extension ExtPose

Word Discoverer: Amplía tu vocabulario

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Description from extension meta

Resalta palabras de diccionario y modismos raros en inglés en las páginas web. Facilita el aprendizaje del idioma inglés y amplía…

Image from store Word Discoverer: Amplía tu vocabulario
Description from store Words Discoverer resalta palabras de diccionario, modismos y refranes raros en inglés en las páginas web. Ayuda a los estudiantes de inglés no nativos a descubrir nuevas expresiones mientras navegan por Internet. Words Discoverer es gratis, de código abierto y no tiene anuncios. Algunas de las funciones de la extensión: Words Discoverer es mejor que los programas del tipo "Palabra del día" porque las nuevas palabras se resaltan en el contexto del texto que lees, lo cual es un buen factor de motivación para comprobar finalmente las definiciones y aprender estas palabras (o modismos) . Dependiendo del tamaño de tu vocabulario, puedes ajustar el umbral de frecuencia de las palabras resaltadas; por ejemplo, omitir el 25% de las palabras más comunes en inglés, y resaltar todas las demás. Si conoces la definición de una palabra resaltada, puedes añadirla a tu vocabulario personal y no se detectará más. Hecho interesante: la mayoría de los angloparlantes nativos adultos conocen de 20,000 a 35,000 palabras, así que es totalmente posible añadirlas todas a tu archivo de vocabulario eventualmente.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-02-13) ty W: 希望能直接把翻译标在单词后面
  • (2022-11-10) nikan movahedi: highly recommended
  • (2022-10-29) Bob Loucks: Outstanding; so useful for teaching English in conjunction with translation and dictionary extensions :)
  • (2022-08-13) Reff Pixels: Cool Extension but it doesn't work in Vivaldi browser
  • (2022-08-02) Mark Sun: 很方便,很好用,加油! 要是有更多选项就更好了,比如: 1,在读音按钮上,直接显示国际音标; 2,要有“未掌握词汇表”,这样有增有减,长期使用,能得到精确的“个人词汇量表”; 3,增加“阅读模式”。
  • (2022-06-22) Musab Dogan: Thank you for this great tool!
  • (2022-05-12) whinc wu: nice tool
  • (2022-05-08) Yongfei Ma: 请问下, 有没有屏蔽的词汇清单?
  • (2022-02-22) Vincent Han: Very useful. Simple to use. It would be better if the dectection of phrases and fixed expression can be improved.
  • (2022-01-22) ROCK: 能直接显示词典就完美了,不要再装别的词典了
  • (2022-01-13) 禁言禁言者: 不错,但是不常用词库有点奇怪,有许多想要的没有标红,地名等却标红了,不想要那种无用的地名知识啊!
  • (2022-01-08) PIN: It can be under the word display Chinese?
  • (2021-12-24) Yosan Girma: just what i was looking for. it would be nice if the saved vocabularies include some details like from what site they were added, date of addition...
  • (2021-12-02) Pure Quant: 不过,但edge中无法同步到google drive
  • (2021-09-13) Sercan: The app is simple and useful. The UI of this plugin can be modernized. But in this way it meets my needs. Thank you so much.
  • (2021-09-05) Hogan Feng: nice work
  • (2021-08-30) Gary Chu: very good but I can't not sync in Microsoft edge!!!
  • (2021-08-23) DK L: Great tool! There is a problem that sync err when using Microsoft Edge. It can not popup login google account window. Hopefully fix this issue. Microsoft Edge Version 92.0.902.55 (Official build) (64-bit) Thanks a lot.
  • (2021-08-12) Frederieke: I like the idea of this extension but sometimes it highlights words like ''swimsuit'' and ''sunglasses", which are easy words. I thought this was more for difficult words, which kinda makes me want to uninstall the extension. Is it possible to have different settings for different needs?
  • (2021-05-02) Samandeep Singh: I like this extension a lot but as someone that often has to work on separate computers, the lack of a unifying account that saves all your words cross devices is very frustrating. This could easily be solved with allowing us to create an account on a website that the extension can ask us to log into when we sign into a different chrome browser. If this feature is added, it's 5 stars for me.
  • (2021-03-30) Andrea Jame: i want to save my word list and words can conect with dictionaries that i want? May you allow user to write in list? and add number with them Can you increase the character limit? (100 current characters)
  • (2021-02-28) Hussein Khilfa: Excellent!
  • (2021-02-15) 音月醉: 太棒了,好喜欢
  • (2021-02-06) Vit Hopeman: Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!
  • (2020-12-30) GS Gao: 词汇列表的排序可以按添加时间排序更好,现在按首字母先后顺序排序影响记忆结构。
  • (2020-12-25) Happy Just: Doesn't work in Vivaldi browser
  • (2020-12-02) fei wang: 建议添加一个快捷键, 相比单纯用鼠标可以大大提高使用效率
  • (2020-10-19) Haoran Chen: 感觉很厉害啊,哈哈哈哈
  • (2020-10-11) View: edge chromium 无法连接Google drive
  • (2020-10-08) Moha med: ارجو ان يكون مفيد
  • (2020-09-24) Yongjin Chen: Thank you for writing this fantastic ext.! It help me learn English a lot. I really love it and make a japanese version of it since it's open source. Those who want to learn Japanese can try my Japanese version. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/japanese-highlighter/jkaebofgmgllgmbiinlegcoijdcoiinl
  • (2020-09-07) 余李: 无法使用。点击在所有网站上启用和仅在收藏的网站上启用都没反应,会自动取消掉。 Can not use it. Both chosing the button "all website" and "only favorate list" will be cancled.
  • (2020-04-12) Kenny: Great!
  • (2020-04-11) laleh molaizahedi: its helpful draw your attention into hard words so you learn more thanks . but
  • (2020-03-19) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
  • (2020-02-13) peter李: 很好用的插件,就是看本地pdf的时候貌似用不了
  • (2020-01-02) 金明: 从google翻译到中文的连接有错误,能否修改下 https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=auto&tl=zh-CN&text=myword
  • (2019-12-10) 暖色浮余生: 很好,但是发现有的单词没有标注且自己不会,这是怎么回事呢,如果可以自定义标注那个等级的单词就太好了。比如,我想标注6级大纲词汇。
  • (2019-12-01) ferdi ayik: ok
  • (2019-11-10) Tuan Tran: i really love this extension. it's grate method to remember words by repeatedly. i do appreciate if you you add one more function like this extention woking -------------------- (Highlight This: finds and marks words) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/highlight-this-finds-and/fgmbnmjmbjenlhbefngfibmjkpbcljaj ----------- so when i read goolgle news on the web page, i can easily get a quick looking back the words i've learned and memorize them again by repeatedly (deep learning)
  • (2019-10-27) 邓舒: 能否添加一个功能,让用谷歌浏览器打开的PDF文件也可以使用插件
  • (2019-10-18) Running Cheese: Thanks for the great extension, but pls update the firefox version, it was 2 years ago since the first upload!
  • (2019-09-21) Hui Chan: Goood
  • (2019-07-22) Carl Wang: 你好, 导出来的单词本貌似有问题。请问可以修复吗?谢谢。
  • (2019-07-21) Sajjad Sedaqat: It's Great
  • (2019-06-21) 小麦说Xms: it's the most useful extension i've ever use!!! thank you
  • (2019-04-30) Will: 超级喜欢!
  • (2019-01-16) 昭明文选: 能再加一个词汇列表吗? wordlist1 不用颜色标注 这个放已经掌握的单词 wordlist2 用红色标注 这个放正在学习的单词 不在列表中的 用绿色标注 表示不认识的单词 这样一弄,就完美了。
  • (2018-12-18) Gokhan Ozaslan: If it's possible to the extension will work on the youtube captions, then would be excellent. Thanks...
  • (2018-12-18) gong situ: 超赞 感谢作者,看代码中.

Latest issues

  • (2021-04-29, v:2.12.3) maria x carrillo: I have word discoverer already and I like it
    word discoverer change the male voice to female ,don't like it sound lousy, squiggle and annoying
  • (2021-03-29, v:2.12.3) Andrea Jame: Hello, thank you in advance
    i want to save my word list and i find out your app. Thanks I want words conected with dictionaries that i want. may you help me!!! May you allow user to write in list? and add number with them this app is good. I is so happy
  • (2020-11-27, v:2.12.3) Murtadha Misbah: Word Definition New Tab
    I suggest to make the new tab opened for definition to be directly next to the current tab rather than sending it to the last. Thank you
  • (2020-07-13, v:2.12.2) Amin Jabari: Upper limit for highlighting
    It would be great if it was possible to set upper limit for highlighting. For example I want to highlight rare words that are between 12000 and 20000 range. I think it just needs a very small bit of code. Good Luck
  • (2020-06-10, v:2.12.2) Harry TM: Favorites list and Skip list are not working
    Hi there, The Favorites list and Skip list are not working, it's broken.
  • (2020-06-09, v:2.12.2) Tuan Tran: the audio was integrated which is very robotic pronounce. could you make it better?
    i've been using this extention all the time when use chrome to learn english, it's so convenient, thanks for making this great. it's better if you change audio pronounce same source with Google American voice.
  • (2019-11-14, v:2.10.2) Saro: Can't login to google (using synchronise now)
    When I go to the extension's setting page and click on "Synchronise now" a pop-up appears and then I click on my google account then allow the extension to have access to my google drive and in the end, click on "alow" to finish the process. But the pop-up vanishes and under "Synchronise Now" sth appears in red: Error: More than one object found for query: name = 'Words Discoverer Sync' and trashed = false and appProperties has { key='wdfile' and value='1' } The next time I click on Synchronise Now nothing happens (no pop-up or anything) and the error is still there.
  • (2019-11-10, v:2.10.2) Tuan Tran: suggestion - add highlight word for many purpose: idioms, phrase verb, new words...
    i really love this extension. it's grate method to remember words by repeatedly. i do appreciate if you you add one more function like this extention woking -------------------- (Highlight This: finds and marks words) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/highlight-this-finds-and/fgmbnmjmbjenlhbefngfibmjkpbcljaj ----------- so when i read goolgle news on the web page, i can easily get a quick looking back the words i've learned and memorize them again by repeatedly (deep learning)
  • (2019-03-28, v:2.10.1) olivia mandain: THANKS SO MUCH
  • (2018-11-25, v:2.10.1) suggestion
    translation is not convenient.Because it always opens a new page.
  • (2018-11-19, v:2.10.1) Bergg Uscha: repeated highlights are probably unnecessary
    take Wiki for example. the same word 'lexical' in the article 'Lexical Semantics' is used more often than others. But because of it the highlight defeats the purpose and makes the vocabs list impenetrable. would it be possible to skip the repetitions and just highlight first occurrances to reduce the number of highlights?
  • (2018-11-04, v:2.10.1) Firas Mohamed: Word definition
    Could be more useful if the popup can include the definition as well. Aesthetics features should be improved; the colors are not appealing. The idea of the creator is in fact noble.
  • (2018-10-14, v:2.10.1) Raiden Roy: Feature Request: I have a way to improve your highlight word feature.
    You are about to read some bad English and I am really sorry about it I am not a native English speaker. I am glad you made this extension thank you for your hard work. I like the Idea behind your extension i.e. learn the words which you as a user didn't know before but by your way, I am 100% sure that I will save it and that's just it. e.g. kinda like you see a really good website that will come really useful later on and then you made a bookmark for it and then you do the same thing with other websites too till it becomes a mess. & then you realize you don't have the time to see all of those websites ¯\_ಠ⍘ಠ_/¯ but still somewhere in your mind, in your heart, you still believe and hope that you will be able to see all those websites later on but that's only hope my friend we know the truth behind it and what makes it funny is even realizing it won't make much of a difference. ಥ﹏ಥ Do you remember your own extension description, let me just copy paste some parts for you ⦁"that mind of a reader is concentrated on understanding the meaning and structure of the text" ⦁"and after finishing reading a sentence many readers won't go back to check the meaning of unfamiliar words that they have already forgot." They still won't go back to check the word that has been saved by your extension. it is too time-consuming, too much of a drag, it's troublesome. You made this extension to explore the words but by your way, we will just ignore it. we won't improve at all because to completely explore and learn the word a person need to see a word multiple times a day & their meaning too this is a crucial process of learning. As of now, your extension lets the user save their own words but by this way, many users won't even go back to check the word that they have saved by their own hands (that's including me.) let's say I managed to find a word that I didn't know before. now what happens is I see it's meaning by your extension and then I save it. now I will become relax that I have saved this word & now I will be able to learn it (that's how you think by this way we will be able to increase our vocabulary) but as the time goes-by eventually I will forget about those words. In my mind, I will probably tell myself to do it sometime later this is what we call procrastination. This is a really bad thing and it happens to me 99% of the time. **Basically, your extension is telling me to procrastinate.** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To solve this problem I have a suggestion I want you to improve your highlighting feature to make it a little bit more robust to improve the learning process. What I want from you is a word replacer similar to this extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jkgogmboalmaijfgfhfepckdgjeopfhk for me, this kind of approach works really well. What you need to do is whenever user adds a word for e.g. "wanton" your extension should automatically find all of the words that relate to "wanton" ("wanton" means deliberate, willful, malicious, malevolent, spiteful, vicious, wicked, cruel) (and also let the user add some words of its own to the meaning lists) now what's needs to be done is whenever user surf the internet for e.g. if in google search page there is a meaning that matches "wanton" your extension should automatically replace that word with wanton and whenever the user wants to see what actually written there, they just need to hover over the highlighted word which is "wanton" and the user will be able to see what was initially written there. By this, I could see the word that I want to learn and remember, by replacing similar words or phrases with the one I want to learn. This way, my brain subconsciously learns the new word without any effort at all. thank you for reading.
  • (2018-09-24, v:2.10.0) Yi Shen: can't work
    Seems that it doesn't work on chrome 69. Would you please fix that? Thanks a lot.
  • (2018-09-22, v:2.10.0) Vĩnh Đào Văn: what should i do ?
    Please help. after update chrome, add on doesn't word and i have capture. https://ibb.co/fPGgEz this great add on. thanks very much. please fix it.
  • (2018-08-28, v:2.10.0) How to add Merriam Webster ELL dictionary as an option?
    Thanks- tried adding but didn't have the right link format


10,000 history
4.5827 (127 votes)
Last update / version
2020-07-28 / 2.12.3
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