Description from extension meta
Kesadaran saat menggunakan komputer: Praktik pernapasan, buku harian suasana hati, pemanasan, pemblokir situs
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Description from store
Tingkatkan fokus, dorong produktivitas, dan kembangkan kecerdasan emosional saat bekerja di komputer. Beragam praktik mental dan fisik tersedia yang dapat diintegrasikan secara mulus ke dalam pengalaman berselancar di internet.
Praktik Pernapasan 🌬:
Temukan ketenangan dan kedamaian pikiran dengan cepat dengan praktik yang dirancang untuk mengurangi stres sebelum panggilan Zoom penting, sekaligus meredakan ketegangan dan kecemasan.
Diari Suasana Hati 📗:
Lacak suasana hati dan pikiran harian Anda untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan emosional dan menumbuhkan optimisme. Pantau kemajuan Anda dengan grafik dan wawasan yang mudah.
Pemanasan Ruang Kerja 🧘:
Ikuti latihan pemanasan singkat untuk mata, leher, punggung, dan bahu Anda. Alihkan fokus Anda ke tubuh dan optimalkan lingkungan kerja Anda.
AI Personalisasi ✨:
Membantu Anda menemukan waktu terbaik untuk istirahat, memastikan Anda menjaga keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan yang sehat.
Pemblokir Situs Web ⛔️:
Lawan penundaan dengan membatasi akses ke situs yang mengalihkan perhatian, termasuk media sosial dan belanja online, memungkinkan Anda untuk fokus pada hal yang benar-benar penting.
Suara Latar 🎵:
Atur suara yang sempurna untuk bekerja atau bersantai. Dibuat secara otomatis dalam waktu nyata.
Mode Malam 🌙:
Beralih dengan mulus ke tema gelap yang menenangkan yang menyesuaikan secara otomatis sesuai dengan pengaturan sistem operasi Anda.
Penekanan diberikan pada prioritas pengalaman dan privasi Anda. Produk tetap bebas iklan dan memastikan penyimpanan data pengguna yang aman. Ide dan saran dari pengguna sangat diterima untuk terus meningkatkan produk. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi [email protected].
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-18) Екатерина Зюзина: I really dug the "Box Breathing" exercise. Sometimes I just do it on my own without waiting for an offer. I'd give it a solid "4" because it's a great extension, but there's always room for improvement 👍
- (2023-01-23) Samuel Mazzotta: Great app, it would be great if you can manage the breathing time or holding retention; or choose from other breathing tecnique such as 6-6-6-6 (instead of only 4-4-4-4), 4-7-8 and more
- (2022-10-12) Arnette Micklos: I like it, it's simple and helps keep my grip. But not all tools are useful to me
- (2022-05-30) Dasie: It would be great if you could add a timer
- (2022-05-30) Tiffani Cronin: I have tested several mental health extensions. This one is the best!
- (2022-05-30) Olivia: I have become more conscious of my health, thank you <3
- (2022-05-30) Auroora Kalen: Wow, I spend a lot of time on social media!))
- (2022-04-21) Ethan: Guys, I never thought that simple breathing exercises can have such a positive effect on the emotional background
- (2022-04-21) Shema: I started using this not too long ago and I already love it! Suggests doing breathing exercises and paying attention to your sense of self when it is really necessary and important.
- (2022-04-21) Robert Uomini: lovely and simple design
- (2022-04-21) Elliot Axelman: All the features you need to reduce stress in one extension. But some features I don't use at all
- (2022-04-14) Lisa: So easy to use. Definitely recommend
- (2022-04-14) Travis Carol: Recently I felt a panic attack because of the number of tasks at work, Breatthh helped me calm down and focus on the important
- (2022-04-11) Lyndsay Delgado: Seems useful. Helps me not to linger over my laptop, reminding me to take a break and breathe
- (2022-04-11) Kassandra: The best extension with breathing exercises and warm-up. Helps to refresh the mind.
- (2022-04-11) Hart Angelss: I like it, I'm flipping through social media less and using my time wisely. But physical exercise annoys me - I'm too lazy to do it even at the computer)
- (2022-03-14) Artem Milovanov: It's unobtrusive and easy to use. So far can only recommend it
- (2022-03-14) Anna Avseenko: If you are really looking for something for your mental health, you should get this. It has multiple tasks you can do to calm you.
- (2022-03-14) Татьяна Радченко: this extension is really helpful. like this a friend who cares about you,checks about you. something like that. 5/5
- (2022-03-13) Виктор Парфенов: its the cutest and so easy to use, takes no time to setup. definetly recommend it!
- (2022-03-13) Иван Егоров: Very user-friendly and friendly in all ways, tbh. Would recommend to everyone I know :)
- (2022-02-21) Alexandr Shapovalov: What a great idea! Always excited about new products that help take care of the mental state
- (2022-01-28) Алексей Масалов: Полезная штука оказалась!