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Blokkeer irritante e-mails in Gmail™. Zeg vaarwel tegen ongewenste nieuwsbrieven en andere ongewenste e-mailafzenders.
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"Maakt dit proces zeer eenvoudig en het zal voorkomen dat je overspoeld wordt met zinloze e-mails" - Business Insider
"Puur eenvoudig, het is geniaal!" - Karl H.
"Een leuk opstartwachtwoord voor Gmail™." - Takemura Y.
Krijg je vervelende e-mail?
Met Afzender Blokkeren voor Gmail™ kun je in een klik een e-mail permanent blokkeren en een valse foutmelding sturen. Geen ingewikkelde filters te installeren in Gmail™. Werkt voor e-mailadressen, domeinen, onderwerpregels en zelfs voor zoekwoorden. Blokkeer iedereen.
Populaire toepassingen:
- Blokkeer iemand die je lastigvalt met ongewenste e-mail. Stuur ze een nep "Dit e-mailadres is onjuist"-foutmelding.
- Blokkeer elke nieuwsbrief waarvoor je je niet hebt ingeschreven en je ziet ze nooit weer.
- Sociale netwerken of winkel-sites sturen je e-mails die je niet wilt lezen? Blokkeer dit in een klik.
- Voegt een "blokkeer"-knop in Gmail™ toe. Als je een bericht krijgt wat je niet wilt, blokkeer de afzender dan permanent.
- Maak automatisch een nep "Dit e-mailadres bestaat niet"-foutmelding aan in de inbox van de andere persoon.
- Anoniem: De afzender zal niet weten dat elk bericht dat je krijgt onmiddellijk naar je prullenbak gaat.
- Flexibel: Ongedaan maken van toevallige blokken.
- Vrijheid: Permanent berichten verwijderen of ze de inbox laten overslaan.
- Geavanceerd filteren: Blokkeer subdomeinen, onderwerpen of zelfs individuen met een upgrade.
- Inzichtelijk: Vlag toekomstige berichten van hetzelfde domein.
- Krijg je veel meldingen van Facebook, Twitter of sociale mediadiensten waarvoor je je hebt aangemeld? Blokkeer ze allemaal.
- Zet eenvoudige filters op, zonder je zorgen te hoeven maken over de omslachtige opties.
- Pretendeer je e-mail-dood voor die mensen waar je echt niet mee wilt praten. Ooit. Weer.
- Relatie beeindigd op een afschuwelijke manier? Zie nooit meer een bericht van je ex.
- Kun je een bepaald adres niet blokkeren? Vlag alle berichten van bepaalde domeinnamen.
Werkt voor:
- Gmail™
- Google Apps™
Contact: support (at)
Bugs: bugs (at)
Afzender Blokkeren heeft een gratis pakket en een onbeperkt gebruik. Het is gratis om Afzender Blokkeren te gebruiken tot een beperkt aantal blokken per maand, dat zich herstelt na 30 dagen. Deel het met anderen om meer vrije blokken te ontgrendelen of op te waarderen naar ons maandelijks of jaarlijks onbeperkt gebruik. Meer informatie op:
Latest reviews
- (2024-04-01) Roberto Saverin: Block Sender is working well and me experience with tech support is excellent !
- (2024-01-11) Ryoichi Morita: It works well.
- (2024-01-05) Keith Martin: Hi, Just over two years ago I suddenly started to receive spam emails in their hundreds! I enrolled with Blocksender and as more spam came into my computer I blocked them and requested to have the false notice sent to them. Gradually over time the spam started to reduce and now I am not getting any at all. If you do your bit and enter every spam email the system works!!! I am now not needing Blocksender so their success has meant they are losing a customer but I would not hesitate in renewing Blocksender if I ever start receiving spam again.
- (2023-11-25) Ricardo Alfredo Bambaren Ward: Me siento muy seguro utilizándola ahora en la versión paga.
- (2023-08-22) Linda Rogerville: This app does not work. At all.
- (2023-08-17) KMBA Inc: Doesn't work, too expensive for just adding a block button... I installed, linked everything, but there is no buttons loaded or anything. Possibly conflicting with another add on, but no error message, tried for an hour, waste of time.
- (2023-08-10) Francesco Wiedemann: doesn't connect with my Google account - making the tool unusable. happy to update review if we can sort this out. please advise
- (2023-06-13) Pete Cornell: It works! I just signed up for the plus plan and tested the bounce feature. It works fine and the bounced message appears legit. Very cool! It's little expensive, that's the only comment I have so far.
- (2023-06-12) Emery Hayward: false advertise its not free you have to pay to upgrade it it say free no credit card required stay far away with this extension report the for abused
- (2023-06-03) Don Putnick: I was the victim of an email bomb that signed me up to a bunch of spam including porn. I tried to manage it on my own with Gmail filters, but it wouldn't block IP addresses. I subscribed to Block Sender and it solved my problem. I hardly get any more spam these days. The one additional feature I would like to see is the number of times each block was used
- (2023-05-08) J H: Does not work. Claims to register the email account to the app in the extension but when you log into it and try to use it in an email to block, it says that you are on a free account. I have emailed 4 times for a full refund and been totally ignored because I can't use this at all. The lack of contact details and website is very concerning and allows for issues to remain unaddressed. The payment default is YEARLY and not MONTHLY which can catch people out when subscribing if they're not careful and is unusual and suggests this is deceptive.
- (2023-05-05) Aron Dale: this doesnt work, also the drop menu with where to clossify the words like - casino - after days of trying each setting the spam got worse by 3x. i think this is because i clicked the check box to notify the spammer. THIS MAKES YOUR SPAM WORSE
- (2023-02-27) Nathan Cleary: Not only does this seem to not work but it appears to have been caught up in multiple "no-reply" email back and forths which have resulted in my gmail account being temporarily suspended from sending emails. I have sent an email to the site requesting cancellation and details so no need to reply asking me to send an email.
- (2023-02-20) Steve Bunyan: This extension is brilliant! It gives provides the ability to block spam by pretty much any field you like: AND IT WORKS BEAUTIFULLY. It does lack the ability to select all or multiple blocks and thus change the settings for them en-mass, rather than having to change each block individually which is tedious and time-consuming. I'm confident that the developers will agree and add this simple functionality boost soon.
- (2023-02-08) Candace Spence: I added this extension to block spam emails and I had high hopes but after adding the extension and removing it a few times to try and refresh it, I still only see part of the corner box of operation and makes it very difficult to use. I have since removed this extension and will be looking at another extension.
- (2023-01-31) Herbert Kloiber: Bis jetzt habe ich bei Gmail keine Möglichkeit gehabt Spam-E-Mails zu blocken. Nun, mit "Block Sender" habe ich endlich ein Werkzeug, um diese einfach und sicher abzustellen. Bisher beste Blockiersoftware für Gmail. Finde ich super!
- (2023-01-15) Lucie Ruhlmann: Application très pratique, simple et instinctive !!! Le SAV est très aimable ! C'est pratique pour bloquer une personne /un contact ou des spams... Cela m'a été très utile, merci :) ! Very useful and helpful
- (2022-12-19) Greg McGurk: A really useful tool!
- (2022-11-14) Widget Fromage: This just doesn't work. Tried to add bounce back rule for a gmail email address and then tested it. The test sent email just goes into a void and doesn't bounce. Paid for plus and no response from support when I contact them through website. Avoid.
- (2022-10-28) Miguel Grau: Para nosotros si trabaja muy bien. Usamos la versión PRO. Pero no es bloquear por bloquear, se debe analizar el correo original en formato hmtl y desde ahí, se entiende a quien voy a bloquear, sea IP , Domino o email, previa revisión del origen de los datos.
- (2022-10-01) Todd Hamo: I installed the Extension. I DID set it up with maximum security settings. And my Gmail already had maximum security settings. But GET THIS: WITHIN ONLY 48 HOURS of installing as an extension on Chrome, TWO (2) of my passwords were shown as BREACHED. I suspect that the CAUSE of the two breaches was (is) Has anyone else experienced this?
- (2022-05-23) David Berlin: I would wager that a lot of these folks leaving bad reviews don't understand how to configure it properly so it does what it's supposed to do. So far as people saying it should be free--why? It costs them money to run. That said, I come from a family and extended family that is at times abusive and very, very difficult and sometimes I need to be out of reach to them. This software blocks emails from them perfectly--normally I use the "delete" function so they don't even go to trash--I simply never see them at all. Its good for managing the crazy people in your life when you have to deal with them but sometimes need to simply be *away*.
- (2022-05-11) Robelyn Arnaiz: Block-sender has been very helpful in blocking unwanted emails especially when you have it as an extension for your chrome. This is the best app so far in blocking off and sending out unwanted emails because: 1. It automates my work, no need to filter my emails. 2. once you set a certain email to be blocked, it will not bother you anymore This means that it creates a great vibe for me when I open up my email and not waste my time on uninvited email senders anymore. I get to focus more on the important emails that matter. Thank you Block Sender! Great job!
- (2022-05-09) Martin Korjus: It is good to see some feedback before installing anything at all. grate, Now I rejected this add-on
- (2022-04-22) the architecht: Nope, don't even bother. Gmail does what this extension claims to do.
- (2022-03-03) Simone: Non funziona, it does not work
- (2022-02-10) Nightmare Fodder: This is exactly what I have been searching for! is a game changer. I was looking for a way to repel unwanted emails that went a little further than gmail's ability to just send them to trash. This extension does everything I need seamlessly. The fake bounce back emails are a great touch, and it's nice to have unwanted email truly and permanently deleted without any effort on my part. It has, on a few occasions, removed a block on an email, I assume this is some sort of system glitch, but it's very easy to set it back up again. I highly recommend this extension, it has helped so much!
- (2022-01-08) W. S. Ponzani: I highly recommend Block Sender. It works as advertised. It was always easy to use, but the recent website redesign has made it even more so. Block Sender provided me with ease of mind during a time I was being abused by email. When the abuser sent from a new email address, a few simple clicks in this extension added the block and any following messages were completely deleted. I appreciated Block Sender's ability to do that rather than Gmail's rules moving the messages to the deleted folder.
- (2022-01-03) Timothy Haines: Works as advertised. Was a helpful addition as I had reached Gmails maximum capacity for blocking senders / adding custom filters.
- (2021-12-15) Durk d'Essay: Two questions: - Why do I need an account at some dubious extension-creator, just to block local Gmail?? - This blocks mail everywhere but not where it should; in the spamfolder. WHY???? That folder needs blocking. If I want to block anywhere else, I just make a filter for it. Weird. So, in the end this is not here to help us gmail users, it's just a simple moneymachine for the people behind the extension. And yes, there's a free option but man, one day of blocking and one has used up the allowed amount and has to wait till next month. Totally worthless.
- (2021-12-09) Miquel Banchs i Piqué: I tried to create blocks several times and I always got the message "0 blocks created". A complete loss of time for me.
- (2021-11-30) DB: Mimo pisemnego zgłoszenia o usuniecie konta ,konto nie zostaje usunięte pełna ignorancja,chamstwo,brak odpowiedzi.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NIE POLECAM.
- (2021-11-01) Angelo “tecchese” La Spina: App inutile, non funziona la versione free, disinstallata
- (2021-10-25) Interpol Agent: I purchased this application with the HOPES that it would delete the THOUSANDS of harassing, targeted emails I get from someone I apparently made angry once and reported, however I've had nothing but issues since installing it. The first sets of issues came when I could neither access the web page to modify or create blocks, nor could I access the option to Bypass Trash and DELETE until it was fixed. I reported the issue NUMEROUS times and it was WEEKS before the "developers" were able to fix it. Now I create blocks, and have to go right back and modify the blocks AGAIN after creating them and specifying that the block Bypass Trash and DELETE, and apply my only account. It doesn't happen until I go back into the block and Edit it! Now I'm seeing blocks that I've put into place still allowing emails through!!! ABSOLUTE RUBBISH, and I'm PAYING for this service. I'll be filing an unfair business practices civil case for the months I've been using this ineffective service if the issues aren't fixed by week's end.
- (2021-10-23) Lee Moreau: This is a scam and a piece of garbage. It says you have to pay in order to bounce back which is fine, so I sign up and pay. I then try to block someone emailing me and it fails every time saying "Auto-replies can't be sent to your own address." For real??? I emailed them with screenshots showing the person I'm trying to block is not myself, yet I've tried on 5 different people and it never works. If they don't refund me I'll be filing a chargeback with Visa.
- (2021-08-19) Adewale Sanusi: Does not work!
- (2021-07-29) Adrien Esquerre: Very good app, worked as expected. I avoided unwanted e-mails and generated very effective fake bounce back e-mails to get rid of unwanted senders. The company is honest, they refunded me for some services that I didn't need anymore.
- (2021-04-28) Wolfgang Weber: Totaler Mist
- (2021-04-22) jom jim: even the free version is limited. They never warn you about that. You have about 100 emails you can block
- (2021-03-25) My Name is Apropos: Ok so I am rating the actual software from the SITE and not extension which I haven't tried. I signed up for an account and I was disappointed to see that you had to pay for Plus and Pro if you want to actually bounce an email. BUT! Unlike what other people are saying, it DOES WORK and it enables you to completely avoid receiving emails from unwanted senders. You will never see their email which is what matters most to me. People keep saying that it doesn't do anything different than google, but that's not true. When you "block" someone in google, you will see their email either in your spam or if you use the filters you will see it in your trash. With Google, there is no way to PERMANENTLY delete/auto delete emails "forever". But with Block Sender you can! And what a blessing this is! I am being harassed/stalked by someone and it's a shame that Google doesn't truly let you block vicious predators. I am so thankful for this app. It 100 percent works and btw I am using the free version. Also if you pay, there is a way to pay MONTHLY which you need to BE VERY CAREFUL to select or else you will get billed annually which really sucks! *** To Block Sender, I have to say, please don't try to be sneaky and bill people annually for a service like that. That's not cool. Be up front and have the site set to bill monthly by default and people will likely give much better reviews. All in all, I really love this service. I've tested it. It works. And if you're being harassed by a particular person like I was, this is a fantastic tool to have. Thank you thank you thank you!
- (2021-01-17) Belteshazzar Cafe: You have to create an account just to use it. I already have dozens of account of everything. And this extension adds to my headache of dealing with multiple accounts for everything these days. Immediately, I uninstalled.
- (2021-01-07) Stefanie Lisa: Doesn't work.
- (2020-11-30) Daniel Lea: Utter $h!t. Doesn't work at all. Everything can be done from setting rules in Gmail
- (2020-11-25) John Smith: Be wary of installing this extension. To use it you have to create a Block Sender account on their website that you can't change or delete without the developers permission! I've uninstalled the extension as it does nothing you couldn't already do with Gmail filters anyway but now I can't get my account deleted. After 4 days of talking with the developer he won't delete my account at all. Basically this crook now has access to my Gmail account and he's stopped responding to requests to delete the account. The user has no options to change their email address or delete the Block Sender account at all and the developer won't delete it either, and it's been deliberately designed that way to hoodwink people into giving up access to their private email accounts. You will only find this out after you've created the Block Sender account. Shady and crooked business practice. Hate it.
- (2020-11-24) Ricky Norman Villanueva: it does the job. I'm loving it so far.
- (2020-09-07) I bough PRO version and now I have a lot of emails coming as FAILURE SENDING. The filter from the extension dosnt work to send them to the trash, I've created one with Google, for me this extension is useless.
- (2020-07-31) Mya Stark: In principle its good, and it works well, EXCEPT if you want to block a subdomain (i.e. when a commercial sender dodges spam filters by using "[email protected]" once you've blocked "hello@annoying" It has the capacity to block those by putting an "*" before the domain but -- there is no way to do this easily from the gmail extension. You have to either go sign into the dashboard, or retype the domain name within the gmail extension. Also, their contact form is broken and they don't provide an email address, I had to google them and try a variety of "info@" "help@" etc. BTW the one that works is [email protected].
- (2020-07-25) Laevatein: Doesn't block
- (2020-07-04) Un -k: It doesn't work as advertised!!! Blocking IP's doesn't work!!! Blocking subjects doesn't work!!! Blocking names doesn't work!!! Blocking IP's with wildcards doesn't work!!! Blocking domain nor sub-domain nor domain extension doesn't work!!! When I emailed tech-support, never return or response promptly. In facts, all my request emails for tech support got ignored!!!
- (2020-04-14) Diego Albanese: Richiede un po' troppe informazioni per i miei gusti, ma soprattutto è a pagamento (meglio rivolgersi ad altri che offrono gratis i loro servizi). Rimossa!