with me through all these years! The ORIGINAL Night Mode for the internet – helps alleviate headaches, migraines, and most computer related eye strain. Try the #1 Accessibility app in the Chrome Web Store. As seen on LifeHacker! Join over 250,000 people who use Hacker Vision every day. Apply a high-contrast, eye-relaxing dark theme to the entire internet. Choose and save which pages to display normally, and which are dark. Hands down the best app out there to alleviate headaches, migraines, help with dyslexia, relax your eyes, and just looking awesome. === Benefits === - Reduce eye strain - Alleviate migraines and headaches from viewing monitors - Help read with dyslexia - Increase battery life. -(allows you to lower your brightness and still read easily) - Helps NOT disturbing others next to you in a dark room - Feels natural for coding and programming with a dark theme text editor - Feels like Vim and sublimetext- use with Vimium for the full experience - Perfect for night browsing and privacy surfing around others at nighttime - Night mode for the internet! So cool === Features === - Works on ALL websites - (note: no extensions work on "chrome://" urls or local files( "file://" )) - Tailored optimizations for popular websites - Choose which pages to run it on and save your settings - Decreases eye fatigue - Extends battery life - Will not disturb people next to you with brightness - Helps prevent migraines (accessible) - Helps if you have glaucoma - Safe & secure - uses no unnecessary permissions - Constantly updated and maintained === Privacy Policy === - Hacker Vision does not collect or sell ANY of your data. - Hacker Vision only requires the necessary permissions to work across ALL websites. - No user data is viewed, recorded or used at any time. - No personal data is accessed at any time. Ever. === Use === To switch between Normal and HV, click the "h" icon in the address bar while viewing the site, and simply choose ("Hacker Vision" or "Normal"). Your settings will be saved so you only have to set it once. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS: 1. Global Pause ON/OFF HOTKEY: CMD+SHIFT+FN+F11 (MAC) or SHIFT+F11 (PC) 2. Toggle current page between Normal and Hacker vision: same as above but press F12 instead === What's New === Update -- 02/03/2021 -- 2.70 -- Google has removed paid apps from the app store! So as of today Hacker Vision will be FREE for life. Thanks to everyone who has stayed with me through all these years! Update -- 05/02/2020 -- 2.61 -- FIXED Chrome 81 BUG making most sites turn grey! Stay safe from COVID everyone! Update -- 03/11/2018 -- 2.60 -- FIXED Chrome 65 breaking everything BUG -- Make sure you are updated to v2.6! Visit "chrome://extensions/?id=fommidcneendjonelhhhkmoekeicedej" and press the Update button at the top! Update -- 12/28/2016 -- 2.51 -- Major release, many fixes and features Update -- 09/04/2015 -- 2.41 -- Fixed to work with Chrome 45+, less conflicts, smarter backgrounds, better contrast. A+ Update -- 06/21/2015 -- 2.39 -- Fix Gawker sites - Jalopnik, Gizmodo, io9, Lifehacker, Deadspin, Gawker, Jezebel and Kotaku. Update -- 05/21/2015 -- 2.37 -- Fixed Doxygen flow charts Update -- 04/25/2015 -- 2.36 -- TWICE AS FAST + all movies should work 100% now + better image detection. Update -- 04/18/2015 -- 2.33 -- Fix Google bug, update FAQ. Google Maps now has a cool dark theme. Update -- 04/11/2015 -- 2.30 -- Completely NEW Algorithm – with over 85% better image detection than v2.25. Almost ZERO pictures get messed up now, and the white flash has been minimized. And a BIG Thank You to everyone who stuck with me through the update. Update -- 04/09/2015 -- 2.25 -- Fix Outlook, fix Feedly, and other web sites – All previous bugs associated with the update are now FIXED. Thanks for being patient. Update -- 04/07/2015 -- 2.24 -- Google error now fixed, fixed annoying 'Try Again' screen error Update -- 04/07/2015 -- 2.19 -- Fixed bugs where screen was black or blank, and pop-up errors, try again button now actually tries again *facepalm* Update -- 04/06/2015 -- 2.14 -- MAJOR Release- New UI, Fixed DuckDuckGo and GUI issues, Tons of updates, fixed white page bottom bug, more site fixes, Retina display bugs, Reddit share button added, new options/help page.HV is now FREE for the first 6 months and only $2.99/yr. Update -- 02/06/2015 -- 1.34 -- Youtube has been FIXED, embedded vid previews fixed, thanks for your feedback. Remember to Donate! Update -- 01/29/2015 -- 1.32 -- Fix equations on wikipedia (+big update coming soon) Update -- 09/06/2014 -- 1.31 -- Macbook Retina screen fix! + Vimeo fix! Update -- 08/08/2014 -- 1.30 -- Fixed YOUTUBE FULLSCREEN + now accepting donations! Update -- 05/26/2014 -- 1.28 -- No more white flash between screens! (or significantly reduced) Update -- 05/25/2014 -- 1.27 -- Fixed Wikipedia equations now display properly! Update -- 02/05/2014 -- 1.25 -- Updated to work better with newest version of Chrome(32), restored contrast on sites Update -- 12/09/2013 -- 1.24 -- Merry Christmas everyone! Fixed Youtube!! + Vimeo fix. Help support Hacker Vision by donating Bitcoins: 178WvhB5SPSwMe4pyng6rbKMhkzb3jpL88 Update -- 06/28/2013 -- 1.20 -- Fixed imgs! Temporarily removed ads. Update -- 03/26/2013 -- 1.17 -- BEST VERSION EVER! Fixed major bug with Chrome 26. Updated to preserve images and videos as they were intended! Fixed Facebook bug with Chrome 26(tested OSX)! Google Maps is now easier to read! Requires Chrome 26 or higher. Improved 64px imgs. Update -- 01/13/2012 -- 1.10 -- Much Faster loading time! Added ability to share by email. Bug fixes. Update -- 12/05/2012 -- 1.00 -- OFFICIAL RELEASE! Bug fixes + better rendering! Update -- 11/30/2012 -- 0.99 -- It's now easier than ever to tell your friends with Facebook, Twitter and G+ share buttons! Update -- 11/22/2012 -- 0.98 -- Video playback is now FIXED on 95% of websites!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Update -- 11/17/2012 -- 0.95 -- Added Pause/Resume button so you can easily turn Hacker Vision off during the day and on at night + Inverted photos fix on some websites + Performance improvements! Hacker Vision is constantly updated and improved. If you FIND A BUG or would like to SUGGEST A FEATURE, please email me(before leaving a negative review) at [email protected] - and I will do my best to help you. If you feel that this extension has helped your life (and your eyes) please tell your friends!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-25) Jstvdm: I just logged on to Google just to say how grateful I am that your app is doing its job so well, compared to the other app(S) Simple Ui, Automated Black Themes are 9/10 most of the time for me. Again thank you my good sir.
  • (2023-09-22) Yogesh Mantri: Tried multiple extensions in this category & this is the most awesome extension. cute colours and maintained clear visibility for the web pages. I am liking even the new look it left to the regular websites I use.
  • (2023-09-04) Ramdeep Kesharwani: it is an awesome extension.Loved it.
  • (2023-08-24) Eric Ketzer: so so.
  • (2023-07-07) Hannah Bertzfield: (Preface: reviewing specifically for the light-triggered MIGRAINE-sufferers out there.) Useful enough and simplistic but lacking the settings options of other dark mode extensions available, but you can specify which URLs to show normally, which is helpful for sites/portals set to a dark theme. HV works by inverting all colors on a page (except images), though, so larger elements (banners, menu backgrounds, etc.) that are already dark can be an issue depending on your sensitivity. If you're just looking for something simple to protect their eyes from long-term use of screens, though, there are definitely better options out there, but this generally seems to do what it's supposed to.
  • (2023-04-06) Lion kucherov: at last I can read & see white drawings on black instead of black on black as do all dark themes absolutely savior, thanks a lot
  • (2023-02-28) R S R: Hello Can you please give one more mode, or modify the Normal Mode, which kinda DELUMINATES the page, meaning replace glaring white with soothing light grayish, standard for ACCESSIBILITY, helps in reading text in Normal mode, Must be helpful for many. thanks.LOOKING FORWARD.
  • (2022-12-23) Marcel M.: Nice extension, but would be cool if you would exclude images so that they are displayed normally.
  • (2022-12-17) Jody Lemons: Doesn't work.
  • (2022-09-01) Muhammad Nabil Ilman A.M.: I Like This
  • (2022-01-16) Malak Motaz: Not bad, it works good for some websites, some websites look bad, some websites look good, for example youtube was good except i couldnt get rid of those small ads, but this extension is good, some people can take this!
  • (2021-12-04) Max: Ogólnie rozszrzenie jest bardzo super jest tak jbyśmy widziemi jak hacker
  • (2021-11-15) Andrey Skibenko: Best for reading books in Google Play: correct and soft coloring.
  • (2021-05-05) rainbow: I think it's ok
  • (2021-04-15) Joshua: You know it's really good when it's TOO dark. Also, alot of people may notice that this extension doesn't work on chrome urls. To fix this, go to chrome://flags, and paste this into the search #extensions-on-chrome-urls
  • (2021-04-13) Mjd Mjd: ...why switch colors to yellow? at least give us the option not to
  • (2021-03-12) Sydney: When I try to put my computer in dark mode using the keyboard shortcut (Google searched), it doesn't work properly and 80% of my screen is still white. However, with this extension, it covers all of my screen and looks SUPER COOL at same time. Don't think twice about adding it just because the stars are rated 4, it's a GREAT extension. I don't get anything about them wanting me to pay, and Hacker Vision is just plain AWESOME.
  • (2020-08-25) YiĞiT A.Y: geri kaldırılmıyor nasıl geri kaldırıcam
  • (2020-03-26) Simplemente malisima
  • (2020-01-11) 小楼夜上: 增加定时功能 例如从下午6点到明天早上6点一直开启黑暗模式 Add timing function, such as turning on dark mode from 6pm to 6am tomorrow 开启黑暗模式后会导致ImTranslator气泡翻译图标和BiliBili视频预览反色 When dark mode is turned on, it will cause ImTranslator bubble translation icon and BiliBili video preview to reverse color.
  • (2020-01-06) Felix Lanzalaco: Here we are 2020.. and it still takes my payment.. then doesnt let me use it...
  • (2019-11-03) Rich: Works perfectly, although with Windows 10 HDR, Facebook in Chrome is very black and not usable.
  • (2019-10-03) Khánh Duy: như los
  • (2019-09-28) Echo Johnson: Alipay or Paypal plz
  • (2019-09-08) محسن ابن جراح: lljh.
  • (2019-08-09) Nickoloss 69: Bad, we do not see some images anymore, the publisher must make an update to correct this problem, but we are still waiting, and no assistance from the publisher who never responds to messages No sérious
  • (2019-06-30) Now all we have to do is build it.: In my case the "six month free trial" turned out to last only two weeks or so. And if you peruse the reviews, it seems like a pretty problematic extension even if you buy it.
  • (2019-06-06) xu mr: 眼睛放松了很多,希望开通支付宝付款方式
  • (2019-05-17) James Pak: Garbage app that will set up a scam on your computer that will send a pop up to your screen asking for google account information and payment. Do not install!!!
  • (2019-05-12) Piotrek Trojan: does not working while reading documents in google docs
  • (2019-04-09) Julie Eberwein: I can't get it off Tell me how
  • (2019-04-03) Braxton Donahue: You are a lier, there are not 250000 people using it!
  • (2019-04-02) Bruce Burns: For some reason this was disabled this morning and I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out which extension made it work because shift-F12 is EASY. Finally I figured it out. This might be one of my all time favorite apps. When I have the 2.99 I will certainly purchase it. Thank you Hacker Vision.! Oh I tried several other extensions thinking I might have uninstalled it by accident but they do not compare.
  • (2019-03-13) Milo Schell-McGaw: Nobody download this extension. The guy who designed this must of just been too dumb to turn on inverted colors. DO NOT PAY FOR THIS. It's a bullcrap scam and if you want everything to be dark just turn on inverted colors. its built into every OS and is titles "inverted colors" or "high contrast mode"
  • (2019-03-08) Víctor: Lo probé para ver que tal pero realmente es un asco y una vergüenza que cobren por usar esto Google ya esta por sacar el modo nocturno así que no se metan a colocar esta basura en su navegador
  • (2019-03-03) hacks for games: this does not let me watch YouTube and i am 11 so i don't like is and i am a fast typer!!!!!!0_0
  • (2019-03-01) Имия Фамилья: Say NO for extension payment!
  • (2019-02-12) Fumiya I: Scam? I've been subscribed the item 2+ years. My favorite thing. but now, I placed payment one week ago and the item not enabled yet despite of the payment have already done. maybe I'll pay again once :/
  • (2019-01-07) 李泓洋Vic: 有大佬告知一下怎么购买么?点击升级,跳转到应用商店页面,但是提示无法获取价格信息。怎么办?
  • (2018-12-08) pig Pixel: 护眼模式, 看代码等很喜欢, 但是购买受阻...作者能否开放其他付费渠道,如支付宝,微信等.
  • (2018-12-07) Simeon Georgiev: I experience at home strange problems. I like extension and somehow it's tuning colors to website I use. But yesterday I upgrade my pc hardware and reinstall all windows, and now begin to show a lot of wrong images or videos with negative effect /as it was in beginning/, may be will fix itself again, but want to share my experience with reinstall and I use same google account.
  • (2018-11-03) Jenny Nelson: Well my free trial is up and now it won't let me buy it, a little box keeps popping up saying 'We are unable to process your order at this time, but we will do so as soon as possible. Please check again here later. If you wish, you can cancel this purchase before we process it.'
  • (2018-10-14) mais tros tros nul
  • (2018-10-12) Scott McMillin: terrible . pops up constantly . have to remove completely to get any work done. don't do it. I take it back. it is not easily removable. it is essentially a virus tha twill push a huge pop up in your screen every 15 or so seconds until you empower it do do what it wants, which is not made clear.
  • (2018-09-08) Justin HP: Uninstall - reinstall didn't work, still wants me to pay when I have, hope it fixes itself, as I can't live without it, the net is just too bright. The free alternatives don't look as good!
  • (2018-08-29) Emanuel Flores: alguém conseguiu comprar depois do free trial?


20,000 history
3.9061 (2,119 votes)
Last update / version
2021-02-04 / 2.70
Listing languages
