Improve your reading speed up to 4 times.
Read faster now!
With this extension you can read long text in almost no time. You will see an improvement in your reading speed since the minute.
- Average reading speed of an adult: 250 wpm (words per minute)
- Initial reading speed with 'Speed Reader': 300 wpm
- Reading speed after 3 weeks using 'Speed Reader': 500 wpm
You can set your reading speed at any moment so you could increase it when you feel you are ready to go to the next step.
Latest reviews
- (2021-12-02) Pat MySecret: Directions confused me. Basically, just access it from context menu and it will scroll text words.
- (2021-02-19) Luis Fernando Ordaz Cervantes: No funciona.
- (2021-01-24) walther javier Africano: como funciona ? no es claro si no sirve deberian eliminarla
- (2019-01-23) robin durrheimer: C'est une bonne application mais le seul problème que j'ai rencontrer ces qu'on ne peut changer la police de lecture et je trouve ça dommage
- (2017-07-28) Simple, Easy and does what it supposed to do!
- (2014-03-03) Sergio Martinez: great app!