extension ExtPose

Liner: Изкуствен интелигентен помощник за уеб

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Description from extension meta

Направете отговорите на ChatGPT директно на страницата си, дори и на YouTube! Не се изисква акаунт за ChatGPT с Liner Copilot.

Image from store Liner: Изкуствен интелигентен помощник за уеб
Description from store Без значение дължината или трудността на съдържанието, Лайнер ще ви помогне да усвоите огромно количество информация от уеб в кратко време. Искате ли да направите отговорите на ChatGPT достъпни навсякъде в Интернет? Искате ли да интегрирате изкуствен интелект за по-дълбоки изследвания? Не сте сигурни как да използвате изкуствения интелект тук? Просто кликнете върху копилота и задайте въпрос, докато търсите от YouTube видеоклипове, PDF файлове и всякакви уеб статии! Търсете това, което ви трябва, като го правите на всяка търсачка, но с по-дълбока дълбочина. Лайнер Копилот може да бъде вашият интелигентен консултант! ⭐️ Основни функции ⭐️ 1️⃣ AI Копилот, задвижван от GPT-4o - Започнете жива и богата дискусия за всяка тема навсякъде в уеб, PDF & YouTube с личен асистент за изкуствен интелект. - Можете да превеждате, опростявате и дори да задавате допълнителни въпроси относно това, което четете или гледате. - Как да го използвате? ⬇️ - Уеб & PDF: Плъзнете изречение или кликнете върху иконата на Лайнер, за да зададете въпрос за това, което четете. - YouTube: Кликнете върху бутона за обобщение в панела за прогрес на видеото, след което задайте всякакви въпроси относно видеото! (На разположение с YouTube видеоклипове с скриптове) 2️⃣ Асистент за търсене на Google, базиран на ChatGPT - Получавайте отговори на ChatGPT до Google резултатите от търсенето. Този отговор също се интегрира с най-скорошната информация от Google търсенето. - Проверете статията за справка, от която Лайнер АИ генерира отговорите. - Използвайте предложени въпроси, за да разширите търсенето си. - Запазвайте отговорите на едно място (Моите хайлайтове). 3️⃣ Уеб & PDF Маркер - Маркирайте и събирайте полезна информация от уеб, статии, YouTube видеоклипове, изображения, подсказки и други. Лайнер Базов е БЕЗПЛАТЕН / НЕ СЕ ИЗИСКВА КРЕДИТНА КАРТА ➕ Абонирайте се за нас за повече! - Essential Plan: Само моделът Liner Basic, Неограничени обаждания с AI агент. - Professional Plan: Всички AI модели са налични. Неограничени обаждания с AI агент и качване на файлове.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-07-16) Chester Wang: 5 star for the highlighting function. 0 star for everything else, though, especially the Copilot integration when highlighting and the annoying part on the left corner of ChatGPT page urging users to try other AI models. The developers are so ambitious to make this highlighting extension a swiss army knife that they've made it a combination of gem and garbage. I would suggest the developers separate the Copilot and AI thing from the highlighting function and make another extension.
  • (2024-03-02) kc: 회사의 방향성이 많이 달라진건지.. 하이라이트 기능의 본질은 많이 사라진거 같네요.. 차라리 별도 확장프로그램으로 운영했으면 좋을거 같은데 AI 기능 도입되고 나서 예전하고 많이 달라진 접근성 때문에 헷갈리고 쓰기 꺼려지네요.. 이 부분만 잘 유지했어도 기존 하이라이트 기능 사용하는 유저들도 끌어들이면서 새로운 기능도 활용했을텐데 오히려 기존 유저들에게 소홀하게 개선한거 아닌가 싶네요. 개선 계획이 있는건지 궁금합니다
  • (2024-02-19) Theunis Mulder: Hi, I found it very strange that an amount of R6326.00 was immediately deducted in first hour of use. Where is the 14 days trial period? Even subscription indicated that payment will occur as the trial ends on 5th March 2024.
  • (2024-01-24) ‍손인우[ 대학원박사과정재학 / 의과학과 ]: 너무 편합니다. 논문 읽을 때 많이 쓰고 있어요 ㅎㅎ. 웹으로 찾는 정보가 너무 많은데 그 정보들을 언젠가 다시 보고 싶을 때 클립하고 메모 하는 용으로도 좋고, 내가 찾는 정보를 organize 하는 용으로도 좋은 것 같습니다. ㅎㅎ chatGPT 관련 기능이 좋은지 모르겠어요. 저는 하이라이터 때문에 사용을 했는데, chat GPT 때문인지 구독료가 비싼 것 같아요.. chatGPT 랑 관계 없이 하이라이터 무제한 버전이 있었으면 좋겠네요.
  • (2023-11-22) Jinu Kim: Very nice. I love the real-time sync with my iPhone & iPad.
  • (2023-11-13) Fady Asaad: There is no Arabic language to translate to and I can't customize the menu of languages also there is no way to send my feedback directly from the settings screen, I need to search for the extension on chrome web store to send a feedback. Finally it will be great to use my own Open AI access token instead of using the tool with limits.
  • (2023-11-11) Centuryt: 25 searches which end before using 25 times? honestly if i could rate less i would have this is useless and scam
  • (2023-11-02) Ron S.: Fake
  • (2023-11-01) Mackenzie Walton: I tried deleting the chrome extension and found that even after deleting my account and removing the extension that my laptop was still having websites and more being highlighted from the extension, I don't know how to stop random sentences on all websites from being highlighted. Please help!
  • (2023-10-24) Marcus Schuff: You only get to use it ~22 times per day, any more will cost you money. The free version is essentially a useless scam to get you to buy the premium version. I hate this approach to software (freeware to paywall). Your goal should be to build a great product first, then figure out a way to monetize it without alienating your users. This extension took the opposite approach.
  • (2023-10-22) Paul Stadniczenko: The way it functions is stupid to me. Why can't it be more like Microsoft Copilot? Always on with a side panel and instant summery, ask it anything at any time. The way it functions is clunky and unintuitive.
  • (2023-10-19) Gissel Balderas: Used to love this extension and have a positive opinion about it because of how helpful it was at helping me make annotations on videos and articles. However, when I saw that the essential plan was $30, I no longer wanted to use this extension. $30 is an absurd amount to pay each month and I don't want to pay yearly because I only use this subscription during my school semesters. I miss when the monthy subscription was less than $10 and it doesn't help that the basic plan is very limited. And the AI feature is useless because I need to have a CHAT GPT account to begin with. I will no longer be using this extension. DON'T TRUST THIS COMPANY THEY ARE EXTREMELY SHADY AND GREEDY. They just keep raising the prices to absurd amounts without informing you. Won't surprise me if in the future, the basic plan for each month is $50.
  • (2023-10-19) Ioan Andrei Pascu: It's cool and all but is very invasive. It's everywhere, I expected more of a minimal approach, like a small little thing at the corner of my window. I can't escape it. It's constantly there begging to be used. Is there away to make it very small and minimal?
  • (2023-10-17) 오동환: arc browser에서도 사용하고 싶은데요. 방법이 있을까요?
  • (2023-10-15) hl l: 自己没仔细看,试用绑定了信用卡,一周时间到了刚好是十一,在外面无网络取消,被扣一千多块,在整个网站页面没有申诉链接。认栽了,下次不会仓促试用也不会推荐给任何人。
  • (2023-10-12) Ayat Middle east theater: It is good but the referral code is a scam I sent it to my friends and they signed up but none of us got the free week.
  • (2023-10-12) do Ve: 단축키로 하이라이트를 할 수 있게 만들어 줬으면 좋겠어요
  • (2023-10-11) Omar Abo-Basit: A good tool for summarizing YouTube videos.
  • (2023-10-09) Germanas: Don't recommend it, keep using GPT guys! Basic plan is too limited. Make it clear that the basic model is very limited at the start. Nobody will read a description that long for an extension - just write main features and note about the limitations. Now you are just fishing for users and most drop the extension after realising that without subscription - it is better to just use ChatGPT.
  • (2023-10-08) sun eric: 这是个欺诈插件,号称提供gpt-4,但是实际上连gpt-3.5都没有提供。 “你是gpt4吗? GPT-4 对不起,我现在还是基于OpenAI的GPT-3模型的人工智能,目前我还并不是GPT-4。我会持续更新并改进我的能力来更好地处理各种任务和问题。”这段是我与其gpt-4对话的结果。建议Google下架此插件,避免进一步欺诈的发生。
  • (2023-10-05) Larry Hirschhorn: what is the pricing?
  • (2023-10-04) Clint Dennis (Clint): Limited uses per day unless you subscribe.
  • (2023-10-01) Азамат Таршхоев: Бесполезно! Не саммари видео, а бурда. Просто рассказывает, какая была тема видео. Зачем-то переводит на английский, хотя видео русское и он понял смысл. Часто не работает кнопка. Еще и все это на GPT 3.5, а не 4, либо за деньги, хотя четверка доступна давно и бесплатно (сам пользуюсь не один месяц). И не работало без VPN
  • (2023-09-29) Van Anh Bui: I used to use Liner to highlight important information on the Internet. It used to be a list of text and was easy to read. But now it's more like a list of sites, like Chrome's bookmarks function. Don't waste your money on this extension. It's no longer useful.
  • (2023-09-25) Mara: best AI i have used
  • (2023-09-24) بهمن: چرت
  • (2023-09-19) Julian Morton: 5 of 5 definitely it is the best chat bot out there
  • (2023-09-15) Gregory Putland: So slow why would I bother when I can use ChatGPT 3.5 directly.
  • (2023-09-14) Robert Francis Beck: It's great, It does fabulous things! But the free mode is all but useless. And the "Pro" version is way too expensive. So, you''ll be pleased to know there is a free "donation-ware" extension out there that does the same thing. It's called HARPA AI. Free to use (assuming you have an account at Open AI). There's a lot of great free AI extensions that work based of your Open AI account.
  • (2023-09-13) Chris Lozeau: While it's a useful extension to summarise pages, it injects fake Google search results as advertisements for Liner (despite already using it) on most search queries that cannot be removed. I tried disabling all integrations for Google search results and they still appear.
  • (2023-09-13) David Sunday: A Bug in your software (probably the AI function, when I turned off some AI functions, the temperature returned to normal) caused my computer to heat up seriously, my computer usually only 50-60 degrees, but after turning on your plugin, it often soared to 80-90 fire speed. The device I used was a MacBook Pro LQ2, running macOS 12.6.9 and the temperature detection software was iStat Menus
  • (2023-09-12) Juan Perez: Puro estiercol de aplicacion de verdad no hay una aplicacion que no demuestre fallas, lamentable.
  • (2023-09-11) Rui Bai: I've used Liner for 3-4 months. Overall I prefer Liner more compared to a few other AI tools like Sider or Glasp or other chatGPT plugins. I almost never use the highlighter features. I mostly use it to summarize youtube videos which, Liner does a better job than some of the other extensions/models I've tried. Billing has been confusing. I currently use the Pro tier, which started billing at $19.99 USD when I first signed on. A month ago pricing changed without communication, I saw the new monthly subscription was gonna be $35.99 which was gonna be too much, but I guess I was grandfathered in because I continue to be billed at $19.99/month. I wish there was clear communication on this pricing change and how and who were gonna be affected. I've contacted support about changing payment method. The website has documentation on how to change payment type but there aren't an option to change it on the actual "manage subscription" page. I'm still not able to change payment method at this time despite unhelpful email communication. My biggest pain point is I think an update from the last couple weeks that is causing the extension to use up a lot of my CPU when I only have a few things open. The first couple months I've been able to use Liner along with other AI extensions, with 20, 30 tabs open, emails, calendars, playing youtube videos, words docs, PDFs, Zoom, Slack and Chrome, like, easily a dozen applications operating and no problem. This changed the last couple weeks. My Macbook Air easily starts revving. I can't do video calls without severe lagging. I use Activity Monitor to find out that it's often the webpages with Liner open that take up 60 ~ 90% of my CPU. This productivity tool is severely bottlenecking my productivity on the laptop especially when I do video interview calls, it negatively impacts my impression to potential employers when everyone's working remote nowadays. I do love the new Liner Workspace that incorporated autonomous agents. It just came out the last week or so. I like that it breaks down my questions into multiple questions and gathers and organizes a more coherent answer. The Workspace experience is improving. I didn't like Workspace before but now i'm inclined to use it more. I'm inclined to shift my usual LLM queries from Claude and chatGPT Pro to Liner Workspace. I haven't done a lot of Workspace queries to form an opinion on the helpfulness or accuracy of the content curated. But happy to see autonomous agent application in Liner, gives me confidence in your product team.
  • (2023-08-30) Joaquin: It helps me with my homework because i used to spend hours looking for the answer but this just helps me not waste time
  • (2023-08-26) vinsmoke: it's absolutely awrsom
  • (2023-08-21) Liam Matthews: Bro i install it and it can't even open like what is this-
  • (2023-08-21) Hatim: I'v never written a negative review to an extension but this one got on my nerves. I install it and before I even know what it is, how to use it or anything, i have to answer a bunch of questions, give out my name, age etc... and then it keeps prompting me to provide my credit card. l wasn't even able to use the basic plan as it keeps asking for the credit card !!!!
  • (2023-08-16) Mohammed Adel: worst site ever i use it mainly for youtube it blocks youtube UI elements every time i need to add bookmark i am requested to relogin
  • (2023-08-12) Kai Kia: Liner is a scam it is so slow and every time, I open liner it tells me about chatgpt4, very very very annoying and it every time, I open it. Liner has a virus I will not recommend downloading it.
  • (2023-08-09) jmj jaq: 不好用,都要会员
  • (2023-08-07) Mario Ricalde: I am a long-term costumer of this app. I actually paid for a whole year before they released the AI features, and had to uninstall it and cancel due to their shady practices with their addons, such as: 1. Forcing the plugin to load on all YouTube Videos, and how easy it was to trigger the highlight. 2. Loading sites and making information super inaccessible once you paid them money. With the recent addition of AI, I gave them another chance. And it was a MISTAKE. SHADY is the name of the game with Liner. They blast you with upgrading to Pro, and once you do, there is no clear way to cancel. The model they use is also not GTP4. All mentions of features are hidden once you pay. You can't access the information without using an incognito tab. I am convinced they are buying reviews.
  • (2023-08-02) Ning Wang: I have no glue what happed with this getliner.com, I started to try this extension sometime at the end of June this year, and I had to input payment information, which is my credit card, and I did. then on July 14th, the first charge to my credit card happed with an amount $124.79, and I thought, I forgot to cancle the trial, then I requested an invoice and I ased them to stop the subscription, they sent the invoice to me with the reply that my subscription was cancelled, and I thought, ok now I need to use the function for on year until July 14 2024. the strange stuff happed on July 27th, they charged me again for $175.99 without any notice, and I had to suspend my credit to block the transaction, but that was to late. I talked to my credit card company, they said the booking happened already, can not be withdrawed and I need to clarify with liner to get the money back, and I did send many email to their support or contact mailbox, there was no reply until now. However, the strange thing did not stop, on Aug 1st, there was another attemp from liner to charge my credit card again for $175.99, which was not successful, while my credit card was still suspended. I talked to my credit company again and asked them to support the investigation, they would do so and suggested me deactivate my current credit card and is about send me a new card to get away from this crazy booking stuff. I had no choice but can consider this as criminal and ask you stop this crazy company
  • (2023-08-01) Ivan Ravbar: Slow and full of garbage
  • (2023-07-27) NEON: Slow and buggy. Free version barely provides anything with only 25 searches?? Not to mention getting ads to upgrade EVERY time you open the app. Lol, don't get this scamware.
  • (2023-07-27) Poulomi: Bruh why the settings miss the most basic feature? i want to generate google search result when i want to, u only givin out 4-5 searches daily & it always generates even though i don't want it to, i wanted to disable the auto generating option but none to find! atleast provide the basic options here.! Also why clickin on youtube video bottom part, it marksup automatically? unless i press markup, it shouldn't let me do that. u have good features but without good option oriented feature things are pretty useless!
  • (2023-07-26) PJ Bright: Useless scam, I signed up for a 7 day trial and it immediately started charging. Today it charged my money again.
  • (2023-07-25) Javs A.: Stunning Turnaround - From 1 Star to 5! Once, I gave this app a meager 3-star review. After a few weeks of struggles, I even downgraded it to a single star. Yet today, I'm stunned to find myself reversing that 1-star review, not just to an average rating, but to an outstanding 5 stars! It's a leap I've never made before, a testament to the hard work and incredible adaptability of the team behind this app. This software has undergone an incredible transformation over these past few months. The unique features it offers have become so seamlessly integrated into my daily routine that I now find it as indispensable as Chat GPT. Kudos to the developers for their dedicated efforts and commitment to user satisfaction. This team truly deserves a resounding round of applause, and their app, a resounding five stars from me.
  • (2023-07-24) Troppzi: IT IS AMAZING! anytime I need to figure something out and im having trouble finding an answer liner tells me exactly what I want to know.
  • (2023-07-19) Shradha Malhotra: I rate this 1000000000000000/10!!! Awesome extension. One of the best actually . So helful to me but there are somethings that can be adjusted too . Whenever i try to understand something which is horribly hard to understand , All i have to do is ask for a simpler explanation and boom it appears in a very polite and underrstandible explanation . I'm telling you , JUST GO FOR IT NOW !!!!! Hope this helps :)
  • (2023-07-14) PenguinMaster (PenguinMaster): 5 utilisations par jour = aucun intérêt.

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-22, v:7.13.16) Allie Murphy: Liner AI Copilot
    I recently purchased the Liner AI Copilot on a trial basis. The trial period ends on Friday, November the 24, 2023. I am trying to cancel the trial before it ends. I purchased through the Chrome Web Store. I turned off Paypal automatic payments to Liner but the payment Friday would still go through ( as long as its in pending when i turn off, it will be processed, and it was in pending). I also removed Liner from my extensions in the Chrome Web Store. Im not finding the subscription under Google Pay... What do I need to do?? Please respond asap!!! I like the app its just not beneficial for me. Thank you for your time.
  • (2023-11-09, v:7.13.14) Chad Burt: affiliate program
    Hi, I own OutsideAgents.com and TravelResearchOnline.com representing 9k and 44k travel agents respectively. I am interested in becoming an affiliate to actively promote and resell your product to our agents. If our tests prove fruitful, I can also recommend the product to Travel Leaders Network, America's largest travel agent consortium with nearly 70K members and ASTA.org, the industry's leading independent agent support network. Please let me know how to proceed. Thanks, Chad Burt Co-Owner: OutsideAgents.com, MyAgentGenie.com, and TravelResearchOnline.com 904.316.7885 (cell...please leave a message if I don't answer) [email protected]
  • (2023-09-27, v:7.12.22) CHIH HSIEN CHEN (doubledizzy): 我沒按訂閱
  • (2023-09-21, v:7.12.19) gilberto nerio: science
    . What is a compound
  • (2023-09-18, v:7.12.17) Amogh Nigam: So many feature, a big mess
    brother how can you type when there a big chunk of liner in front of me ... worst possible feature is that the floating window of LINER is fixed I can’t even drag it somewhere else like of grammarly ... make it moveable at least, such a simple tool used for highlighting is now became a mess of trending feature, if given opportunity to have current LINER or a tool for highlighting I would choose the highlighting tool
  • (2023-09-11, v:7.12.14) Paul Lamont: TECHNICAL ISSUE FILL OUT INFORMATION
    I select the 7 day free trial it does not take none of my credit cards and payment screen frozen. When I try second time I had the same problem.
  • (2023-09-11, v:7.12.14) Flora Oh: getliner application keeps getting blocked by windows defender
    Hi, the Windows defender keeps sending me messages that getliner.com is blocked. Why is this happening? This is very bothersome
  • (2023-09-05, v:7.12.10) David Pemberton: refund david pemberton
    i have not authorized the subscription charged to my credit accost refund immediately or l will be reporting this deceitful behavior. David Pemberton
  • (2023-09-05, v:7.12.9) minfa joly1: computer
    It has a virus i tested
  • (2023-09-03, v:7.12.9) RENATO MATA sakuras: PAILITA
  • (2023-09-03, v:7.12.9) kvel vel: kmmm
  • (2023-08-14, v:7.11.5) Geoship Independant: Unauthorized Payment / Refund Assistance would be Greatly Appreciated
    Hi, I have been trying to contact liner for the past 3 days about an unauthorized transaction. I cant find their contact number or email. I canceled my week trail before the renewal date. Yet liner still automatically charged me for an entire year. I did not authorize liner to take an entire year of membership money from me. I would like my refund as soon a possible. However I have sent them a request on this website as follows. https://support.getliner.com/hc/en-us If it helps to have my request number to it's 8664. If you wish to contact me, my email is as follows: [email protected] Please it's hard to contact someone from support for liner. I would like some assistance. Thank You, Miyaz
  • (2023-08-13, v:7.11.5) Chabela Castro: no puedo acceder al contenido . Error de trafico inusual, que intente mas tarde
    Desde el día de hoy he tenido problemas para acceder al contenido, dice que tiene problemas insuales de trafico. Me podrían ayudar me urge una respuesta
  • (2023-08-08, v:7.11.1) silvia lembo: Abbonamento a Liner non attivato
    Ho pagato l'abbonamento per l'estensione LINER dal 31 luglio 2023 e il sevizio PROFESSIONAL non è attivo. Vorrei che risolveste il problema. Ho contattato più volte lo sviluppatore, ma non mi ha mai risposto.
  • (2023-07-20, v:7.9.9) Krishna Rangavajjala: I need immediate help regarding my Chat history with LINER today (7/20/123)
    Hello support, I am a staunch supported of LINER for the great content it provides. I spent more than 8 hours today on LINER and did lot of conversations for my research.Today (7/20/2023), LINER closed couple of time abruptly. Where do I find my chat history (Conversations with LINER)
  • (2023-07-20, v:7.9.9) Krishna Rangavajjala: Where do I get my Chat history
    I am a staunch supported of LINER for the great content it provides. Today (7/20/2023), LINER closed couple of time abruptly. Where do I find my chat history (Conversations with LINER)
  • (2023-07-10, v:7.9.4) Minkyung Lee: Highlights on pdf file not saved
    I've been reading a pdf file and have been highlighting it with liner. However, the pdf file is saved in my getliners page but the highlighted parts aren't there, as if I haven't highlighted anything. Also, when I reload the pdf file, the pdf file doesn't display any highlights and I lost track of parts that I've highlighted.
  • (2023-06-30, v:7.9.2) Arctic Gamer: Please resolve this. Problem and Suggestion.
    It is good and all, but anytime I try to search for something on the google search engine it keeps telling me to upgrade to free. But if Im on bing (The worst engine ever) it suddenly works. Also another thing you should take into account is this extension is not compatible with some other popular SE's such as DuckDuckGo or Yandex. Both are very good for finding images fast, however I find it inconvenient that it only works on select engines but also bugs out as well... Im not saying I hate this extension. Thing is it would be alot easier to use if It wouldn't beg me to buy pro Example: "How did George Washington die" Liner: "How did george washington die . . . Try pro for free!" Other than that its fine with me.
  • (2023-06-23, v:7.8.5) martine lopez: LA LF
    je suis un informaticien et j'aimerai avoir ds cleint
  • (2023-06-18, v:7.8.1) Maria rejane silva nascimento Rejane: 1111122233ertgh
  • (2023-05-30, v:7.7.6) kiruba karan: liner pdf not working
    liner is not working with chrome opened pdf documents.. when i click summaries this page in my chrome opened pdf , it says as """"Sorry, your message does not provide any article or specific information for me to summarize. Can you please provide an article for me to summarize?"""" and also there is no option to upload external pdf to my liner page, there is no pdf upload button.. please fix this issues soon ...i am using trial version of liner pdf, which i am planning to buy by 3rd june.. please clarify this issue before that..
  • (2023-03-31, v:7.5.6) e w: installing issue
    I tried to install LINER, but an error occurred that said: Could not move extension directory into profile. What should I do??????
  • (2023-03-28, v:7.5.5) Sarah Soliman: Cancel of Payment
    Dear madam or sir, I accidentally made a payment to your PRO offer. Please cancel this immediately! I'm so sorry! Best regards, Sarah Soliman
  • (2023-03-21, v:7.5.3) Mark Fischetti: Chrome extension
    The chrome extension will no longer allow me to highlight.
  • (2023-03-14, v:7.5.0) Evan Tian: Frequent disconnection
    This is absolutely a good extension, but I found that it disconnected frequently (about 2 min once) and I need to reconnect it with ChatGPT by keeping refreshing my ChatGPT page. Do you have any idea to add a function of using API to solve this problem?
  • (2023-03-12, v:7.5.0) Cástor Seoane: Searching for products on google
    When doing a search on google there will be product results. Expanding these results to the right may cause them to overlap with the Liner results, which can make it difficult to view and interact with both sets of results. Please make it responsive / fix
  • (2023-03-07, v:7.4.7) Mickael Ngn: update on 07 march 2023 : impossible to erase timeline
    after the extension has updated today it is not possible to remove timelines on youtube anymore. Could you help me? What We can : - create timeline pressing "F button" - Editing timeline colour What we cannot : - remove timeline
  • (2023-03-01, v:7.4.3) Aayush Gadia: I just want to use the highlighter and not Chat GPT
    I just want to use the highlighter and keep the Chat GPT option disabled. Please guide.
  • (2023-02-16, v:7.3.5) Ryan Victor: Liner Keeps Signing Me Out
    Every time I restart my pc, liner says "connect to chat gpt" and when I sign in it only stays signed in until I restart.
  • (2023-02-12, v:7.3.4) Jerrycrystal Komorebi: Cannot connect to ChatGPT
    I clicked the button 'Connect to ChatGPT' on Liner AI but it did not work! Also I cannot find the Liner AI API connection which I can fill in my OpenAI API key!
  • (2023-02-04, v:7.3.2) Jeff: Dark mode
    I need a better color palette highlight when the screen is on dark mode. Its currently ghastly... any chance for improvement?
  • (2022-03-21, v:6.3.0) Sam Islam: font color under highlight is not obvious
    The extension must inverse the font color that's under the highlighted text, so it can guarantee that the text will resist readable under the highlights
  • (2022-03-17, v:6.2.0) Anna Fatheree: money
    I dont know how to operate my new chromebook and I was named winner on the winsloot sweepstakes and other sweeps that I enterred over a year agoWhat do
  • (2022-03-07, v:6.00.9) Suzuki _: error with sign in
    saved highlights has disappeared, i tried to sign in with google, but i got an error. {"message":"Cannot read property 'didSignUp' of undefined","errorId":"2cf2f404d3bc40d89288e53cb7b7da14"}
  • (2022-03-06, v:6.00.9) Siddhant Tijare: in my browser which is opera gx, I can not use the liner youtube function for some reason
    whenever I try to highlight my favorite video moments in youtube i can not use it please resolve
  • (2022-03-02, v:6.00.8) Ahmed Farhan: The option that is showed in the tutorial is not here
    I want to download liner on Opera as it is the browser I use. I have already installed the chrome extensions but it is still not giving me the 'add to opera' option
  • (2022-02-22, v:6.00.5) hardy2175: Can't see the highlights on the web page after i come back. Although the content is there on the 'My Highlights' in liner.
    Can't see the highlights on the web page after i come back. Although the content is there on the 'My Highlights' in liner.
  • (2022-02-16, v:6.00.3) Michael Britt: Can't Install Extension
    I have a paid account and everything was working fine until yesterday when I noticed that the Liner extension was no longer installed. I tried to install it again but I keep getting this message: https://www.screencast.com/t/wBydgodM Not sure what's going on - what should I do? Appreciate your help, Michael
  • (2022-02-08, v:6.00.2) RUDRA DALAL: Suggestion
    it was the best choice
  • (2022-02-04, v:6.00.1) Zsuzsanna Ament: Evernote integration
    Hi, I used to be able to send my notes to Evernote. Is this still possible? Thanks.
  • (2022-01-17, v:5.74.0) Giles Collee: Highlights in Gmail
    Hi - I love using Liner and would like to use it to highlight sections in newsletters I read on Gmail. However if I do this, highlights are not segregated by the email I highlight them from, rather lumped into one highlight from all of my emails. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks!
  • (2022-01-11, v:5.73.9) Serena Manganini: Is there a way to I disable to search function and keep the highlight functions (and video timestamps)?
    I love this extension but I want it just for the highlights! I almost removed it a few times because the search function is very intrusive to me ...but the timestamps for youtube are such an amazing idea... Thanks!
  • (2022-01-05, v:5.73.6) Victor Lefebvre: Auto opening of new tab on URL link
    Amazing extension. I would like to know if it's possible to disable the auto opening of new tab on Google when clicking on a Google Search or URL link?
  • (2021-12-30, v:5.73.5) Mehran Alishah: Freezes on Amazon Pages
    When trying to highlight it freezes for 10seconds on Amazon Pages and sometimes even make the page to not responding!
  • (2021-12-28, v:5.73.4) Trịnh Minh Thái: !!! :(((((
    This sucks, cannot find anything worse than this. This's the worst app I've used :)
  • (2021-12-27, v:5.73.3) Wang Brad: Key Issues
    Search Feature: Obviously, the Search feature currently is so bad, can’t show the search result or only partial search results are displayed. As more Highlights are added in Liner, the Search Feature is more important for user. Bulk and automatically export the Highlights to YINXIANG(the Chinese version of evernote): Do you have the plan to develop this feature? PDF Highlight Feature: None of the PDF documents I uploaded to Liner can be opened, why? Pricing: The USD$95.99 premium charge is too high and unreasonable, it’s higher than most other APP. Do you have a plan to reduce the price?
  • (2021-12-22, v:5.73.1) Anshu Sharma: Facing problem
    Liner is working slow
  • (2021-12-20, v:5.73.1) Ashwin A: easy to use
    i like this extension its easy to use and saves my time and my work of reading pages
  • (2021-12-20, v:5.73.1) Aayan Khan: really nice
    i think your product is very nice i was able to highlight important things and study for my exam well thank you liner and also please do notify me for any new features thank you.
  • (2021-12-18, v:5.73.1) Director. com: extension
    I will kill you if you meet me what is this iam hating this extension


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2024-09-06 / 7.15.8
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