Description from extension meta
Thème sombre pour chaque site Web. Prenez soin de vos yeux, utilisez Dark Reader pour votre navigation nocturne et quotidienne.
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Description from store
Illumify visualization tool enables night mode creating dark themes and themes featuring colorblind corrrectivity. Illumify inverts bright colors giving them more contrast and making them easier to see.
You can adjust brightness, contrast, sepia filter, dark mode, font settings, text size, as well as change various colorblind options.
Illumify is a fork of Dark Reader. It does not show ads and does not send user's data anywhere. It will be fully open-source in the near future.
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-27) Varun Vaidya: Plz add a toggle to reset values to default. Also, when it works it absolutely fantastic!
- (2023-10-06) Eric Ketzer: so so
- (2023-08-10) Andy Kkeun (Kkeundy): loved the logo and it works really goood
- (2023-06-08) Alex: The only one that works wth
- (2023-04-04) Piotr Herda: Yes, it works, but it breaks some sites and can't be configured to not do so
- (2023-03-07) nsd mt: Works wonderfully
- (2022-12-03) Yashasvi Yadav: this is fantastic extension, with adjusting settings options.
- (2022-11-27) JH H: 업데이트는 2년 전인데 일단 다른 다크모드가 안먹히던 사이트까지(네이버 스포츠) 다 돼서 만족.
- (2022-08-27) Lucas Fonseca: Excelente, deixa os sites com uma aparência bonita
- (2022-08-17) mertcan: good
- (2022-08-15) John: Best dark mode app on the web
- (2022-06-22) suneet srivastava: fantastic, simple, works with default settings.
- (2022-05-26) Michael Soeltaansingh: I've tested a lot of extensions and Illumify is a keeper! It doesn't darken pictures or videos, even "background pictures" with a text overlay aren't completely/partially blacked out, like most extensions do. It's not perfect tho. Like on Reddit it could darken the background. And some website logos are inverted/darkened. If that is fixed, I'll give it 5 stars.
- (2022-05-08) John Paul Banera: I love it BUT, I only want it to ENABLE dark mode in ONE specific website which is google calendar. The only option we have is to ADD a list of sites on which the dark mode extension will ignore converting to darkmode. Please create an option on which we can input a specific website that we only want to convert in darkmode and the rest will not be converted to dark mode.
- (2022-04-12) daddiofadio: I've literally tried all similar extensions and this is just the best! The extension works well on most sites without adjustment and is compatible with (at minimum) Chrome, Edge and Vivaldi. It's also possible to adjust colors, etc., manually as well as toggle individual sites, and I haven't found a site yet that it hasn't worked with either out of the box or with a quick manual adjustment. As a side note: I've also found it helpful in web development - by viewing the style classes that the extension uses in developer tools, it cuts down the time needed to create custom dark theme templates. Thank you for this extension!
- (2022-04-05) R: чудесно! одно из крайне немногих расширений, которое может оптимально изменять цвета на сайтах, не искажая сами элементы и цвета (особенно в Google Sheets - для меня важно было). не все настройки пока понятны, но мне нравится. из предложений: увеличить скорость обработки настроек - цвета чуток медленно перестраиваются на сайтах после изменений.
- (2022-03-07) 平井伸治: Dark Readerのフォーク。輝度,コントラスト,セピア,グレースケール設定可能。 広告などが無いので便利だが、 GitHubを見ると2019年以降は更新がされていない。 機能的な問題は無いが、Dark Readerとの差があり、セキュリティ面なども含めて検討は必要。
- (2022-01-18) Bayram Sasmaz: çok kastı
- (2022-01-02) Bored: Реально, перепробовал десятки расширений, у всех какие-то баги, либо элементы лезут друг на друга, либо цвета уродские, скрываются изображения, конфликты с другими расширениями... Это расширение пока идеальное для меня, и цвета приятные, и страницы отображаются нормально.
- (2021-12-13) Mean Charoenrat: Hi Dev Thanks you so much for your good extension. Please check debug on google chrome you extension loop doesn't stop, index.js:1593 elementDidUpdate index.js:1593 elementDidUpdate index.js:1593 elementDidUpdate index.js:1593 elementDidUpdate index.js:1593 elementDidUpdate index.js:1593 elementDidUpdate index.js:1593 elementDidUpdate index.js:1593 elementDidUpdate index.js:1593 elementDidUpdate ..... index.js:1593 elementDidUpdate
- (2021-11-29) Dima Goltsman: it works only with dark mode, dark/light switch doesnt change it, useless this way...
- (2021-11-15) Cameron Ellis: No payment needed. Works on most sites, usually not with sites already using a dark theme. Easy - just blacklist the site and everything is gravy.
- (2021-10-30) Max Kohler: I was using the original dark reader for a long time. But recently, it started causing issues with logging into some websites, like my bank website for one. Illumify doesn't cause that issue and works almost just as good as dark reader did. I hope the developer keeps working to improve this extension because it's pretty nice right now!
- (2021-09-11) kliop00023: works great with the MS Edge!!
- (2021-09-06) Joy Lam Zi Le: Best dark mode extension ever! I tried finding a lot of extensions and here's the perfect one!
- (2021-07-26) FateOfTheNine: I was looking for a dark theme and tried a bunch to find the right one. I loved the colors best on this one, the gray and cream font were perfect. The issue though is that certain sites, like youtube, would become unresponsive. Chrome would tell me to either wait or close the page, choosing to wait wouldn't help. My cpu would run higher than normal. I have a pretty decent alienware running windows 10, everything up to date. I noticed that this extension hasn't been updated since 01/07/20. Maybe that's the issue.
- (2021-07-24) Ali Hussein: its just perfect
- (2021-07-06) Servet Bilgin: Muhteşem..
- (2021-06-28) Naman Khurana: best dark mode extention of all
- (2021-06-27) Василий Буслаев: Перебрал все популярные, это лучше всех: не искажает элементы страниц.
- (2021-06-14) Waleed Khalid: GR8 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- (2021-04-05) Marcos Renan: Funciona melhor do que a maioria das outras, pois não buga com o layout dos sites, e a função de escolher a cor dos links facilita muito no periodo de se acostumar com a extensão!
- (2021-04-01) Juan Ramos Plaza: He probado todas las extensiones para hacer esta función de oscurecer las paginas web y sin lugar a dudas Illumify es la mejor
- (2021-02-11) G. E.: Nicht so gut... - warum? Die App bietet zwar jede Menge Möglichkeiten, lässt allerdings bei Anwendung praktisch jede Webside wie in Zeitlupe sich aufbauen. - und ich bin der Meinung, ich habe ein recht schnellen PC... Schade, die App hätte mir sonst gut gefallen.
- (2021-01-23) Juan p: Funciona, pero no veo la paleta de configuración que aparece en la información.
- (2021-01-07) Cami cami: es la mejor hasta ahora, probe muchas y esta me ha encantado. super recomendable.
- (2020-12-24) QUỐC NGUYỄN: ok
- (2020-11-02) Cèsar nevermind: I love it very nice !!! muy bueno amigos!!
- (2020-10-26) Tesla Z: 非常棒的扩展,比其它的做得更好,另一个需要付费,而这个免费,感谢开发者。
- (2020-10-01) Shaun P: This is a good extension with a lot of promise. I hope the developer continues to work on it. Overall, the defaults are very good (nice color choices), but I did find the dark mode brightness and contrast needed a little tweaking when used on macOS with both LCD and retina monitors. All of these Dark Reader forks (including this one and Dark Reader itself) all have similar UI failings pr weaknesses in their options dialog UI: 1. with making it clear whether the global settings are enabled (I like the open/closed eye icon!) 2. with making the theme of the options dialog also change between light and dark mode 3. with providing good toggle switches (e.g. 4. with hiding or graying out settings when they are not applicable 5. with being able to define settings specifically for the current site, using the global settings for the current site, or disabling the light/dark mode for the current site, as well as making it clear whether the settings for the site are customized, global, or disabled. 6. with being able to manage whitelists and blacklists for the extension It amazes me that for as long as Dark Reader has existed that none of the clones have yet to get the options UI right. Illumify does some of the above, but not everything and not everything is done well. I encourage its developer to continue seeking ways to improve this extension. Thanks for sharing.
- (2020-10-01) Joma Bastos G P: Great configuration but the sites come out slightly slower.
- (2020-09-02) progressbar99percent: Tried out a few of the popular extensions available for night reading: this one was the quickest by far, did not take time to convert-invert upon the web site loading and the fonts on the page maintains smooth edges and maintained anti-aliasing. The default is great but the simple custom controls allow for fine tuning. No ads, opensource and no info. gathered from user: This extension was a winner for me on all accounts. Nice work!
- (2020-08-14) Good day to die: This is the best Dark Mode I've ever used but page loading is too slow
- (2020-07-13) H A: I look forward to working with this development hopefully we have many productive encounters. Currently cashflow but beleive me when we can I will make Donations. patience im sure will be beneficial to both of us from the little innocent soul to the powerful soul and energy that you have become I welcome you. I will always be there if you need me. Principles of Lust!!
- (2020-01-21) CarlosGm: ninguna otra me habia funcionado tan bien, super recomendable, su algoritmo para ajustar las webs es sublime